A thread for discussion of the US presidential debate as it happens. As with last week’s vice-presidential debate, I won’t tell you shut up if you indulge in partisan name-calling. The other thread remains open for those wishing to discuss the presidential race more broadly.
180 comments on “McCain versus Obama debate thread”
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McCain’s suggestion for Treasury Secretary Meg Whitman is the former CEO of eBay. eBay just announced that it was firing 10 percent of its work force!
“Talk soft but carry a big stick.”
Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran!
McCain wants eaqual time.
brokaw just gave mccain right to respond to something obama said and think earlier, obama didn’t get that same reply in turn …… haven’t been watching every minute though.
is brokaw being fair so far in this debate? (from anyone who hasn’t missed any of it)
“I’m not going to telegraph my punches.”
Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran!
How does McCain know about sending American troops to war?
Was he President in a previous life?
Is the reincarnation of Teddy Roosevelt?
showson, don’t think mccain subscribes to rolling stone [ought to though so he can read about what really happens in a war time theatre] LOL ……
question – how to organize strategy in afghanistan? worm flat lines during his answer …..
sorry – talking about mccain’s answer in #108
Worm likes McCain talking tough on Russia.
Hahaha, this is a good one someone has already picked up on the debate…
[McCain touts the economic prowess of, and suggests as a future Treasury Secretary Meg Whitman, the former CEO of eBay and someone who he has turned to for economic advice in the past. Normally, this is a solid point for McCain to press, highlighting entrepreneurship and the growth of female business leaders. The problem: eBay just announced that it was firing 10 percent of its work force.]
Men especially.
McCain: “I looked Putin in the eyes and saw the letters K, G, B there.” Has he been getting debating coaching from Sarah Palin?
McCain has tried to sound strong but in doing so has used words and phrases which have given the impression of him being condescending.
if anyone out there can’t get live tv feed for this, apparently SMH has live feed via their website, checking in on SMH news articles now and that is what they advertise ……
The GOP is complaining that this debate is “not really a townhall”. And the Dems have sent out an email to the reporters saying
[Did John McCain just refer to Obama as “that one”?]
[McCain: “I looked Putin in the eyes and saw the letters K, G, B there.” Has he been getting debating coaching from Sarah Palin?]
He said that in the first debate.
juliem, the bloggers @ the Daily Kos are going off over how biased Brokaw is to McCain.
And a lot of aggro over ” that one” jibe.
[The GOP is complaining that this debate is “not really a townhall”]
Are the audience asking any questions?
Don’t know if it’s a good idea for Obama to be talking about rebuilding other people’s economies in the present climate.
I don’t have the worm. How did it respond to that?.
[Are the audience asking any questions?]
They’ve asked most of the questions. But there is one question then 6 minutes of answering, so it doesn’t seem like they’ve asked much.
juliem, of course bloggers could go to the ABC website for the feed. Choose ABC over commercial people.
“We will bring our troops home with honour and victory, and not with defeat.”
– Dick Cheney (referring to army reserve soldiers during the federal response to Hurricane Katrina)
Good question about Israel ……. IF Iran attacks Israel, would you commit troops unilaterly or wait for a UN Security council resolution?
John McCain calls General David Petraeus the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. He actually heads up U.S. Central Command.
McCain should know this. Everyone expects him to know this.
no worries 122, i’ve got tunnel vision at the moment 😉 ……
[They’ve asked most of the questions]
Then they should shut the hell up ffs
McCain answered the question but beat around the bush so bad that I can’t remember if he said he would wait for the US Security council or not?
Should be UN Security Council ……
guess that they both said they would support israel but don’t think either one answered would they wait for the un security council or not ….
michelle obama in the audience tonight 🙂
The “what don’t you know” question goes first to Obama.
question – what don’t you know and how will you learn it? (to both candidates)
The Repugs are really whining about Brokaw’s format not helping McCain. They’re very unhappy.
That’s a fail on the last question.
diogenes, if they are whining about the format, they apparently can’t wine about the moderator ……
“What I don’t know is what the unexpected will be.”
A textbook example of a platitude.
mccain rambling on about serving the country …… right, now that we’ve all read the real story we know better …..
Dio @ 138: I thought the Repubs, and McCain especially wanted to do “Town Hall ” debates, as McCain reckoned they were his strong point.?
They’re complaining that it wasn’t a real “town hall” debate, where the format is very loose and there’s lots of interaction between the debators and the audience.
[“What I don’t know is what the unexpected will be.”
A textbook example of a platitude.]
Well it is one of those job interview questions “name your greatest weakness?”
And to answer it you have to turn it into a strength “Sometimes I work TOO hard” “Sometimes I am so well organised that I don’t consider alternate approaches”.
Drudge’s online poll obviously says McCain won but Matty has a one word headline “BORING”. That’s a win for Obama in my book.
[Drudge’s online poll obviously says McCain won but Matty has a one word headline “BORING”. That’s a win for Obama in my book.]
His poll said Palin won 75/25
McCain clearly won the debate, Obama was out of his depth especially wanting to trash the rules half way through he looked like a deer in the headlights.
Obama 1
McCain 1
The next debate is the decider!
CNN scores as of 1:30pm AEDT has Obama in front by all 6 analysts
[McCain clearly won the debate, Obama was out of his depth especially wanting to trash the rules half way through he looked like a deer in the headlights]
blah blah blah, blah blah, blah blah blah blah
Personally I think my comment made more sense
Wow who didnt pick that its CNN Dario god wake up!
Evidently McCain said “my friends” twenty times.
Pretty boring debate. I thought the only really interesting moment was McCain leaving Obama hanging afterwards when Obama offered a handshake.