Newspoll: 58-42

The latest fortnightly Newspoll shows no change from Labor’s towering 58-42 lead from the last survey. Kevin Rudd’s preferred prime minister rating is up two points to 64 per cent, while Malcolm Turnbull’s is steady on 20 per cent. More to follow. (UPDATE: Graphic here.)

Also today, Essential Research has Labor’s lead at 62-38 in its weekly survey, up from 61-39 last time. The poll also features results on views of the economy (nervous), support for federal control over primary health care (overwhelming), Rudd versus Costello as well as Turnbull, and – interestingly – how respondents would feel about an early election if the Opposition continued to oppose financial measures (38 per cent good, 34 per cent not good).

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,782 comments on “Newspoll: 58-42”

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  1. Good article, as usual, from Bernard Keane:
    [Vexed, the Opposition stopped its constant heckling and then much of the frontbench began going through Fitzgibbon’s documents. Turnbull then launched into another censure motion, with plenty of confected outrage. Fitzgibbon’s response had more authority to it this time, especially when he invited Turnbull to sit down with him and compare his payslip with their payslip, which they had refused to table. If Fitzgibbon had managed the same trick on Wednesday, life would have been a lot easier for him and a lot less comfortable for the Opposition. ]

  2. Adam

    I noted your comments on China above and agree. I wonder whether you have views about the Chinese Government also agreeing which is why they would have this seemingly disproportionate fear of Falun Gong?

  3. One thing that I am betting being spot on is Rudd’s ETS. Turnbull reckons Rudd has acted too quickly without knowing what the rest of the world would be doing. Well, what if Rudd is right about the ETS regarding what other nations will be doing? Lots of egg on Turnbull’s face for sure!

    Also it is obvious that the Greens policy would cost jobs and force polluters offshore. No, our PM will do me on this one 😉

  4. Centre

    I couldn’t agree more.

    The scale and the rate at which Rudd and his international peers are responding to climate change will certainly do you, your children and their children.

  5. [Sounds a bit like Rudd’s policy, spending now to bring the budget back to surplus over the economic cycle.]

    Except Obama is unlikely to ever see a surplus considering he is *predicting* a deficit of a miniscule $300 billion by 2013.

  6. I have a theory that the fall of previous dynasties may have been associated with religious or quasi-religious overtones. The current regime would know their history pretty well.

  7. Boerwar, if we do fail to adequately respond to climate change, at least we know that the suburbs on the coastline of Turnbull’s seat will be under water 🙂

  8. [Also it is obvious that the Greens policy would cost jobs and force polluters offshore.]

    Nothing Australia does in terms of cutting it’s own GHG emissions is going to effect global warming. The impetus for us doing so is so we, as a wealthy country, can show leadership on the issue, prove it’s not impossible and develop new technologies to aid other countries. To take leadership we need to come out with high targets and an equitable system for reaching them.

    The sad thing about the CPRS is that it will result in job losses, do nothing to mitigate climate change and consign Australia to follow rather than to lead.

  9. [Except Obama is unlikely to ever see a surplus considering he is *predicting* a deficit of a miniscule $300 billion by 2013.]
    I don’t think a $300 billion deficit for a $14 trillion economy is that much. That’s a bit under 2.2% of GDP, which is the amount of our second stimulus package, and about the same (in GDP terms) as what our budget deficit will be in 3 years.

  10. [I suspect those crowing about Australia’s relative economic performance and the masterful role of the Rudd ascendancy]

    I don’t think anyone here has said that the government strategy is masterful. Most have praised the strategy as strong, decisive and soundly based on recommendations from the Treasury. The fact that business groups and an overwhelming number of economists have in turn praised the strategy is a plus so far as promoting confidence is concerned.

  11. [The Taliban must be pissing themselves with laughter at this carry on.]

    I think they would have been pissing themselves laughing ever since Bush decided to go off an invade Iraq.

  12. A funny read. Conservatives don’t do opposition very well.

    [Other Republican nut jobs, convinced that the party lost power because it was too rational, moderate and accommodating, are circling like vultures. In Louisiana, Senator David Vitter, himself a right-wing madman, realized this week that he will likely face a dual primary challenge: by porn star Stormy Daniels (it is still unclear whether she -and we assume it is a she– was involved in Vitter’s pay for sex diaper play, but let’s not rule it out); and by Family Research Council Tony Perkins, who is as sexually obsessed as Vitter, and is probably even more insane. Another barmy Republican, Sen. Jim Bunning of Kentucky, whom his Republican colleagues are desperate to get rid of (yes, he is that cuckoo), has threatened to sue his own National Republican Senatorial Committee

    Obama is competently in charge, as are, by and large, Democrats elsewhere, and change is happening at a mind-blowing pace. In the long run, yes, there should be concern that having buffoons in opposition is not healthy, but for now let’s enjoy the moment. Of course, you ask, what about Sarah Palin, one of the likely buffoons-in-chief in 2012? Well, her very serious documentarian took charge of her faltering public relations this week. He went on national television to tell us emphatically that she is not a “moron.”]

  13. Juliem: yep, it’s all the western suburbs from North Freo up to about Scarborough and along the north side of the river. Plenty of beach there.

  14. I’m not too sure Julie. The only thing that I know about the west is that the Swans should have beaten West Coast in that second grand final and Ascot Racecourse.

    But let’s ship all conservative sceptics to the South Pole 😉

  15. The foundation stone for the Bank of England was laid, England was in the middle of a depression brought about by the over supply of grain, England was still on a silver standard. I don’t know, what happened in 1732?

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