Time for a new thread, but with not much to report – so the weekly Roy Morgan poll gets a rare guernsey. This week the pollster has Labor ahead 51.5-48.5 on both its respondent-allocated and previous election preference measures, respectively comparing with 50.5-49.5 and 51-49 last time. The primary votes are Labor 30.5% (steady), Coalition 37% (down one), Greens 12% (down one) and One Nation 5.5% (down one). The poll was conducted last Monday to Sunday from a sample of 1655.
Two items of preselection news:
• The Nationals have preselected Gunnedah mayor Jamie Chaffey to succeed Mark Coulton when he retires from his rural New South Wales seat of Parkes at the next election. Chaffey won a local party ballot on Saturday from a field of three.
• The Australian’s Feeding the Chooks column reports five nominees for Liberal National Party preselection for the far north Queensland seat of Leichhardt, to be vacated at the election with the retirement of veteran member Warren Entsch: Alana McKenna, a “local aviation identity” who has Entsch’s endorsement; Sam Brayshaw, a geologist said to be supported by “far north Queensland conservative establishment figures Deirdre and Colin Ford”; local branch secretary Darcy Sanders; Jeremy Neal, a former Cairns councillor; and Margaret Milutinovic, who promotes herself as a “financial goddess”.
All the Leaves are Brown….

Bunch of black SUVs been rocking up to Walz place in the last hour…
Zero, not sure what the US would do with 195 trillion dollars 😛
Sandman @ #NaN Tuesday, August 6th, 2024 – 9:09 am
Oh, that one will be easy for pied pipsqueak. Here, let me show you how…
‘The RBA has had to cut interest rates because Labor has turned the economy to crap’.
See how easy it is? 😐
I think an interest rate rise of 0.15% would give the correct signal to the market.
Banks raising interest rates are a choice and this should be made clear by the treasurer. It may be better for some banks to lower their interest rates slightly, keeping the market stable and the foreclosure sales more profitable.
Do people know there’s a dedicated thread for US stuff?
Boerwar @ #NaN Tuesday, August 6th, 2024 – 7:43 am
But they won’t. They see too much political upside in continuing to stoke the sectarian flames.
Peter Dutton has been in hiding since he came back from the United states
Didnt know you ran this forum C@T…
Scott @ #NaN Tuesday, August 6th, 2024 – 9:55 am
He’s been to Israel and then WA on the way back. He’s into narrowcasting politics these days. 😐
A belated good morning all and thanks for the roundup BK. On this:
“Insiders thought it was a “joke” for PwC to both advise the government on tax reform while helping clients exploit those reforms. One meeting sent the Tax Office over the edge, reveals the AFR’s Edmund Tundros.”
This industry (the Big Four) has a long history of being incapable of internal reform, and having excessive influence within a deskilled public service. If nobody is prosecuted over a scandal as blatant as this one, it will never stop.
Seriously, what on earth are we to make of the constantly shifting Roy Morgan poll?
Labor polls better when Parliament isn’t sitting. 2 week sitting starts monday, Labor will be in the 20s again by the 25th.
LIVs who assume Parliament sits 5 days a week, 11 months of the year, think,
“Things are quiet, Labor musta picked up it’s game”
On Milesy’s State Gov’t servos, the State importing petrol from Taiwan [the Dim Sim petrol] was the quiet issue that brought Gair down in 1957, imo.
Lordbain @ #59 Tuesday, August 6th, 2024 – 9:58 am
You’ve not been here very long.
Indeed, shit lite’s at below a third of the PV. Even full of shit under Reichspotato is beating that, huh?
Direction of country seems to be about 50% saying going in wrong direction, though the same about a third seems fine with it (C@t, BW, …).
Ah well.
Anyone known when BludgerTrack 2025’s getting an update?
NSW red Liebor/ blue Libs lite ordering public service back into the office, rather than hybrid or working from anywhere won’t help much either. Pretty sure, given unreal diversity, benevolent racism, affirmative action many will be whimn, even from Western Sydney, she-wolf aspirationals apparently …
Better dust off them 2022 promises, and work out a medium to large delivery strategy post the 2025 Aus gov fed election.
It’s time, for ‘… Albo’ to let Dr Jim take over, or he could go full speed ahead towards the ice berg, and nominate the member for (Sydney) photo-ops with fauna and flora before facilitating the blowing up of humanity, clearing land, climate disruption resources some more.
Bring on a progressive alliance after the 2025 Federal Election! The major parties duopoly either in minority, or a national unity cabinet. Not even conservative Teals will want anything to do with this New – Cool Britannia-style – Labor, after the latest campaign finance reform.
“Don’t Look Up”?
Nice tag team move from Lordbain & P1 there. Standard twisting of what someone said with #2 coming in to score the hit.
