Newspoll: 53-47 to Labor

Newspoll finds the advantage remaining with Labor on the eve of the federal election campaign, albeit by a narrow margin that they’ve been used to this year.

As related in The Australian, the Coalition opens its campaign for the May 21 election with its least bad Newspoll headline since December, with Labor’s two-party lead at 53-47, in from 54-46 at the last poll a week ago and 55-45 at the previous poll a fortnight earlier. The primary votes are Labor 37% (down one), Coalition 36% (steady), Greens 10% (steady), United Australia Party 4% (up one) and One Nation 3% (steady).

Scott Morrison’s personal ratings are unchanged at 42% approval and 54% disapproval, but his lead as preferred prime minister has widened from 43-42 to 44-39. Albanese is down one on approval to 42% and up one on disapproval to 45%. The poll was conducted Wednesday to Saturday from a sample of 1506.

Note also the post immediately below from Adrian Beaumont on the French presidential election.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,035 comments on “Newspoll: 53-47 to Labor”

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  1. Firefox says:
    Monday, April 11, 2022 at 8:20 pm
    Mundo is not exaggerating, the coverage of Albo’s gaffe in the MSM is horrendous.
    Wasting their time
    After the Easter break , thats when people will start to focus on the campaign

  2. I’ll give Mundo and L’arse this much: at some point, soon, Albo, Charmers and Clare as campaign spokesman will have to give a full throated response to the risible bullshit that Labor cant manage money:

    Howard: pissed 200 billion of the mining boom against the wall.

    Morrison: doubled the national debt before covid.

    Morrison again: billions unspent from the natural disaster fund, but tens of billions gifted to billionaires out of his mismanaged JobKeeper program.

    Morrison and Dutton: cancelled our subs and our long range surveillance drones – at a cost of over $5 billion – making australia unsafe for over 20 years.

    Albo: managed a $75 billion portfolio without any structural delivery problems.

    And so on.

  3. Oh for fuck’s sake Mundo, give it a bit of a rest. I watched 7.30 & Clare got in the sort of stuff you always moan about Labor not doing. “Highest & second highest taxing governments-this one & Howard”.

  4. Andrew_Earlwood says:
    Monday, April 11, 2022 at 8:27 pm

    I’ll give Mundo and L’arse this much: at some point, soon, Albo, Charmers and Clare as campaign spokesman will have to give a full throated response to the risible bullshit that Labor cant manage money:

    Howard: pissed 200 billion of the mining boom against the wall.

    Morrison: doubled the national debt before covid.
    That doesn’t matter too much. The financial literacy of most people extends simply to the deficit and the debt.

    Foucault could have written a chapter on it. However bad the Liberals do the argument that Labor would be worse has purchase.

    Keating was changing it but then the recession of the early 90s interrupted.
    I think the best Labor can do it just negate it, as much as possible, which Rudd did pretty well by calling himself a ‘fiscal conservative’ during the 2007 election.

  5. I don’t think it really matters that Albanese couldn’t remember the latest unemployment rate (I think Howard’s reaction is probably representative of the broader electorate). But I do think Labor needs to make more of an effort to counter these rehearsed Coalition talking points.

    Rising cost of living is the Coalition’s biggest weak spot IMO (it’s very clearly weighing down consumer sentiment). Albanese should talk about ‘cost of living rising out of control under Morrison’. He can talk about Morrison being out of touch, not knowing the cost of everyday items. He can point out that real wages are falling because inflation is rising faster than wages. Also any Coalition claims about being ‘good at managing money’ can be pretty easily refuted by noting that Morrison’s government is a very high-spending government with gross debt projected to rise above $1 trillion in their own Budget . It’s honestly kind of ridiculous for this government to be running on fiscal prudence despite their profligate track record!

  6. Another Clive Palmer ad just popped on YouTube, this one advertising his latest policy: abolishing all student debt! I shit you not.

  7. [‘Labor member for Brand Madeleine King weaponised the former Liberal leaders’ visits at an earlier press conference alongside Wyatt’s opponent Tania Lawrence.

    “I think that speaks a lot about what Scott Morrison knows is that the people of Western Australia don’t trust him,” she said.

    “They don’t like him and they don’t want to see him so poor old John Howard gets rolled out to fly the flag.”]

    I find King’s comment ageist, though readily admitting to being easily offended.

  8. Asha,
    I have a friend who has a gentle 58K of hecs. Inflation is a worry.

    It’s actually not the worst idea, it would contribute income to the lower spending classes.

