Newspoll: 52-48 to Coalition

Little change on three weeks ago in the latest Newspoll, although the Coalition’s headline lead narrows slightly.

Courtesy of The Australian, the latest Newspoll has the Coalition’s two-party lead down to 52-48 from 53-47 three weeks ago, from primary votes of Coalition 43% (down one), Labor 33% (doen one), Greens 11% (up one) and One Nation 4% (steady). Scott Morrison is steady at 68% approval and up two on disapproval to 29%, while Anthony Albanese is respectively steady at 41% and down two to 38%. Morrison’s lead as prime minister has nonetheless widened very slightly, from 59-26 to 60-25. The poll was conducted Wednesday to Saturday from a sample of 1509.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

698 comments on “Newspoll: 52-48 to Coalition”

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  1. Taylormade:

    Monday, August 10, 2020 at 9:19 pm

    [‘Reading PB you have to wonder why we are actually bothering to have an inquiry.
    If Andrews announced tomorrow that he is closing it down i wonder what the Victorian public would think.’]

    Well, that’s not on the cards. I think Andrews would be supported by a majority of Victorians, particularly if you consider the alternative, which is attempting to make hay.

  2. Mt Rushmore was the epitome of American cheesiness at the time it was originally built. Donald Trump would be right at home there.

  3. We got lots of big things:

    Big Koala
    Big lobster
    Big gumboot
    Two big bananas
    Big pineapple
    Big cod (as in Murray cod)
    Big sheep
    Big bull
    Big guitar
    Two big ants
    Big golf course

    Your job, should you accept it, is to nominate where they are. (Extra examples are also sought)

    The big galah is in Kimba SA.


    Peter Dutton has confirmed the government’s $1.6bn cyberstrategy will include capability for the Australian Signals Directorate to help law enforcement agencies identify and disrupt serious criminal activity – including in Australia.

    By rendering support to the Australian federal police and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission, the cybersecurity and intelligence agency would for the first time be able to target Australians, although Dutton maintains ASD won’t be able to do so directly.

    Australian version of China’s National Security Law.

  5. DavidH, didn’t know about that one, so we have two Big sheep.

    The one I was thinking about was in NSW.

    There is also a 3 ton wooden clock.

  6. Davidh, that was the one I was thinking of.

    I was thinking of adding a large windmill, but it was just a large (in fact the largest) windmill, not an oversized windmill. So that doesn’t count.

  7. I remember the Wagin sheep because it’s not far from where we camped at Collie where I came real close to standing on a black/brown snake. Scared the daylights out of me.

  8. Nah, even you wouldn’t be able to keep it up for more than ten seconds, David.

    After “his mother loves him” you’d be stumped.

  9. Thanks phylactella,

    David’s, I didn’t know about that one either.

    There is a diprotodon (called Kenny) near Eulo. It is large but is apparently the correct size.

  10. Davidwh
    Yes the nurse did say that staff failed to carry out their duties properly but I think that’s already been established. She also said what I quoted her as saying. The point I’m making is that everything, everything ends up being Andrews’ fault. The people gaming the systems’ actions will be reported but not with any particular intent to bring them to account. Pink Batts Mk2.

  11. David’s, thought about it and if someone would put up a big trout, they would put it in a place where you could catch one. My answer is Jindabyne.

  12. Just watched the video of the bureaucrats running the quarantine program in the Herald Sun.
    Christ we never had a fucking hope.

  13. I notice Tim (free speech boy) tried his cutting in and over talking routine over another contributor, who just plowed on.

    Hamish had to intervene and ask him to shut up.

  14. Davidwh @ #608 Monday, August 10th, 2020 – 9:42 pm

    C@t was the final held in Perth?

    No, Melbourne. At the showgrounds. We just sat there all night in awe at the athleticism of these people. We also sat there saying my eldest son could have done it in a canter. He has amazing grip strength and natural athletic ability. Takes after his dad not his mum. 🙂

  15. ———
    I could read this letter all day.

    How? It just says “but but but but…”
    Wondering the same. Maybe WB is one of the academics Dennis has been in contact with.

  16. Its like a long running soap opera between Newscorpse and the ABC. Murdoch hacks never have one day off without a pratt of a so called journo writing criticism of the ABC in a column of total shite. No wonder newspapers are closing down.

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