Aside from developments in the Indigenous Voice referendum, covered in the post above, there are two developments to relate on the federal preselection front:
• Samantha Maiden at reports Liberal deputy leader Sussan Ley will be spared a preselection challenge in her seat of Farrer after her challenger, Jean Haynes, was rejected by the party’s nomination review committee and suspended from the party for 90 days. The reasons behind this are unclear, but it comes after “a tit for tat round of expulsion motions in the Deniliquin branch of the party” that “included attempts to expel a group of party veterans who are loyal supporters of Sussan Ley, some of whom are women in the 70s and 80s who have given up to 50 years of service to the party”. Christian Ellis, who sought to challenge Ley’s preselection before the last election, has been expelled for bringing the party into disrepute shortly after pleading guilty to a firearm charge, with no conviction recorded. Contrary to other reports, Maiden relates that Ley “was expected to trounce challenger Haynes with over 70 per cent of the vote”.
• Rachel Baxendale of The Australian reports that Victorian Liberal Senator Jane Hume has abandoned a short-lived bid to elevate herself from second to first place on the Coalition ticket at the next election, amid conservative threats of retaliation by backing Greg Mirabella to take second position, potentially reducing Hume to third. Mirabella has recently relinquished his position as the party’s state president to pursue the third position, from which he unsuccessfully sought re-election last year. As Paul Sakkal of The Age described it, Hume’s move “pits her moderate wing against the Victorian Right faction led by figures including Paterson and lower house MP Michael Sukkar”. Hume owed her second position at the 2019 election to intervention by Scott Morrison that saw off conservative-backed challenger Karina Okotel.
Dr Doolittle @ #749 Monday, August 28th, 2023 – 7:47 pm
We’re also seeing frantic and increasingly unhinged attacks from Dutton suggesting he might be seeing some polling we aren’t.
B.S. Fairmansays:
Monday, August 28, 2023 at 7:17 pm
The promise not to legislate some from of an indigenous voice if the referendum fails will last about six months…. “No, No, No, we are not to deliver what we were just was very important because we can’t get it the way we wanted to!”…. Sure it is a threat but it is not really what is going to happen.
So if the referendum goes down, the government is still going to consult indigenous people about indigenous issues. And some form of body/bodies will be created or modified, because it is need.
Dr Doolittlesays:
Monday, August 28, 2023 at 7:41 pm
ItzaDream at 7.34 pm
See this short essay by John McCarthy, which is so clear we have been handing it out in Braidwood:
McCarthy may well be Australia’s most senior living diplomat, judged in terms of his ambassadorships.
From the article: “Sometime towards the end of the year, we will vote on a referendum about whether to change our Constitution to establish an independent Indigenous voice to our parliament and government on matters which affect the lives of Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders.”
When people say ‘No’to it, how can the government legislate it?
P.S. From the article: “If we vote No on the Voice, however skilfully we explain that result, we will be seen as a country whose advocacy of international decency is freely laced with hypocrisy.
Reputation counts.”
The argument that a NO vote would make us look bad internationally troubles me.
Of course, this referendum will have international ramifications and make us look bad or good, or both. And diplomats may well find themselves with harder or easier obstacles. But I doubt that most Australians worry about our diplomats. What I think most will feel, even if it is not articulated, is a sense of being pressured by outsiders. This is the seed of that idea of being bullied to vote YES, which our LOTO jumped on. Australia should have the courage of its own convictions. This referendum will help us see ourselves more clearly. This is about us, not any approval or disapproval among other nations. We’re trying to clean up our own mess, or trying not to, as the case may be.
Like every other marginal point, this is a distraction. We have an opportunity. Let’s not squander it.
A No in this referendum would be a No to constitutional change. It wouldn’t be a No to legislation. Those are very different questions.
If the referendum fails it would make sense for the federal government to consult with the indigenous communities who participated in the Uluru process and find out what they’d like to do next. If they favour a legislated Voice, then do that. In addition, if indigenous people are in favour of the government using legislative and / or executive action to make progress on treaty and restorative justice / truth-telling processes, then do those too.
Bishop was pretty popular with the Ladies Who Lunch wasn’t she?
