Three entirely unrelated bits of information that don’t involve the Eden-Monaro by-election, for which another dedicated post is assuredly not far away (the most recent, and its attendant discussion thread, is here):
• This week’s Essential Research poll looks at indigenous issues and gender equality, finding broadly liberal viewpoints prevailing in each case. On the former count, most agreed that indigenous Australians and Pacific islanders had been “forced to work in Australia in conditions that amounted to slavery”, but 42% agreed that “many of the new cases of Covid-19 in Victoria have been from people who attended the Black Lives Matter protest” compared with 37% who believed it to be false. On gender equality, majorities somehow managed to agree both that there was “still a long way to go” and that it had “already been mostly achieved”, though a lot more emphatically in the former case. Respondents were also asked who got paid too much (bankers and lawyers) and too little (nurses and teachers).
• Tom Richardson of InDaily reports on an imminent package of electoral reform in South Australia, which may include the introduction of optional preferential voting. Labor leader Peter Malinauskas has accused Premier Steven Marshall of a move to “rig the next election”, and invoked the bogey of “the polarisation of our democracy in the way we have seen in the United States”. Malinauskas’s real concern is more likely to do with Greens preferences, the system having raised no such concerns for the Labor governments that introduced them in New South Wales and Queensland, back when its main impact was to weaken intra-Coalition preference flows in three-cornerned contests. The Greens have also declared their opposition, which would leave its upper house fate in the hands of the three survivors of the Nick Xenophon disturbance. The government’s reforms may also include crackdowns on corflutes (which seem to be particularly popular in South Australia) and dissemination of how-to-vote cards at polling booths.
• Justin Hendry of IT News reports the Australian Electoral Commission is looking into a full rollout of the electronic certified list system for marking off voters, which operated at around 10% of polling places at last year’s election. This replaces the more familiar method of paper lists marked off by pencil, which offer no guarantee the prospective voter has not already voted somewhere else beyond the requisite verbal assurance. As such, it can genuinely help prevent multiple voting, unlike a lot of other supposed electoral reforms that are invoked in its name. However, it may also constitute a point of vulnerability to nefarious actors.
No more corflutes!
No more misleading signs at election time that look like AEC directives to vote for the Liberal Party!
No more How To Votes! They’re covered in COVID-19 anyway! 🙂
Well, well, well! And yes, I know this should be on the dedicated E-M by-election thread and I will put it there too, but this is juicy and Machiavellian:
Good morning Dawn Patrollers
Anthony Galloway tells us that today Linda Reynolds will warn China’s actions have “deeply unsettled” the Indo-Pacific region and put Australia’s security at risk.
Professor Rory Medcraft explains how Australia’s Defence plan makes it clear we must prepare for risk of armed conflict.
Andrew Tillett writes about Scott Morrison invoking the spectre of the 1930s in a bleak warning of the deteriorating strategic outlook confronting the nation.
John Hewson is pleased that shareholders are helping to shift the dial towards principled profit. He calls for governments to use the bailouts to push companies into different, more socially responsible directions.
The SMH editorial blasts Boris Johnson and the Tories for their bungling of the pandemic response.
Niki Savva says that if Labor wins Saturday’s Eden Monaro by-election, Anthony Albanese should steal Scott Morrison’s line from last year’s election to declare it a miracle. Because that’s what it will be.
Jacqui Maley and Kate McClymont report more on Dyson Heydon who is no longer a practising barrister and now is under additional investigation.
These three female lawyers really let fly!
Shane Wright and Jennifer Duke explain how a record 1.4 million desperate Australians are relying on food banks to put dinner on the table amid fears the end of JobKeeper in September will see charities overwhelmed by migrants, students and the unemployed. They say the ATO online system was overwhelmed yesterday as people sought to access their super a second time.
Luke Henriques-Gomes tells us that the latest data shows that the increased rate of welfare benefits during the coronavirus crisis has not stopped unemployed people flooding employers with job applications.
Forget JobSeeker. In our post-COVID economy, Australia needs a ‘liveable income guarantee’ instead says this trio of academics.
Michelle Grattan explains how focus groups in Eden-Monaro want to see the government cushion the pandemic recovery path.
A report has identified Australia’s local government areas worst affected by the coronavirus pandemic and modelled the impact of green stimulus measures, saying they could create 50,000 jobs nationally over four years.
Cassandra Goldie says that we need to consign the term ‘dole’ and its nasty derivatives to pre-Covid history.
