Galaxy: 54-46 to LNP in Queensland

Six weeks after a poll timed by the Courier-Mail to catch Labor at an embarrassing moment, Galaxy’s latest 800-sample survey of Queensland voters shows Anna Bligh’s government recovering but still well behind. Labor’s primary vote is 35 per cent, which is up five on the July survey but down seven on the election. The Liberal National Party vote is down five points to 43 per cent on the primary vote (up one on the election), and their two-party lead has narrowed from 59-41 to 54-46. We are told that “some voters switched to the Greens and Independents”.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

24 comments on “Galaxy: 54-46 to LNP in Queensland”

  1. John-Paul Langbroek has the most minuscule profile of any Australian opposition leader in recent history. He doesn’t even have a photo on his Wikipedia page. But perhaps that’s the secret of his success. At least we hear less stupidity out of his month than Springborg.

  2. J-PL did have about a thousand photos of himself on his website, but yeah, still has profile issues – even Radio Courier Mail clearly and mistakenly introduced Springborg as the Qld Opposition Leader this morning.

  3. [John-Paul Langbroek has the most minuscule profile of any Australian opposition leader in recent history. He doesn’t even have a photo on his Wikipedia page.]

    WA, NT, SA, Tas, ACT all don’t. NSW didn’t till recently.

    Bit of a silly comment to make really.

  4. [Wikipedia has absurdly strict rules on what photos can be uploaded.]

    Not really. They’re a copyright free encyclopedia, meaning you can use their content whichever way you want. This extends to photos (for living people anyway).

  5. Uploaded, not downloaded. They can’t have just anything being added as “theirs” without first getting the original owner’s permission. After that, sure, it’s open-slather.

  6. [Uploaded, not downloaded. They can’t have just anything being added as “theirs” without first getting the original owner’s permission. After that, sure, it’s open-slather.]

    Any content on wikipedia is meant to be used and abused as wanted. Apart from some images that cannot be replaced by a free one.

  7. The idea that JPL has a problem because he is not widely known (#4) is crazy. The 2PP is 54-46 in his favour. The person who has a problem is Anna Bligh because she is on track to lose the next election (albeit many years from now). It doesn’t matter if you are the most widely known opposition leader (eg John Howard 1996) or a complete unknown (eg Steve Bracks 1999) – what matters is winning more seats than the other side.

    And as long as he stays in an election winning position there isn’t much likelihood that Nicholls or anyone else will be able to remove him.

  8. John,

    Sorry mate, you’re chewing at the wrong end of the stick. People simply will not elect as Premier a person that they do not feel they sufficiently know, or a person that they feel is a puppet of another or imminently likely to be replaced as leader by their party.

    In the real world, Bligh could call an election tomorrow and the 2PP would be immediately back in favour of the ALP.

    I made no comment about Nicholls. The next leader of the LNP will in any case not be from the Urban Private School Nancy Boy faction, but rather from the Agrarian Socialist All Education is a Commie Plot faction.

  9. [Not really. [Wikipedia is] a copyright free encyclopedia, meaning you can use their content whichever way you want.]

    Wikipedia is not “copyright free”. It’s a multi-author work licensed under a Creative Commons copyright license. Thus, any images used must be compatible with those licensing requirements.

  10. Oh dear, it looks as though the LNP aren’t going to get one seat closer to Government after all.

    [THE LNP has failed to have the result set aside in state seat of Chatsworth at the March election despite a judge finding there were 14 irregularities in the vote.
    In a three-day hearing in the Court of Disputed Returns last month, beaten LNP candidate Andrea Caltabiano challenged the Electotral Commission of Queensland and Labor’s Steve Kilburn’s win claiming mistakes in the process cost her victory.

    Mr Kilburn originally won the seat by 74 votes but a revised margin determined after the hearing in the CDR, the it was altered to a win by 85 votes. ],23739,26085700-3102,00.html

  11. 17 and 18.

    Well… now that the world knows that he carted a teddy bear around with him at Uni….. I say again, if an election was called tomorrow and people had to focus on which party has the most credibility, the polling 2PP would be back to neck and neck. The LNP would begin (continue?) eating themselves and Bligh Labor would, most deservedly, win again.

    Anna hasn’t missed him in Parliament this morning by the way. My only mild surprise was that Schwarten didn’t turn up in a giant teddy bear costume!

  12. “Any content on wikipedia is meant to be used and abused as wanted. Apart from some images that cannot be replaced by a free one.”

    Yes, it is true, as I said, you can download what you like, but you’re missing the point! It needs to be available to be placed on Wikipedia in the first place. We’re talking about why certain photos don’t exist on Wikipedia; that’s because there aren’t many photos around that can be legally put on there to begin with. Putting it onto Wikipedia and taking it off Wikipedia are two entirely different things. Do you see it?

  13. [Keep in mind that most computer gamers are aged 19 – 24.]

    Really? I would have said 12-18 when people don’t have, you know, jobs.

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