‘VCT Et3e says:
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 10:17 am
Indeed, shit lite’s…’
Anal fixation. Poor potty training.
Yeah Cat like Hamas is Albos fault too according to Pied Piper. Why he wasn’t banned for that astounds me. LORDBAIN still playing with wet lettuces I see too. Situation normal along with his ill read, illiterate Wikipedia take on Marx. Too funny.
Sandman, please tell me more about my wiki level take on Marx 🙂
Do go on 🙂
Black SUVs at home of Minnesota VP candidate Tim Walz ignites internet speculation.
Walz is seen as an appealing option for independents and moderate Democrats as a working-class politician with a rural background, who exudes the appearance of “someone with a lived experience that is so comparable to so many of the people in rural America,” former Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., told The New York Times last week.
Before running for office, Walz, a graduate of Chadron State College in Nebraska, served in the Army National Guard, and then worked as a teacher, first on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, where he met his wife Gwen, a fellow teacher, and then in China and later as a high school teacher in Mankato, Minnesota, south of Minneapolis.
I’m not here to educate someone who reads Wikipedia to understand Marx . Go to the library in the tabletop and learn something Lordbain after your trolling assignment on PB. Good luck.
Sandman, your the type of person who defends a self declared Laborite who thinks people are only poor because they dont work, and that anyone without a job should be punished (amonsgt many other issues)
I am afraid I would not invite you to our tabletop group 🙁
Looks like Shapiro had too much baggage.
This Walz character is a bottom of the barrel pick, no baggage [so far], but how to humanise a guy with a head like a boar, that’s the hard part.
Early days, McCain/Palin MK2 for sure.
Sandman @ #NaN Tuesday, August 6th, 2024 – 10:21 am
Oh, I thought that Lordbain was an erudite, highly educated political commentator? 😆
He once criticised me too for using Wikipedia, just sayin’.
And his initial introduction of himself as just being some guy here for a few weeks while he was on holidays is obviously a lie. He’s here as a spoiler for The Greens. They always do this every election.
Badthinker @ #NaN Tuesday, August 6th, 2024 – 10:51 am
Is that the best you got? Um, he looks like one of your obvious idols, John Howard! 😆
Yawn C@T, as mentioned multiple times, it was a joke to denote my retirement.
But hey, tell me more about why a party based (supposedly) on Democratic Socialist and Workers Rights should use Coalition policies relating to punitive job searching requirements to still exist under the poverty line 🙂
But then your also the individual that claimed that Labor doesnt take money from gambling institutions…
Man, cant believe we lost posters like nadia because your just an asshole to anyone who says anything that doesnt fit in your world view…
I just had a thought. With the type of posting we are seeing lately, what will this place be like in 6 months time?
More judgement of character based on physical appearance. How very badthinker of you BT. Not surprising.
Jack Robinson has won Australia’s first surfing silver medal at an Olympic Games. Robinson’s historic run at the Games ended with a runner-up finish to French athlete Kauli, a man who grew up surfing the world famous break of Teahupo’o, Tahiti.
“ Jack Robinson has won Australia’s first surfing silver medal at an Olympic Games. Robinson’s historic run at the Games ended with a runner-up finish to French athlete Kauli, a man who grew up surfing the world famous break of Teahupo’o, Tahiti.”
That’s a boilover!
Editedto add: Kauli won the final effectively within minutes of its starting. The surf conditions have been very poor, yet he pulled out a Teahupo’o classic barrel from nowhere for a 9.5 point ride. 100% local knowledge I reckon.
BTW, for those posters who are interested in the state of global markets, the ASX is on an upturn so far today, which probably is explained by the fact that Dow Jones futures (and NASDAQ futures and S&P 500 futures) are also up: because our investors tend to be rather culturally derivative. And the Nikkei is also up on very early trading (but one thinks that – even though Tokyo is arguably the most panicky of all global stock exchanges – it really couldn’t have fallen much further than it did yesterday).
The CBOE volatility index – aka the “fear index” – which excites some analysts but which has always seemed to me to be more of a backward-looking tool than one with any predictive value, is up, which I believe we are meant to see as a bad thing.
So the news so far today is moderately good, but not definitively so. I’m still anticipating an influx of money back into share markets over the next few days in search of bargains. And I think it’s more likely than not that the Federal Reserve are likely to interrupt their summer holidays, hold an unscheduled meeting and reduce interest rates by 0.25-0.5 per cent, which will presumably provide more upward momentum.
There are a few posters, mainly over on the US election thread, who seem to want a major crash to hurt Kamala Harris and perhaps also the ALP government. I would still put my money on their being disappointed. The US economy is likely to continue to soften, but this will mean a slower rate of growth in prices and lower interest rates, which I expect would be politically popular more than otherwise. The labour market will get a little tighter, which will prompt some MAGA types to carry on about migrants taking “our jobs”, but I would question the extent to which most of those people are genuinely in the labour market (so they would have been complaining in the same way however the labour market was looking).