After an initial $60 billion bungle, the JobKeeper figures still don’t seem to be adding up. Tarric Brooker reports.,14057
Thousands of robodebt victims will be kept waiting on refunds the federal government said it would start processing from 1 July, while those owed “larger” amounts after receiving an unlawful Centrelink debt will receive their money back in “instalments”.
While the UK government response to coronavirus has been chaotic, here in Australia it has been swift and decisive writes Sarah Blackburn who has worked in both social care systems.
Simon Benson reveals that offshore crime syndicates have been targeting the government’s JobKeeper, JobSeeker and early superannuation access schemes with the Australian Federal Police freezing the financial assets of a number of suspected organised crime groups.
Michael Koziol reports that the NSW government has approved a state funeral for Indigenous land rights activist Lyall Munro Senior but is scrambling to placate health authorities’ concerns about the potential for the mass gathering in Moree to spread coronavirus.
Karen Maley writes about how many are saying that the economic recovery will be a long, slow slog.
Australia’s Human Rights Commissioner Edward Santow writes that a blanket ban on phones in immigration detention would be unacceptable.
Authorities have moved to stop a significant surge in driver’s licence amendments as people rushed to change their addresses in the hopes of getting through police checkpoints.
And the Berejiklian government has banned Victorians in coronavirus hotspots from crossing the border into NSW, with those who disobey risking $11,000 fines and six months in jail.
Samantha Dick tells us how new information revealed that tens of thousands of Victorians have been dobbing in their neighbours, friends or bosses for breaching coronavirus rules.
According to Chip Le Grand Scott Morrison will use tomorrow’s national cabinet meeting to call for an end to the virus border wars that have turned Victoria into a pariah state and put at risk the nation’s economic recovery from the pandemic .
Victoria is on the precipice of an uncontrolled coronavirus outbreak. Will the new measures work asks biostatisician Adrian Esterman.
Phil Coorey writes that South Australia, Queensland and Western Australia are being pressured to do more to help quarantine overseas arrivals, as Scott Morrison suggested they had benefited from NSW and Victoria doing the heavy lifting so far.
The Australian’s Peter Craven says Daniel Andrews is bloodied but unbowed.
Dozens of COVID-positive travellers at a CBD hotel remain under private guard, despite an inquiry being launched into whether private security firms may have allowed the virus to escape.
Tony Wright tells us about the great shunning of Victorians in the hotspots.
And John Faine issues a tongue-in-cheek apology on behalf of all Victorians.
Facebook VP and deputy UK PM Nick Clegg defends the company’s efforts on eradicating hate speech from its platform.
Jess Irvine makes her case for increasing the GST.
Shane Wright sees the merit in Perrottet’s proposal for taxation reform but he doesn’t think it will ever get up.
The AFR’s John Kehoe has a look at the NSW taxation reform proposal.
Stephen Bartholomeusz explains the fragility of the global financial system.
Some small business owners who have relied on jobkeeper for income throughout the coronavirus pandemic have had future payments suspended by the tax office and warned they may have to pay back what they have received.
A last minute union attempt to forestall cuts to weekend penalty rates for shop staff has failed reports Nick Bonyhady.
Dana McCauley lists the organisations that failed to sign up to the national redress scheme. She outlines what potentially lies ahead for them.
Rob Harris reports that Australia has for the first time publicly voiced its concerns about Israel’s potential annexation of land in the West Bank under the provisions of the Trump administration’s peace plan.
In the face of the pandemic, landlords have been called on to support their tenants. Many have been happy to help. But they are not happy to see their rights eroded in quite unprecedented ways writes Robert Harley.
The Australian Communications and Media Authority found Woolworths breached the Spam Act 2003 more than 5 million times by sending marketing emails to consumers after they had unsubscribed from previous messages. Woolies was fined $1m.
Elizabeth Knight writes that the diabolical state of the oil industry means write-downs in Australia are inevitable.
Global property group Lendlease is showing significant cracks from the COVID-19 pandemic, issuing a warning it could book a full-year loss of between $230 million to $340 million across its three key businesses.
New developments and opportunities are opening up in artificial intelligence, says Paul Budde.,14058
Investors Mutual is shunning the buy now, pay later sector in the small and mid-cap space, saying it’s reminiscent of the tech bubble of the early 2000s.
The state’s 52nd coal mine, and the first since Covid, has been approved by the Minister for the Environment in NSW amid plunging coal prices and huge local opposition. The fate of Whitehaven’s Vickery mine, and its impact on farmers around Narrabri, now lies in the hands of the NSW’s independent planning commissioners, who are conducting their final public hearings. Callum Foote reports.
