The Guardian reports the latest fortnightly Essential Research poll includes its monthly leadership ratings, which find Scott Morrison’s lead over Anthony Albanese as preferred prime minister is now at 49-26, in from 55-22 last time and the narrowest it has been since early February. However, movements on leaders’ ratings are apparently more modest: Morrison is down two on approval to 64%, with his disapproval rating yet to be disclosed (UPDATE: Up five to 28%, so perhaps not as modest as that), while Albanese is steady on approval at 44% and down one on disapproval to 29%.
Fifty-nine per cent now express approval for the federal government’s handling of the pandemic, down two on a fortnight ago. The poll was conducted before Sunday’s announcement of extended restrictions in Victoria, but the small-sample breakdown for that state finds approval of the state government’s performance up three to 50%, compared with falls of two points in New South Wales to 57% and six points in Queensland to 66%. The WA government is up three to a new high of 87%, although at this point sample sizes get very small indeed: as with much else in this poll, we will have to wait for the publication of the full report this afternoon for numbers from South Australia. The latter figure aside, the following chart shows how the various governments’ favourable ratings on this measure have progressed since March:
Concerning COVID-19 outbreaks in aged care facilities, 41% now blame the providers, down a point on a fortnight ago, with 31% blaming the federal government, up three, and 28% blaming state and territory governments, down two. The poll finds 36% support for increasing the Medicare levy from 2% to 2.65% to fund improvements to aged care, with 32% opposed and 32% uncommitted.
Forty-nine per cent favoured a proposition that Google and Facebook should have to pay for news content, compared with 38% for the alternative that “it is not up to the tech giants to support media companies” (as per the wording in The Guardian’s report). The poll was conducted Thursday to Sunday from a sample of 1076.
UPDATE: Full report here.
Non @ #1392 Thursday, September 10th, 2020 – 6:47 pm
WA Nats might argue otherwise.
Moving house is the pits but it sounds like you’ve all landed in a better place and the effort will be worth the results in the end. 🙂
Would you mind terribly not to refer to Joe Biden as ‘Sleepy Joe’? It’s actually accepting the premise of the Russian disinformation campaign to keep referring to him like that.
Alex Hart
Also – Nats emergency partyroom meeting has wrapped. Told no resolution on what to do, discussion about diff strategies inc ministers still voting with Govt (and keeping jobs) but backbenchers not. Barilaro still has their support. #nswpol
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Alex Hart
· 1h
I’m told Premier @GladysB walked in to room with Barilaro/Toole/Mitchell/Taylor and said words to the effect “I’ve never been so disgusted in the 3+ yrs working with you. Either withdraw your threat or I want your resignations on my desk at 9am tomorrow morning.” Then walked out.
I can only rest when all the stuff is put away at this end and the second sortition occurs and we probably donate what we can’t use. But you can guarantee I will be putting my feet up asap. 😀
Morrison on his other favourite media outlet tonight . He’s worried about Australia “losing our humanity”, something that doesn’t seem to have troubled him previously.
Why do the NSW Nats want to kill this fella?
At least pace yourself.
Has anyone investigated whether the woman who can’t attend her father’s funeral in Queensland is a member of the Liberals or LNP?
We still had a dozen boxes left to unpack, after 2 years here. Still have one after 33 months.
These things can take years.
“We all love koalas and want to save them, but farmers losing 20% of their property value is too high a price to pay.”
BS. Everybody has to deal with restrictions on their land and their businesses. This is a tantrum from the difficult child used to getting their way.
What next…. hunting down and shooting government inspectors and then demand we feel sorry for them?
Victoria @ #1408 Thursday, September 10th, 2020 – 9:06 pm
Now I am. 🙂
Or a Happy Clapper?
Wouldn’t you just love a direct link…
Jesus this implosion in NSW is essentially about protecting koalas!
Bushfire Bill @ #1410 Thursday, September 10th, 2020 – 9:06 pm
I have a son who keeps urging me on. Though I’m not averse to it most of the time. 🙂
Morrison on his other favourite media outlet tonight . He’s worried about Australia “losing our humanity”, something that doesn’t seem to have troubled him previously.
Australia lost its humanity during the long Howard years – maybe around 2001.
Unlike packing the boxes, there is generally no time pressure to unpack them.
I am liking Lucy Turnbulls response
Dave Sharma
A simple plea for compassion, humanity and common sense … how can this be bullying??
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· 6h
The Queensland premier says she “refuses to be bullied by the Prime Minister” after a woman was barred from attending her dad’s funeral.
Stephen Spencer Retweeted
Lucy Turnbull AO
Replying to
Dave, this is about more than one very sad story. There are thousands and thousands of sad stories. So many Australians have been unable to hold their loved ones’ hands as they slipped away. So many Zoom funerals. Each and every story a tragedy.
