Victorian election 2014

Legislative Council: Southern Metropolitan

Southern Metropolitan has only undergone slight changes in the redistribution, maintaining the Yarra as its northern boundary and covering the bayside from Port Melbourne south to Beaumaris, and extending inland through generally wealthy areas to Balwyn North, Burwood and Chadstone. Nine of its 11 lower house seats were won by the Liberals in 2010, the exceptions being Albert Park and Oakleigh. The Liberals gained a seat in 2010 at Labor’s expense, producing a result of three seats for the Liberals and one each for Labor and the Greens. Labor might accordingly hope for a reversion to the 2006 result, although its victory in the final seat on that occasion was a close-run thing. The Greens fell narrowly short of a quota in their right in 2010, and are all but assured of retaining their seat this time.

The Liberals go into the election with three of their elected candidates from 2010 defending their seats. The retiring member is Andrea Coote, who was first elected to Monash province in 1999 and the had the number two position in both 2006 and 2010.

Retaining top position for the third election in a row is David Davis, a former chiropractor who entered parliament as member for East Yarra in 1996. Davis won promotion to Shadow Health Minister after the 2002 election, but was demoted to environment in December 2005 in what was seen to represent his factional alignment with Jeff Kennett and Ted Baillieu, placing him in the opposite camp from the then leader, Robert Doyle. His career returned to an upward track with Baillieu’s assumption of the leadership in May 2006, and he recovered the health portfolio in November 2009, which he has retained in government.

In second place is Georgie Crozier, who won election from number three in 2010 and is now promoted up the order in Andrea Coote’s absence. Crozier won promotion to parliamentary secretary for health in March 2013. The new candidate at number three is Ken Ong, a Melbourne councillor said to have been aligned with Ted Baillieu’s faction of the party.

Labor has an entirely fresh ticket following the retirement of their only successful candidate in 2010, John Lenders. Labor’s two seats in 2006 were won by Lenders and Evan Thornley, the latter having come to fame as the founder of the technology company LookSmart, and securing his preselection at the insistence of Steve Bracks. All concerned were surprised, and a good many greatly annoyed, when Thornley decided politics wasn’t for him in early 2009. His casual vacancy was filled by Jennifer Huppert, who failed to win election from the number two spot in 2010.

Labor’s new leading candidate is Philip Dalidakis, a former chief executive of the Victorian Association of Forest Industries and staffer to Senator Stephen Conroy who shares the latter’s alignment with Labor Unity (the Right).

In second position is Erik Locke, a long-standing identity in the Socialist Left who held the position of party state secretary in the early 2000s.

Together with Greg Barber in Northern Metropolitan and Colleen Hartland in Western Metropolitan, Sue Pennicuik has been one of the Greens’ three parliamentarians since an opening was created for the party by the reform of the Legislative Council on 2006. Her roles befoe entering parliament included positions with the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union and the Australian Council of Trade Unions, and she later worked as an information officer with the Australian Drug Foundation while serving as the Greens’ state convener. She holds the position of Greens party whip and serves as its spokesperson for education, justice and industry.

Simplified preference tickets

Excluded from consideration: the top two Coalition and top Labor candidates.