Hotels have become detention centres for many asylum seekers, each with their own problems and sometimes worse than offshore centres, writes Dr Sabrin Farooqui.,14056
The first of four experimental COVID-19 vaccines being tested by Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech showed encouraging results in very early testing of 45 people, the companies have said.
The US pharmaceutical giant Gilead has donated a supply of the antiviral medication Remdesivir to Australia’s national medical stockpile, with Greg Hunt saying there will be enough of the drug to meet Covid-19 patient demand.
Boeing failed to submit certification documents to the US Federal Aviation Administration detailing changes to a key flight control system faulted in two crashes killed 346 people, a long-awaited government report has found. Naughty!
Another Fox News anchor bites the dust over sexual misconduct.
Only two of the past six presidents before Donald Trump lost their bids for re-election. That’s good news for him, but their stories are bad news for him, too writes the NYT’s Frank Bruni.
John Crace has another serve at Boris Johnson, saying that six months into his term of office, he already looks a spent force. A man desperately playing catch-up as he tries to respond to events that are out of his control.
Cartoon Corner
David Pope
David Rowe
Cathy Wilcox
Andrew Dyson
John Shakespeare
Matt Golding
Johannes Leak
Tom Jellett
From the US
Lol. It’s getting willing in Melbourne!
“What a bloody stitch-up! [Calls to his roommate] Mate, the other side is Footscray, they aren’t locked down! What a stitch-up!”
Fascinating interview with Mike Madrid who crunches the polling data for the Lincoln Project!
He says on what we’re seeing polling-wise, if coronavirus continues to ravage red states, July will be the month we see those supposed rusted on Trumpists start to peel away from him. Madrid says we’re already seeing him start to lose seniors on the back of his handling of the virus.
Confessions @ #5 Thursday, July 2nd, 2020 – 7:31 am
The stats I want to see are, how many Trumpists who came out to voice their concern at the slow pace of re-opening the economy, or the people in the pool on Memorial Day, or how many of the Floridian Villagers for Trump, have now contracted COVID-19!?!
We’ll never know, of course, but I’m sure the number is at least 1 from each cohort. 🙂
Simon Benson reveals that offshore crime syndicates have been targeting the government’s JobKeeper, JobSeeker and early superannuation access schemes with the Australian Federal Police freezing the financial assets of a number of suspected organised crime groups.
If this had happened under a Labor federal government, the hue and cry from the media would be heard from here to the other side of the world!
Madrid says those people are coming, that we’re slowly starting to see more people speaking out who would ordinarily have sat silently on the sidelines.
Poor old Dan Andrews will be blamed because as soon as there’s any restriction imposed, people try to get around the rules. Is this an Australian characteristic? Would it be different in Japan? Or any other country?
It looks as if Hunt’s snide little racist stab about BLM causing the spike has done its dirty political work.
Guys on the Lincoln Project podcast were saying yesterday that Trump is playing all his old hits but they just aren’t working on people any more.
I also had a listen to the Joe Biden Veep pick specific podcast yesterday, which was very informative:
Wow according to Madrid Latinos in 2020 will become the second largest voting group in the US, behind whites. That means bigger than black voters!
Thanks C@t, I’ll listen later.
Biden would do well to pick a centrist Latina with a considerable track record of real world achievements for his running mate.
Weather forecast cloudy with showers and possible hail. The sun is hardly up and in half an hour the power will be cut off for the whole day. I must remember that I am much better off than the folks who were burnt out in the summer and are still camping.
There was NO defence boost.
It was robbing Peter to pay Paul stuff.
The spending is the same.
Scotty from Marketing fluff and feathers.
And the suckers queued up for it.
But worse is to come.
The reality is that setting the defence spend at 2% will inevitably lead to a reduction of defence spending during a recession/depression.
“The double standard of the Federal LNP. They believe in privatisation but condemn the Victorian government for using private COVID19 security. What about SERCO, What about PALADIN?”
lizzie @ #15 Thursday, July 2nd, 2020 – 8:07 am
What is the reason for the power cut?
Maintenance. No details given. I don’t mind during the summer, but mid winter is pretty cruel.
lizzie @ #18 Thursday, July 2nd, 2020 – 6:11 am
Just goes to show that many of the ideas they believe in are pretty shit ones!!!!
I didn’t think that Scotty from marketing was channeling Winston Churchill, more like Jim Hacker.
Confessions @ #13 Thursday, July 2nd, 2020 – 8:02 am
Yes, but because Latinos are split into conservative and progressive groups, choosing a Latina Running Mate may not have the positive effects Democrats hope it will.