Griff @ #NaN Tuesday, August 6th, 2024 – 11:00 am
Feral City! 😆
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 9:55 am
Peter Dutton has been in hiding since he came back from the United states
When I asked PP whether Dutton went to US to get briefing on Project 2025 forbits implementation Australia if and when Dutton beomes PM, PP did not respond. (music: dun, dun dun…) 🙂
I would have bought Nvidia yesterday if I had the readies. 🙂
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 9:40 am
Bunch of black SUVs been rocking up to Walz place in the last hour…
Music: dun, dun, dun..
Criticising the government’s pissweak, wet lettuce responses to Israeli war crimes and pointing out double standards is now fomenting community dissent?
We were always at war with East Asia?
picking Shapiro would have been very tone deaf
Walz kicked off the ‘weird’ messaging. sadly it is too soon for mayor pete to rise to vp level. but he’s a very useful attack dog and presumably has a long career in politics to go – 2040 mayhaps?
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 9:58 am
Didnt know you ran this forum C@T…
Probably not a great argument this time LB. C@T is obviously correct in saying this is not the USA forum. Personally i thought having a separate USA forum was working well up to now.
Entropy; firstly, et tu Entropy?
Secondly, you have a point, I will endeavour to keep my thoughts separated (it would be remiss of me to not be a little petty and point out C@T has done it like pretty much every other poster here).
Thirdly, I look forward to your continued thoughts on a certain court case
And as has been commented on, it’s been a pleasant break from the snipe of the open thread. I saw someone say, agree to disagree this morning, probably the best choice on Australian politics but that of course is a vain hope.
dave @ #47 Tuesday, August 6th, 2024 – 9:19 am
So true. It doesn’t. Sometimes it makes mistakes, and admits them.
It’s still capable of creating a Linear Program optimisation model covering the entire operations, monthly, for a full year, of one of Australia’s larger food industry companies. Current version, delivered this morning:
COUNTS 8258 5537 2720 1
COUNTS 5616 11153 1 0 0
ELEMENTS 41226 46763 848 0 0
If you printed out the matrix you would need a piece of paper 165 metres wide and 56 metres long.
Solves in 2.9 seconds, after 3400 iterations. Truly amazing! Each iteration involves solving a set of 8,258 simultaneous equations, using sequential matrix inversion, and testing the solution for optimality.
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 11:22 am
Entropy; firstly, et tu Entropy?
Secondly, you have a point, I will endeavour to keep my thoughts separated (it would be remiss of me to not be a little petty and point out C@T has done it like pretty much every other poster here).
Thirdly, I look forward to your continued thoughts on a certain court case
We all get petty at times. The problem with being flawed human beings. Though once that is over come. We can then look at creating socialist utopia? Sorry i used socialist, couldn’t bring myself to use the “C” word.
Certainly likely to comment on a certain court case later on day. Though on that, i’m preferring to riff of others melodies. Than setting the agenda. So following the afternoon summary by “sprocket” i will likely play away.
ANZ-Indeed Australian Job Ads recorded its sixth consecutive monthly decline in July, with the series down 16.7% since January. This points to continued cooling in the labour market: https://x.com/ANZ_Research/status/1820633640176349566
Thats ok Entropy, theres hope for you yet, so you can join the tabletop re-education system ill implement 🙂
‘PageBoi says:
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 11:15 am
Criticising the government’s pissweak, wet lettuce responses to Israeli war crimes and pointing out double standards is now fomenting community dissent? ‘
The truly funny thing was the horrified response from the Greens politicians when they realized that the votes they were so assiduously astroturfing were going somewhere else.
All that hate mongering, all that Labor slagging and some other Party was going to benefit!
Same with windfarms, BTW. The Greens NIMBIES oppose them and the Nats harvest the votes. Life can be so cruel.
Bandt and Dutton are playing the same horrible game here.
Let’s hope that the hate they have been fomenting and stirring up does not spill over to the extent that someone actually gets killed.
Because huge numbers of people have already felt directly the islamophobic and anti-semitic hatreds they have been winding up.
The Thug and his Toolie; the Wrecker and his Blocker.
Labor has chosen to lie with dogs like Hamas it is now catching fleas.
Payman is coming along and a new Muslim party is forming as well all because of federal labor.
‘Holdenhillbilly says:
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 11:36 am
ANZ-Indeed Australian Job Ads recorded its sixth consecutive monthly decline in July, with the series down 16.7% since January. This points to continued cooling in the labour market: https://x.com/ANZ_Research/status/1820633640176349566
The gaslighters are going to have to forgo the rising interest rates they were cuddling with zest only a fortnight ago.
pied pipersays:
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 11:45 am
Labor has chosen to lie with dogs like Hamas it is now catching fleas.