Australian Christians: Rise Up Australia; DLP; Liberal; Shooters And Fishers; People Power; Family First; Cyclists; Country Alliance; Palmer United; Labor; Clive Jackson; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Liberal Democratic; Animal Justice; Greens; Sex Party; Voluntary Euthanasia.
DLP: Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia; Liberal Democratic; People Power; Family First; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Liberal; Labor; Palmer United; Clive Jackson; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Cyclists; Animal Justice; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party; Greens.
Liberal Democratic: Sex Party; Voluntary Euthanasia; Cyclists; DLP; Shooters And Fishers; Family First; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Country Alliance; People Power; Clive Jackson; Rise Up Australia; Liberal; Australian Christians; Labor; Palmer United; Greens; Animal Justice.
Rise Up Australia: Australian Christians; DLP; Family First; People Power; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Liberal; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Clive Jackson; Labor; Animal Justice; Liberal Democratic; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party; Palmer United; Cyclists; Greens.
Cyclists: Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Clive Jackson; Sex Party; Animal Justice; Voluntary Euthanasia; Country Alliance; People Power; Greens; Labor; Liberal; Shooters And Fishers; Family First; Australian Christians; DLP; Liberal Democratic; Palmer United; Rise Up Australia.
Clive Jackson: Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Animal Justice; Cyclists; Sex Party; Voluntary Euthanasia; Greens; People Power; Family First; Palmer United; half Labor, half Liberal; Country Alliance; DLP; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia; Shooters And Fishers; Liberal Democratic.
Greens: Cyclists; Animal Justice; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Clive Jackson; Labor; People Power; Palmer United; Liberal; Liberal Democratic; Family First; DLP; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia.
People Power: Cyclists; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Animal Justice; DLP; Australian Christians; Country Alliance; Clive Jackson; Rise Up Australia; Family First; Voluntary Euthanasia; Shooters And Fishers; Liberal Democratic; Liberal; Palmer United; Labor; Greens; Sex Party.
Animal Justice: Cyclists; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Clive Jackson; People Power; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party; Greens; Labor; Country Alliance; Liberal; Palmer United; DLP; Liberal Democratic; Australian Christians; Family First; Rise Up Australia; Shooters And Fishers.
Sex Party: Voluntary Euthanasia; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Cyclists; Clive Jackson; Animal Justice; Greens; Labor; Liberal Democratic; Liberal; Palmer United; People Power; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Australian Christians; DLP; Family First; Rise Up Australia.
Voluntary Euthanasia: Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Sex Party; Liberal Democratic; Cyclists; Greens; Animal Justice; People Power; Clive Jackson; Rise Up Australia; DLP; Australian Christians; Shooters And Fishers; Family First; Country Alliance; Labor; Palmer United; Liberal.
Labor: Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Sex Party; People Power; Animal Justice; Cyclists; Greens; Country Alliance; Palmer United; Voluntary Euthanasia; Clive Jackson; DLP; Liberal Democratic; Shooters And Fishers; Family First; Liberal; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia.
Shooters And Fishers: Sex Party; Cyclists; Australian Christians; DLP; Liberal Democratic; Rise Up Australia; Clive Jackson; People Power; Family First; Country Alliance; Palmer United; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Voluntary Euthanasia; Liberal; Labor; Animal Justice; Greens.
Family First: Australian Christians; DLP; Rise Up Australia; Liberal Democratic; Cyclists; Palmer United; Liberal; Labor; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Clive Jackson; People Power; Animal Justice; Greens; Sex Party; Voluntary Euthanasia.
Country Alliance: People Power; DLP; Liberal; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia; Sex Party; Labor; Family First; Shooters And Fishers; Liberal Democratic; Cyclists; Voluntary Euthanasia; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Clive Jackson; Animal Justice; Palmer United; Greens.
Palmer United: Family First; Shooters And Fishers; Liberal; Greens; Labor; Country Alliance; People Power; Clive Jackson; Animal Justice; Sex Party; Australian Christians; Cyclists; Rise Up Australia; Liberal Democratic; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; DLP; Voluntary Euthanasia.
Liberal: Australian Christians; Family First; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; People Power; Clive Jackson; Palmer United; DLP; Cyclists; Sex Party; Liberal Democratic; Voluntary Euthanasia; Animal Justice; Labor; Rise Up Australia; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Greens.
Luzio Grossi/Crystal James: Clive Jackson; Animal Justice; Cyclists; Voluntary Euthanasia; People Power; Sex Party; Labor; Greens; Liberal; Liberal Democratic; Country Alliance; Palmer United; Shooters And Fishers; Australian Christians; Family First; DLP; Rise Up Australia.

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