When they legislate, you’d think it’s likely the Government won’t use the name ‘Voice’ when creating the representative body. Just so that morons out there can’t say that they are ignoring the referendum results.
Yeah, legislate it so the askholes (as PTMD would say) can later send it to the bin with ATSIC, and kiss good bye Makarrata and treaty.
The insufferable Angus Taylor on 7.30 report.. again banging on with the Chicago School crap.. abolish tax but don’t speak about which section of the Australian community you will have to rape to balance the books, maybe we need a permanent permeative Royal Commission to head off his / LNP stupid ideas.
The Australian community can only stand so many Robodets
Paul Keating should send Angus another copy of the Magic Pudding, he lost the last one.
The Guardian has some detailed Voice polling results tracking over time and state details they put up a few hours ago. Couldn’t get the link to work.
That is what Sir Humphrey of ‘Yes Minister’ fame would have described as ‘very courageous’. In other words it would be electoral suicide.
Sceptic @ #758 Monday, August 28th, 2023 – 8:05 pm
Been charged yet with illegal land clearing? That get a run? Thought not.
Over. End. Finished. There is zero chance that the ALP legislates something to replace a failed referendum. zeeeeeeeero. gawwn.
Pi says:
Monday, August 28, 2023 at 8:08 pm
Over. End. Finished. There is zero chance that the ALP legislates something to replace a failed referendum. zeeeeeeeero. gawwn.
So when it does happen. I’d like you to write out ‘I am a stooge’ 100 times. Fair nuff?
I also don’t think a legislated voice would be possible from a ‘No’ result if Labor wants to remain electable.
Not only would they have to get it through the Lower House, they’d have to get it through the Senate too. And there’s no way the Coalition and the Greens would negotiate such a thing in good faith, and they need one or the other for it to pass.
If that were to happen I think Greens would demand “Treaty” and the Coalition would demand “Cashless welfare card” with no budging.
And even if the “Cashless welfare card” was part of the deal, a future Coalition government would happily abolish the voice while keeping and probably expanding the card to all people on social welfare.
I will be troubled if Albanese government legislates Voice if Voice referendum fails. That shows lack of respect for Australian people and that Albanese and his government doesn’t care about what Australian people emphatically expressed and his government is authoritarian.
I have seen how an authoritarian government works and I don’t like it and don’t want it whether people like Rex, nath and Nicholas want it or not.
What is interesting is that some people on PB kept quiet when quasi-authoritarian government was operating in Australia.
We’ve had enough Pi tonight, surely its time for a pompous griff interjection?
The Ref is about putting an indigenous representative body in the constitution. It’s not about whether there is one or not.
Any attempt to legislate an indigenous representative body will be seen as a backdoor way of resurrecting the Voice. The usual suspects will oppose it – and it will be dead before it hits the ground.
If/when the Voice fails, the government will get the message. They will move on to other things. Harsh and unfair, but they are not gluttons for punishment.
Touch of paternalism on display tonight.
Nicholas says:
Monday, August 28, 2023 at 7:59 pm
We live in a democracy. When people say ‘No’ to a proposition it stays that way.
A No in this referendum would be a No to constitutional change. It wouldn’t be a No to legislation. Those are very different questions.
If the referendum fails it would make sense for the federal government to consult with the indigenous communities who participated in the Uluru process and find out what they’d like to do next. If they favour a legislated Voice, then do that. In addition, if indigenous people are in favour of the government using legislative and / or executive action to make progress on treaty and restorative justice / truth-telling processes, then do those too.
You got it. Back to the proverbial drawing board. Should be sorted in a jiffy! Are we a republic yet? 😉
I will write 1000 times ‘I am a stooge’ if Voice is legislated if and when it fails.
Lars Von Trier says:
Monday, August 28, 2023 at 8:15 pm
We’ve had enough Pi tonight, surely its time for a pompous griff interjection?
The circumstance required some pomp 😉
I know Lars likes to book mark my predictions, so fill your boots with this one:
The Voice:
YES – Victoria, NSW, SA, Tasmania
majority = Yes
Referendum carried
The RealLiberals ™ are behind The Voice, unlike the QLD copper..
Former Liberal foreign affairs minister Julie Bishop has claimed a no result in the voice referendum would send a “very negative message” to the world about the openness and empathy of Australian society.