I think the Republicans are working on it with the progeny of Jeb Bush and his Mexican wife. Their son is working his way up the political ladder in Texas. It may even benefit the Republicans more in the long run. I don’t know.
A couple more sleeps before we have to put up with days of the media creaming itself over Scrooter pulling off the most stunning bestest ever historical amazing win in E-M……
….and then days of Labor leadershit……and then back to normal….
lizzie @ #20 Thursday, July 2nd, 2020 – 8:13 am
Quite so. Disaster struck chez KayJay just a day ago when my bedroom (secret hideout) air conditioner stopped short (cue My grandfather’s Clock). Panic ensued. Checked circuit breakers and fuses. Suspected a faulty socket.
The problem was the device cut out because of low outside temperature.
Best wishes for the day.
The E-M result could be –
Pandemic – 1
Albo- 0
One nice feature of the E-M by-election has been the near absence of seat polling. 🙂
“Scott Morrison wants to use it to urge the state’s who have closed their borders to Victoria – which is practically all of them, in either real terms, or in the case of NSW, in very heavily worded terms – to open them back up again.”
I haven’t been critical of Morrison of the health side to date, but yeah, this is dumb. It here being national cabinet.
Very interesting report in the Washington post
When pathologist Amy Rapkiewicz began the grim process of opening up the coronavirus dead to learn how their bodies went awry, she found damage to the lungs, kidneys and liver consistent with what doctors had reported for months.
But something was off.
Rapkiewicz, who directs autopsies at NYU Langone Health, noticed that some organs had far too many of a special cell rarely found in those places. She had never seen that before, yet it seemed vaguely familiar. She raced to her history books and — in a eureka moment — found a reference to 1960′s report on a patient with dengue fever.
C@tmomma @ #23 Thursday, July 2nd, 2020 – 6:26 am
I agree and it’s something Mike Madrid mentioned. Back in the day Republicans used to target ‘Reagan Democrats’, white, working class, socially conservative voters as the backbone of their election strategies. He says Latino voters are just the same, but not white, and the Republicans are today choosing election strategies that deliberately exclude them because of the race baiting.
Here is link
BK @ #27 Thursday, July 2nd, 2020 – 8:36 am
Sugar coating?
Every time Daniel Andrews gets air time – its another nail in the victorian lib/national partys , they have no counter attack which will harm Daniel Andrews
Goodness me
Dr. Dena Grayson
Double exclamation mark#COVIDIOT Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said he doesn’t need advice from Dr. Fauci.
Patrick claimed Fauci has “been wrong every time on every issue,” and “He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
New cases of #coronavirus in #Texas are soaring with 75,000 in the past 3 weeks.Flushed face
One for Buce
Tesla v Toyota
The Donald will be absolutely rancid meat green with envy at his hero being able to basically set himself up as dictator for life.
Good grief. Trump isnt even pretending anymore
Trump’s new logo looks almost looks familiar. Where else have i seen that eagle style standing on a circle?
Coca-Cola and Starbucks disappear from Facebook over hate speech
Savva will write anything she can that will make the Morrison Government look as bad as possible. She and Van Onselen are on a unity ticket.
What the media is deliberately trying to get the public to forget about is
The ruby princess disaster , how the foreign media controlled and owned Liberal/national partys allowed these people to go into communities ,other states and leave Australia to infect other countries .
Morning all. Thanks BK. I think this is the most accurate summary so far of Australia’s new defence policy.
Working Dog
Everything you need to know about Australia’s defence policy… #UtopiaABC
Pope’s cartoon is very good!
Brazil is giving the US a run for its money
Laurie Garrett
Terrible numbers out of #Brazil:
– 1,271 deaths in 24 hours
– total of 59,656 deaths
– 1,408,485 confirmed cases
– 37,997 new cases in 24 hours
Morrison knifed Savva’s darling Malcolm Turnbull, in the most devious and duplicitous way.
One day, arm around Malcolm – next day, knife in the back.
Savva is not going to let this one go
martini henry says: Thursday, July 2, 2020 at 8:24 am
I didn’t think that Scotty from marketing was channeling Winston Churchill, more like Jim Hacker.
He reminds me more of Dim from Kubrick’s version of Anthony Burgess’s “A Clockwork Orange.”
‘Phillip Adams
Twiggy Forrest arrested by AFP following ASIO investigation revealing close links to Chinese communists‘
Scott @ #35 Thursday, July 2nd, 2020 – 7:06 am
He sounds like Batfink!
Twiggy Forrest should have been arrested for stiffing the investors in Anaconda Nickel.