Reuters’ twice-monthly poll trend, a weighted average of Newspoll, Morgan and ACNielsen, shows a slight easing of Labor’s two-party lead since September 16, down from 57.7-42.3 to 56.8-43.2. Labor’s primary vote is down from 49.5 per cent to 49.0 per cent and the Coalition’s is up from 38.2 per cent to 39.1 per cent. Both leaders are down slightly on the preferred prime minister rating, Kevin Rudd from 49.5 per cent to 48.5 per cent and John Howard from 38.5 per cent to 38.3 per cent.

A very interesting little piece of news for psephs is currently on The Australian’s breaking news site.,25197,22562318-12377,00.html
The long standing Westpac Melbourne Institute Consumer Sentiment Index has its recent figures broken down by ALP/LNP voters, showing ALP voters’ confidence going up, and LNP voters confidence going down..
I wonder if this cross-references into Morgan’s questionable construction of the “soft ALP’ profile
Yes, I just read the consumer sentiment figures and that can’t be good news for Howard. Combined with a 12 point plus 2pp lead , a 10 point primary lead and a 10 point pref PM lead in the combined poll trend, Labor is looking good, whenever Howard calls it. It would be interesting to know the detail of what is the basis for the ALP voters’ sentiment – a return to a fair and decent society and an end to the contrived fear we see propagated by Howard is a good reason to feel positive.
Alex #2, I wonder if any of us are really expecting a return to a fair and decent society? Perhaps we just feel like being shafted by someone different for a while.
Worst of Perth #3
The political complexion of Australia has been moved so far to the right by Howard that people seem to have resigned themselves to being shafted, whichever party wins this election.
The sfafting that lies ahead from Labor will not be as deep or as blatant as we have taken from the Coalition. Besides, the pain will be worth it just to see Howard’s concession speech on election night.
It is a pathetic pass we’ve reached when one has to say that.
Too true Rx. I look forward to the Labour Party ameliorating the worst excesses of the Liberal government.