Speaking at a yes campaign event in Perth, Bishop strongly backed the voice in her role as Australian National University chancellor.
“We’ve done a great deal of research and analysis on the Uluru Statement from the Heart, the yes campaign, the referendum, and we believe that this is an opportunity to get things right,” she said.
FWIW, and it’s not much, I think the argument that the VOICE can be legislated if the referendum fails, is little different than the argument expressed a few weeks ago, that it’s all too hard and “Albo” should just pull the referendum. The argument gives people the excuse to vote NO, since if it will be legislated anyway, then there’s no harm in voting NO. It’s probably why Dutton said he would legislate it. This is a smokescreen, like so many others.
Constitutional recognition is not “merely” to make it harder to undo, it recognises in the document that describes who we are, who we were and who we aspire to be.
(Gotta go. Back later.)
Lars Von Trier says:
Monday, August 28, 2023 at 8:15 pm
We’ve had enough Pi tonight, surely its time for a pompous griff interjection?
That was eerily prescient.
nath and LVT projecting what?
‘Pompous git’
nath says:
Monday, August 28, 2023 at 8:22 pm
Lars Von Trier says:
Monday, August 28, 2023 at 8:15 pm
We’ve had enough Pi tonight, surely its time for a pompous griff interjection?
That was eerily prescient.
I was called upon 🙂
would the average voter even remember who Frydenberg was as treasurer he was not egzacktly high profile the only time he was praised was he made a anti dan andrews rant he has disappeared unlike Crodger has not kept up a media profile is not a comentator on sky news no interviews plus dutton was defacto deputy when morrison was pm with barnabey joice and even gregg hunt having a higher profile then frydenberg it was a pandemick
I have a lot of respect for Adam Gilchrist as a cricketer. For me he is top 3 Australia cricket players in last 25 years.
But he is a Carlton supporter.
I think heart wants what it wants.
The low information voters are getting glossies handed out at markets, train stations, workplaces supporting a YES vote.
But if they tune into Sky with their 20k viewers, or shoutback radio with the withering audience, or are signed up RupertRooters – their confirmation bias to be bogan racists is ampliphied.
i know frydenberg did a good job at being friends with senyor pres galary jernalist and nicki sava did her best to start the bring back frydenberg campaign with her colum claiming he was upset Morrison sort to take over his position but if gfrydenberg was serious abbout a come back he would have stayed in the news even that richardson from labor has more profile the most out of tuch comment as to whiy he should return is that he has wanted the job since he was old he is a nice guy david spears just because you have wanted to be party leader since a young
Late Riser says:
Monday, August 28, 2023 at 8:22 pm
FWIW, and it’s not much, I think the argument that the VOICE can be legislated if the referendum fails, is little different than the argument expressed a few weeks ago, that it’s all too hard and “Albo” should just pull the referendum. The argument gives people the excuse to vote NO, since if it will be legislated anyway, then there’s no harm in voting NO. It’s probably why Dutton said he would legislate it. This is a smokescreen, like so many others.
Constitutional recognition is not “merely” to make it harder to undo, it recognises in the document that describes who we are, who we were and who we aspire to be.
(Gotta go. Back later.)
Agreed. Several otherwise progressive bludgers are falling into this trap.
Late Risersays:
Monday, August 28, 2023 at 8:22 pm
FWIW, and it’s not much, I think the argument that the VOICE can be legislated if the referendum fails, is little different than the argument expressed a few weeks ago, that it’s all too hard and “Albo” should just pull the referendum. The argument gives people the excuse to vote NO, since if it will be legislated anyway, then there’s no harm in voting NO. It’s probably why Dutton said he would legislate it. This is a smokescreen, like so many others.
Constitutional recognition is not “merely” to make it harder to undo, it recognises in the document that describes who we are, who we were and who we aspire to be.
(Gotta go. Back later.)
So in summary people like nath, Rex, Nicholas are ‘No’ voters although they say they vote ‘Yes’. Thanks for clarifying that LR. 🙂
Aaron, you might be on the money with FriedThePlanet.
No love for him with the happy clapping Mormon branch stackers in Victoria, so pre-selection not assured. And the Liberal brand is on the nose in the Massachusetts of the South.
