Morgan: Rudd 77, Nelson 9

Roy Morgan, which normally goes easy on “beauty contest” questions, has today entered the fray with a phone poll of 527 respondents. It gives Brendan Nelson the same 9 per cent preferred prime minister rating he suffered from Newspoll, with Kevin Rudd on 77 per cent compared with Newspoll’s 70 per cent. That’s not the worst of it though: on the question of preferred Liberal leader, Nelson can only manage equal fourth place behind Malcolm Turnbull (24 per cent), Peter Costello (18 per cent) and Joe Hockey (13 per cent). Nelson and Alexander Downer are both on 9 per cent. Kevin Rudd is favoured as Labor leader by 66 per cent over 15 per cent for Julia Gillard; in the absence of Rudd, 50 per cent would favour Gillard over 8 per cent for Wayne Swan.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

474 comments on “Morgan: Rudd 77, Nelson 9”

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  1. 247 Scorpio

    To progress as a nation, it is best to not be sour about the past, but to learn and concentrate on the future.

    There has to be a separate entity to bring about a formation of a road to the future without political interference, but with senatorial over-sight.

    As Tim implies in his Garnaut thread…democracy is the hurdle.

  2. Mine is it was a bit short on detail and somewhat askew

    lol… talk about projection!….

    anyway…congratulations on only doing the “i” thing 5 times

  3. [232
    Generic Person Says:
    Mr Bruce, I am not Glen and never have been.]

    So GP, do you also deny categorically that you are Edward St John?

  4. apres Says:

    So GP, do you also deny categorically that you are Edward St John?

    C’mom.. as if!

    If you need anymore proof, check out the writing styles!

    It’s like comparing scaper against somebody with connections!

  5. classified –
    not sure what is going on with you and scaper, but either come out with it or back off. We have a code of conduct here, and if you are going to make snide implcations rather than say what you mean then I will be pissed off.

  6. Re. #205, Gusface…

    The Milennium Bug was real. It may not have taken $400 billion to fix it. But it was real and bad things would have happened had it not been fixed and checked. Every line of code that ran our banks and our defence establishments had to be gone over.

    Criticising the Y2K counter measures is like criticising a surgeon who saves a heart patient’s life. “Sheesh, you said he could have had a heart attack, but look: he’s up and walking already! He doesn’t look sick to me.”

    Well, he was, until he was fixed by the surgeon. Ditto with Y2K. Until it was fixed.

  7. Srry people, this is a personal thing underway here… it shouldn’t happen but alas sometimes it does…the nature of blogs

    no worries cos it will end soon… Admins always invoke the right!…in the end…to end

  8. Jen Says:
    February 23rd, 2008 at 5:48 pm
    classified –
    not sure what is going on with you and scaper, but either come out with it or back off. We have a code of conduct here, and if you are going to make snide implcations rather than say what you mean then I will be pissed off.


  9. 250 Glen
    Why cause he is on sunrise? Shame he hardley gets a word in and when he does it dosnt come over well from the clip a saw the other day.

    Shame that Joe Hockey wasnt a women who is as hot as Tanya Plibersek. Maybe if he was Kevin would no have become Prime minister 😛

  10. Umm, I know I’m easily confused by the more arcane aspects of psephology, but WTF is going on between Scaper and Classified? Is this an example of extreme population attribute? Is it something like NAIRU? Is it provable? Re-peatable in a lab?

  11. 278

    This person has followed me over several blogs and has slandered me and posted under my name here just before Xmas.

    I come here to look at the figures and crunch them.

    This place is the basis of my understanding…sorry to be put you through this here…hey Tommy???

  12. jen…

    anytime you want… re = review snide implications…

    your friend scaper….. well…I could tell stories!

    apart from that… perhaps growing up might help?

    over 2 u (sing out if u need help!)

  13. I’m off to see ‘Keating, the Musical’, but would be interested in others’ thoughts about how the climate change debate can be steered. I’m in the sometimes terrified camp, being aware of Easter Island referred to by Diogenes, and of a similar sceptic bent given my regular exposure to a large number of people who behave self destructively. There’s also quite substantial evidence that the Mayan civilisation declined due to them eating themselves out of house and home, and this was a quite sophisticated civilisation. Having got myself quite down considering the folly of human kind, then my technophile side kicks in. Did anyone else see the report in today’s “Age” on the amazing chip developed by a Melbourne based scientist? It’s revolutionary. Really.

  14. BB
    i respectful disagree


    was trumpeted as end of civilisation

    was really chance for consultants/it companies to make a motza

    seems there may be a pattern there !!

  15. thank god….. no… wait!…damn(caught me)~!

    silly little girl… yes I’m here

    I’m just waiting for for you to say something useful!

  16. 283 Harry- there are lots of theories of why the Mayans snuffed it. Foreign invasion, disease, peasant revolt etc. One of the most popular is a famine, as you suggest, brought on by too little food for too many people. The famine was putatively exacerbated by a multi-year drought.

  17. 287
    jen Says:
    February 23rd, 2008 at 7:24 pm
    are you
    ESJ/Generic Person/ Glen/Tabitha/ Janette Howard/ George Bush?

    alas it’s true

    As I always say to the small children when I do the “Santa”…I

    ‘m fat…but rich… who cares what santa brings when your rich!

  18. Oh how delightful – a fake madman!

    And I think you meant “you’re rich” … education is important as well as wealth and put-on weird chic surely.

    (Tell that to “the children”.)

  19. It is time that the legal team extract the origin of this person…a brave move by the Tom!!!

    You do that, in fact I will send you my email//name/address …{no need to do same}

    So…Tony… lets dance…

    jen can tap you on the shoulder whenever she is brave enough… assuming she can live with full disclosure

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