The University of Melbourne’s new Soapbox site is a depository for election campaign material going all the way back to the federation election of 1901, assembled by media and communications lecturer Dr Sally Young and her research assistants Stephanie Younane and Mary Helen McIlroy. Though still at an early stage, it offers the mouth-watering prospect of evolving into an Australian equivalent of the American Living Room Candidate site. At present the content is mostly limited to texts of speeches, debates and advertisements. I contributed some of the grunt work, typing up the transcripts of victory and concession speeches. Those who doubt that I suffer for my art should take a few hours to peruse George Reid’s post-election stump speech from 1903.
Adam Carr has come good on his long-held promise to attach a psephological forum to his indispensable Psephos website.
Election 07 Norg is an election-dedicated citizen journalism site, brought to you by the good people at Norg Media.
Queensland University of Technology law lecturer Peter Black is analysing how Australian politicians are using Web 2.0 at Australian Politics 2.0.
From the operators of the Oz Election Forums comes Fair News Australia, which might not be permanently election-dedicated but certainly looks that way at the moment.
The Donkey Vote is a federal election group blog from Brad, Sheldon and their barnyard pals.
What have I missed?