Sprocket administers the kiss of death to the Voice referendum.
Frydenberg is no peter costellow there was a long campaign buy jernaliists not the public that costellow should return to be liberal leader and that he might make a come back but it never happind if josh wanted to return whiy did he disapear from the media as soon as he lost his seat plus he stands for nothing apart from being a corear politician andcorear staffer and banker i can not think of what Frydenberg actually stands for if the public are not that kean on you but you are being backed by sava david crow hartcher maiden these backed turnbull but it failed at least as terible as dutton is he stands for somthing he is a hard line conservative frydenberg like theturnbull and the late andrew peacock only stands for being pm no conviction
maybi he could enter the victorian parliament and replace pessuto the current victorian liberals are just like the old1960s vic alp rather be puer in opposition fighting ring wing culture wars then have any hope of ever forming government frydenberg was succesful in leading the get andrews campaignhe is still premier and frydenberg is invizable
sprocket_ says:
Monday, August 28, 2023 at 8:32 pm
Aaron, you might be on the money with FriedThePlanet.
No love for him with the happy clapping Mormon branch stackers in Victoria, so pre-selection not assured.
Kooyong is old money Liberal. Not many pentecostals or mormons in Kew.
But if you are under the impression that he is a moderate, you are mistaken. Sukkar is a close friend of his. Frydenberg has always played both wings of the party in his desire to be PM.
laz i know you do not ingage with me as much since sprockets intervention but perhaps you could post somthing relivant in stead of trolling my self and pi you obveouslyrealise dutton has 0 chance of ever being pm and labor will be in power for a decade
LVT, you like to talk about ‘Peak Albo’
Well ‘Peak No to the Voice’ is disappearing in the rear view mirror. Middle Australia is realising they have to vote compulsory for something, and a fair go for our First Nations is a no brainer for those not infected by political bias.
Julie Bishop has been more vocal in her support of the voice than Adam Bandt has.
nath, do you really think Frydo, joined at the hip with Dutton, has any hope of ejecting the sophomore Dr Monique Ryan?
Maybe some more derelict buildings painted with his visage might do the trick? Or young Liberal stooges wither aggressive dodgers?
‘Can’t sign on Indian flag’: Neeraj Chopra’s gesture wins hearts
After winning the gold medal, a Hungarian fan requested Neeraj Chopra to sign the Indian flag. However, he refused, stating that it goes against the flag code.
Reading through Nikki Savva’s Bulldozed book and by coincidence reached the chapter on Frydenberg today.
Of the Teals, Monique Ryan got one of, if not the most highest Primary Vote out of all of them, and that’s no easy feat for a seat like Kooyong.
Ryan and her team worked very hard for that, and were backed by Simon Holmes à Court to the hilt, because he has a personal feud with Frydenberg. If 2025 is another Ryan vs Frydenberg contest, it won’t be an easy return for him, especially if Dutton is still the leader.
naf and laz with there usualas cat would say we are goingdown another distraction debating duttons line that Albanese will legislate a voice so we should vote no just like the liberals think the treasurer who st ayed loil to morrisonand disappeared from the media after loosing can re appear and magicly regain cooyoung bacause david speers said so not because the public even remembers them dutton was morrisons real deputy when ever morrison was away the robott bermingham or dutton were put up as spokesman post cormann
Maybe if Frydo went low?
sprocket_ says:
Monday, August 28, 2023 at 8:40 pm
nath, do you really think Frydo, joined at the hip with Dutton, has any hope of ejecting the sophomore Dr Monique Ryan?
No, I think Ryan will win again, most likely. But you were talking about pre-selection for Kooyong. I think he will get that if he wants it badly enough. I don’t think the members there despise him, but they may prefer new blood.
frydenberg has not kept any publick profile unles your a folllower of politics like us would the averige voter even remember who he was the robot bermingham joice dutton cormann all had hig
The only reason for Monique Ryan to run again in Kooyong is if she wants to be part of a balance of power in a minority Government and think thats a realistic prospect. If she runs I am sure she would win Kooyong again.
She is one of the most eminent specialists in her field in Australia – why be a low impact crossbencher who is tossed the occasional cosmetic amendment by the Government.
I dare say she has found the experience of Parly and the quality on both sides pedestrian.