GhostWhoVotes brings us the latest quarterly state Newspoll from Queensland, and it finds Anna Bligh’s government continuing to give Kristina Keneally’s a run for its money in the unpopularity stakes. From an already dismal starting point, Labor’s primary vote has slumped a further three points to a new low of 26 per cent, with the Liberal National Party up one to 45 per cent, the Greens down one to 13 per cent and others up three to 16 per cent. For what it’s worth under optional preferential voting, the LNP’s two-party preferred lead has opened from 57-43 to 59-41. Anna Bligh’s personal ratings, which already looked terminal to begin with, have also worsened: her approval is down two points to 24 per cent and her disapproval up two to 67 per cent. John-Paul Langbroek gets more good news from his personal ratings: he is now on 38 per cent for both approval and disapproval, up six and down six respectively, and his lead as preferred premier has widened from 42-34 to 41-31.
Back to the substance of this poll, as others have commented on the main thread, to me Anna Bligh has come across as having some substance during the Qld floods crisis, and shown some leadership. I know she is a long way behind, but I would bet her next poll will show an improvement.
And JPL has been conspicuous by his absence. Anna is doing a fantastic job as Premier during this awful time.
Admittedly this is only an SMH online poll but 83% rated Anna Bligh’s leadership durign the flood as “outstanding”. Only 2% rate as poor. Over 5000 respondants.
Anna Bligh was getting praise heaped on her today on 2GB……She must be doing an outstanding job for that to happen!!!!
Big Deal. Maggie Thatcher’s ratings went up during the Falklands War. John Howard’s ratings went up after 911. Although I am no fan of the Drona from Altona I would also be supporting her leadership in a time of national crisis – simply because these are times that most of the population (crikey readers excluded) realise that working together to fight a common foe or crisis is more important than petty politics.
See Mumble’s comments on this issue in his blog. He thinks it will not translate in the long term into the kind of support that will save the Qld government