The Poll Bludger’s Victorian election guide is now twice as fact-filled, fun-packed and good-looking as it was before, if you can possibly imagine such a thing. For starters, there are now candidate photos, if looking at politicians is what excites you. Even better is the return of the "Parish Pump" feature that was introduced for the South Australian election in March, but which went missing at the Queensland election because I had too much on my plate. Here you will find, for selected entries, outlines of important local issues with the potential to swing the result.
Hi does any one know if the VEC will be providing a delimited file down-load of all the polling places. list of candidates and registered preference data as a single file down load as opposed to having to open every electorate link?
Such information was provided by the AEC during the 2004 Federal Election and was very useful in allowing the preparation of various analytical tools. I am not looking forward to having to open 88 districts and 8 provinces to extract data that could be provided in a single download. The VEC is not known for its efficiency or willingness to maintain a transparent system…
I have written to them seeking confirmation and will post their reply here…
The list of candidates are progressively being registered
Nominate early 🙂 This could be that in order to obtain the voters roll on disk you need to be a nominated candidate. so buy nominating early they get the data early.
To date it looks like that the DLP might not be running candidates in all lower house districts. They have nominated for all the provinces but not Melbourne and Richmond (Have not had time to look at all the lower-house lists.
Unfortunately there is not a single download delimited candidates file…
The information can be scraped but it would be beneficial of the VEC adopted the AEC policy and provided a single delimited data down-load file.