5:28 PM · Sep 10, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
Jesus this implosion in NSW is essentially about protecting koalas!
I reckon it is more like the old joke where the arsehole tries to prove it is the most important part of the body.
What next…. hunting down and shooting government inspectors and then demand we feel sorry for them?
Right wingers are all in favour of law and order – ‘til they aren’t.
BLM protesters – lock em up
Covidiot “freedom fighters” – exercising their democratic rights
Confessions @ #1415 Thursday, September 10th, 2020 – 9:09 pm
I think that it goes deeper than that. The Nationals are trying to please two masters. The Mining and Agribusiness industries and those people of the land that love the land who have been traditional Nationals/Country Party voters for generations, who traditionally found a balance between respecting the natural environment and their farming practices, though it could always have been better.
So since The Nationals in NSW have been led by a man who came out of a non-traditional ‘country’ area which resembles an exurban regional area as opposed to a ridgy didge country area, and who is not a former farmer but a former small businessman, the lines around what The Nationals represent these days have become very blurred and John Barilaro has just taken an ‘all development and expansion’ is good attitude and to hell with the consequences for flora and fauna, who can’t vote.
C@t, very interesting, thoughtful and thorough analysis.
But nah, I still reckon it is all about arseholes.
Steve777 @ #1418 Thursday, September 10th, 2020 – 9:14 pm
Except when you’re trying to find the dish detergent and dish sponge! 😆
Simon Katich @ #1423 Thursday, September 10th, 2020 – 9:21 pm
It can be both. And likely is. 🙂
David Speers
Sounds like Berejiklian has called Barilaro’s bluff.
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Kieran Gilbert
· 1h
Then John Barilaro says he’s not going to blow up the government and they’re not going to walk away from their ministries…
Scott Hayes
Replying to
Either way it’s not good for the Nat’s or Libs.
1- Premier stands firm, Nat’s lose.
2- Premier doesn’t follow through. Libs look stupid.
3- Nat’s stand firm. Libs lose.
4- Nat’s don’t follow through. Nat’s look stupid.
Ranting and raving and carrying on, Katich?
However, the question that has not been answered by Barilaro yet is whether The Nationals have reversed their position on the Blinky Bill.
Barilaro has killed off his ministerial career.
Whatever it is they’re still a rabble!
Let’s Just say 2020 is the year that keeps on giving us stranger and stranger things.
And I thought the Kingdom of Westralia nutcases were going to be the strangest thing of the year but I think Koala Killing might top that.
Simon Katich
And like the turtles the arseholes go all the way down
Ranting and raving and carrying on, Katich?
It helps with the ratings.
Simon Banks
There have been many Australians that have missed the funeral of a loved one due to border restrictions
All these cases are hard – all bring pain and grief
Yet no evidence
has asked a Liberal Premier to politically intervene – why?
Joan Sparkes will be laid to rest today, but her son can’t be there to say goodbye
Damian Sparkes’s mother will be laid to rest today, but he won’t be there. He is one of many Australians missing out on farewelling their loved ones at funerals due to coronavirus border restrictions.
7:19 PM · Sep 10, 2020·Twitter Web App
Tarte tatin on the TdF *winning*
If more effort was put into controlling the virus there would be less funerals. The behavior of the PM is bullshit.
The Liberals have gone feral.
There is nothing more boring on PB than the endless reposting of tweets.
Steve777 @ #1424 Thursday, September 10th, 2020 – 9:31 pm
And his federal aspirations too.
Taylormade @ #1432 Thursday, September 10th, 2020 – 9:58 pm
Yes there is. Endless repetition of Liberal talking points!
Time for Boris to call on his new trade negotiator to shirtfront Ms Pelosi:
This seems to be an ongoing problem
The PM needs to debrief his DPM about Monday’s Q&A session, the part about him promising the Federal Government is seriously looking into how to go about arranging a plan to seriously explore a way to try and manage to repatriate Australians hopelessly trapped overseas, since our glorious PM imposed restrictions on numbers who could return each week.
Did I say seriously?
Scotty the fraud does fake empathy so well.
(Lotsa practice)
Cohen on Trump’s mad plan to remain in the WH for as long as he wants:
Simon Katich says:
Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 8:55 pm
Non, I believe the country might be a better place if the Liberals were able to regularly form government on their own. There is nothing liberal or rational about the Nationals and the unholy alliance has sucked dry almost everything liberal and rational from the Liberal Party. Together they r a political and planetary cluster F that keeps winning elections.
They certainly bring out the worst in each other, SK. In WA the Nationals are marginally less reactionary than the Liberals but they have very little influence.
Fascinating assortment of work here…
Florida is v tight
frednk says:
Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 10:10 pm
This seems to be an ongoing problem
Idiots abound….
Paper thin in Ohio and Georgia too…
Neo imperialist dreaming by the Tories is leading them into the mire….
Simon Katich
Well put!