Payman is coming along and a new Muslim party is forming as well all because of federal labor.
That makes no sense at all. Are you actually suggesting if Labor was more pro-Israel, like that of Dutton’s LNP. A Muslim party would not be being formed?
The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 plan severely jeopardizes former President Donald Trump’s election prospects, and the plan to overhaul the federal government has turned out to be an “unmitigated polling disaster” with voters, wrote Andrew Perez and Asawin Suebsaeng for Rolling Stone. Democrats, they said, are preparing to press the advantage by “smothering” the GOP with attack messaging on it.
Project 2025, conceived as an 800-page plan for Republican governance and personnel hiring, calls for replacing the entire federal civil service with an army of MAGA loyalists, imposing Christian nationalism, erasing racial equality programs, and wiping out everything from Social Security and Medicare to military families’ benefits to investment in public transportation to even the National Weather Service. Voters have caught on to what’s in the proposal, wrote Perez and Suebsaeng. And they hate it.
According to Democratic strategists, they wrote, “there are reams of internal polling among Democratic organizations showing how much Project 2025 has been breaking through the media ecosystems, even to many median voters.” New polling from Navigator, they wrote, shows that nearly 8 in 10 voters oppose allowing the government to monitor pregnancies for the purpose of potentially prosecuting them if they miscarry. Furthermore, “73 percent say it would be harmful to allow employers to deny workers access to birth control, 70 percent say a national abortion ban would be harmful, and 71 percent say it would be harmful to ban in-vitro fertilization nationwide” — all of which Project 2025 supports.
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 11:45 am
‘Holdenhillbilly says:
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 11:36 am
ANZ-Indeed Australian Job Ads recorded its sixth consecutive monthly decline in July, with the series down 16.7% since January. This points to continued cooling in the labour market: https://x.com/ANZ_Research/status/1820633640176349566
The gaslighters are going to have to forgo the rising interest rates they were cuddling with zest only a fortnight ago.
Lars last week was asking me to apologise over this claim he made about what i supposedly posted in the past? If i indeed posted anything like that? The claim of interest rates coming right down before the end of the year. Looks to be quite a good one now.
Lars Von Triersays:
Wednesday, July 31, 2024 at 9:54 pm
Ironic post from you entropy given ur claims of Albo surfing to victory off the back of interest rate cuts this year.
Lars Von Triersays:
Wednesday, July 31, 2024 at 10:04 pm
It’s more credible to admit a mistake and move on entropy then obfuscate.
The peoples republic of Western Australia are launching own satellites.
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Home WA Government Media statements Cook Labor Government Successful blast off for Western Australia’s satellites
Successful blast off for Western Australia’s satellites
Western Australia’s space industry continues to take off with the latest launch overnight of three locally built satellites, called CubeSats.
Three satellites (CubeSats) from Curtin University’s Binar space program launched
CubeSats to be delivered to the International Space Station onboard a SpaceX rocket
Cook Government has committed $3 million to support the Binar CubeSat program
Western Australia’s space industry continues to take off with the latest launch overnight of three locally built satellites, called CubeSats.
Science Minister Stephen Dawson said the satellites from Curtin University’s Binar space program were carrying instrumentation from CSIRO and Perth-based communications systems company AVI.
This is the first time a Western Australian business has sent its goods into space.
AVI is sending transmitters while the CSIRO is testing how new materials can protect electronics against harmful radiation in space.
The CubeSats (Binar-2,3 and 4), launched from Kennedy Space Centre in Florida, were carried onboard a SpaceX rocket heading for the International Space Station (ISS) as a part of a resupply mission.
It’s expected to take around 24 hours for the rocket to reach the ISS and then the CubeSats will be released into a Low Earth Orbit a few weeks later.
The CubeSats will orbit the earth approximately every 90 minutes for 6-12 months at 400km above the planet’s surface.
The Cook Government has committed $3 million to support the Binar CubeSat Space Program. In August 2021 Binar-1 became the first ever WA-made satellite to be launched into space.
For more information see: https://www.binarspace.com/about-binar/(link is external)
Comments attributed to Science Minister Stephen Dawson:
“This is another giant leap for WA’s space industry with this latest launch of three CubeSats from the Curtin University Binar space program.
“This a milestone achievement with three satellites successfully taking off on a SpaceX rocket last night, carrying instrumentation from a Perth based business. This is the first time locally built goods have been sent into space.
“This latest launch is further proof of our Government’s commitment to grow our local space industry as we position the state to become a major player on the international stage.
“There is little doubt that WA is the place for space.”