The latest face-to-face Morgan poll shows Labor breaking its record result of a few weeks ago. It now leads 56.5 per cent to 31.5 per cent on the primary vote and 64.5-35.5 on two-party preferred. Morgan also presents us with qualitative findings on perceptions of the two leaders, which gives a strong impression that Brendan Nelson failed to please anybody in attempting to have two bob each way on the stolen generations apology.
Other news:
The AEC has commenced redistribution proceedings for Western Australia and the Northern Territory. It is likely that no change will be required for the latter; the outlook for the former was earlier canvassed here.
A transcript of a High Court hearing regarding Labor’s appeal against Fran Bailey’s win in McEwen has been published, the upshot of which appears to be that the matter will be heard in the Federal Court late next month.
MayoFeral at 641, I’m not sure the Tibetans would neccessarily agree with you. Also noticed the post from nemesis/gusface at Possum’s. Very disturbing, given the postings on this thread as nemesis. Nemesis, if you’re lurking, go talk to someone you trust.
Business slowing? Well, not in my line of work. Himself indoors, architect, total crap for years. At least the kitchen got redesigned and built.
B. S. Faiman. I had only limited time to notice that Chavez was rolling tanks up to the Colombian border and no time to find out what the hell was going on. He has been recently involved in getting some long term hostages released from the Maoist type guerillas. Have you any more information on what he’s up to? Of course, he may just be miffed he got well and truly done in the recent referendum on giving him rather too much power.
Ooooh Mal X.
The anticipation begins!
Anyone have a link for the Oz lead-in?
Might be worth a try to read between the lines. The Newspoll results are released to The Oz early afternoon I think.
Forget that last request – it’s just a dead link. Nice blatant attempt to generate some eyeballs for advertisers with a little hype.
Funny thing is – it’ll work because were all suckers!
I still cant believe that 35.5 percent of Australiand are morons
Unfortunately I can. I see some of them every day.
Steveo. Ditto Steve K.
My spanish is not very good, so I am relying on English language sites. Colombia sent troops into Ecuador to attack FARC rebels, killing a couple of dozen as they slept. Ecuador is very unhappy about the violation of the border, Ecuador and Venezuela are allies, Colombia and the USA are allies, plus they both don’t like Chavez. Venezula and Ecuador are both oil exporters.
So fill up tonight or tomorrow, two dollar petrol might be on the cards.
Just saw Rudd on 7.30 Report. This bloke is what you see is what you get. Keerist in a hammock, what a change from Howardian double speak straight out of 1984. I may not agree with everything he’s does, but at least I don’t have to listen to the self-centred, me at any cost, twisting of words and dog whistling that characterised Howard. Despicable man. I hope the Liberals trash his legacy. Glad I got that off my chest.
Rudd’s main priority throughout the term will be to keep the people informed on the economy – who is responsible for what.
Thanks, B.S. Faiman. Interesting. The FARC have been going for a very long time. I was in Colombia in the mid 70s and you needed to be mindful of where you went and who was around, or you could wind up dead, robbed or held for ransom very easily. FARC had, of course, been going for a good deal longer than that. Of equal impotance were the emerald wars, which had been raging out in the provinces and at the time, were still raging. Easy way to get yourself killed, mining emeralds. This, in my view, relates to the early incursions of the Conquistadors into Colombia, searching for El Dorado. Well, it was there from the POV of the Spanish, but when the locals figured out what the Spanish were after, they threw the lot in a local lake. If you go to the Museo del Oro in Bogata, ther is a central vault with glass wall containing over 10,000 gold items, spoons, buttons, pins, you name it as an item of everyday use. Other parts of the museum have the most exquisite examples of all the gold working techniques known today. Also when I was there, parts of some of the cities such as Cartagena, would be shut down electronically as much as 3 times per day, in order for the ‘American’ parts, the hotels, where the weekend coke and dope deals were happening, to continue.
Kina, he did it nicely.
Kina, but strategically. He’s certainly smart.
I must confess to a sneaking admiration for Chavez, he knows how to get up the nose of that fascist Bush and Co, and of course the reality is that he has OIL to flaunt in the face of the Yanks.
In a first (as far as I can remember) the Australian has a headline up: “See the latest Newspoll at 10.30pm”.
Can’t ever remember them advertising a coming Newspoll for the on-line edition in the past.
Looks like Exxon Mobil has upset him with some court cases.
How come all this news was so slow getting out?
Nobody on the ground there, I guess. Plus it is not like PR to English speaking world is high priority.
BSF that second CNN link seems to be half news, half spin too. A very sus report if ever I saw one.
Might be why it is getting low play….
Hmmm, interesting post Steve. Wouldn’t neccessarily give you 2 bob for what’s reported out of South Amarica. Colombia used to colour itself pink (I kid you not) along with pink for the U.S. on their national T.V.. as bastions of democracy. They’re probably still doing it. A continent of very strange and extreme political positions, a lot of it fueled by the U.S. ghastly interventions to secure its own interests, see Pinochet’s Chile.
Milne is showing serious signs of having a duel personality. One day he’s sliding around in the gutter and the next he’s kissin’ Labour’s arse. Fawkner (a man that I very much admire) couldn’t help but be flattered by this piece.,25197,23307664-33435,00.html
Well any predictions on Newspoll? I think the last one was nearer to the bottom end of the MOE range – so I’m guessing something nearer the Morgan poll. I’m tipping 60/40.
Can’t recall an opposition leader looking so dead in the water.
Make that ‘dual’. I don’t think he’s got the balls for a duel….unless he’s had a skin full.
Bushfire Bill Says:
My god, what a crock that garbage is from Milne. I reckon Faulkner would see this nonsense for what it is…garbage. I don’t think Faulkner is a fool. Milne clearly is.
Has everyone gone off to do other stuff, like go to bed or something? You lucky bastards!
Yes. We are all in bed. Except instead of a girlfriend I have a laptop.
What will the headline be if Newspoll is 55/45?
I actually thought the last newspoll at 57/43 would have given the libs some heart – particularily in the context of their single digit leader.
A 55/45 would put them back in game.
“What will the headline be if Newspoll is 55/45?”
‘The Night Watchman Digs In’
678 [What will the headline be if Newspoll is 55/45?]
Rabble Rewarded!
“The Locum’s miracle cure”? Dennis would be proclaiming that if the gap was to continue to close at this rate the margin will be a 70% Liberal lead by the next election.
63/37 – a new record
Actually that would a Liberal Party lead of 170% the way Dennis does his maths. 🙂
No more Mr 9%. Now he is Mr 7%.
Mr 7%!
Brendan oh 7%
Beat me to it B.S. Fairman.
What an amazing situation. That leadership position better pay lots more than a shadow minister as even the most ego driven fool would not want it at this time.
New thread up.