  9. apologize if someone has beaten me with this little piece of doggerel.

    Morrison refuses to give Tudge a nudge.

    A mate who’s become a political drudge

    Who in his affair, tried to fudge,

    But Tudge wouldn’t budge, despite all the sludge.

    Now Scomo says we shouldn’t be too quick to judge

    And here’s 500 g’s, so she won’t have to bludge.

  10. Asha says:
    Monday, April 11, 2022 at 8:39 pm
    Another Clive Palmer ad just popped on YouTube, this one advertising his latest policy: abolishing all student debt! I shit you not.
    What’s the angle? Sir Clive isn’t known as an altruist – he must be planning to direct his preferences, otherwise this doesn’t make any sense?

  11. “Firefox, that’s an almost teal background.
    Surely there’s a green he could go with.”


    Look again, it’s a graphic by 10 News First – in response to GG’s claim.

  12. Albo wil be feeling he let the team down today. He loves the Labor Party – just like many of us here – putting our two bobs worth on PB.

    But I’ve taken Albo for a steak and beer at the Leichhardt Hotel in Cloncurry (Katter Country) and seen the way he talks to punters, he will dust himself and learn from this. It’s day one – first minute of the first half – and as we Queenslanders know its not until the final whistle that you win a State of Origin.

    I see the Tories as the Blues. Big money, always backed by the MSM. Labor are the Maroons. Always the underdog. The NSW Call team (Rabbit Warren and that goose Sterling) on the high horse right until the 80th minute when Queensland win the match and the Origin. The cockroaches (Tories) hate it.

    Albo’s had plenty of bad days – sheesh you ever see what happens to lefties at the NSW State Conference! Especially in his younger “Bolshie” days. But he loves the Labor Party. He will come back and be better for it.

    Don’t pee the bed boys and girls, keep the faith. This will be a victory for the True Believers, the people who in difficult times, kept the faith.

  13. Albo claims to “strengthen”Medicare
    How? There’s 9000 members of the Australian Counselling Association ready to help often low income clients with counselling now -yet no Medicare rebate to help those desperate clients struggling with their mental health.
    Coalition has done nothing about it either ! Get real !!!!

  14. Upnorth says:
    Monday, April 11, 2022 at 8:54 pm

    This will test his metal.. can you imagine the line of data questions he will face tomorrow from the media goons?

    Labor will have to have a solid game plan & stick to it.. bring on Mal Meninga I say.

  15. South:

    I have a friend who has a gentle 58K of hecs. Inflation is a worry.

    It’s actually not the worst idea, it would contribute income to the lower spending classes.

    I’m not really opposed to the idea either. Certainly didn’t expect to see it coming from Clive, though!

    I guess the UBI is next?

  16. Sceptic says:
    Monday, April 11, 2022 at 9:03 pm

    Upnorth says:
    Monday, April 11, 2022 at 8:54 pm

    This will test his metal.. can you imagine the line of data questions he will face tomorrow from the media goons?

    Labor will have to have a solid game plan & stick to it.. bring on Mal Meninga I say.

    Might steer clear of Mal – given his “stint” in politics.

    No Albo will play like Townsville born and bred Gordon Tallis – who politely gave the Sydney crowd one finger when the Toads came from behind to seal another origin win!!!

  17. Anything coming from Clive should be regarded as bait & nothing else. Interesting, perhaps, to mull over who his lures target but not to be viewed as policy.

  18. Another great achievement of the Liberals. Too many political appointments means
    The Australian Human Rights Commission’s status as a National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) has been reviewed by the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) – the international standards body.

    This review, conducted every five years, considers whether the Commission continues to meet the UN Principles on National Institutions (commonly known as the Paris Principles), which establish whether national human rights commissions operate with the necessary level of institutional independence to ensure the effective promotion and protection of human rights.

    The Commission faced three possible outcomes through this review: reaccreditation as an A-status institution; downgrade to a B-status institution; or deferral of reaccreditation for a period of time in order for serious matters of compliance to be addressed.

    The Australian Human Rights Commission was not reaccredited as an A-status national human rights institution. Its reaccreditation was deferred.

    The key concern of the Committee that led to the deferral was the selection and appointment process for Commissioners. This latest report of 29 March 2022 reflects feedback from the Committee over a 10-year period about Australia’s appointment processes, with three appointments in this timeframe that did not meet the accreditation requirements.

    Click to read the accreditation statement from GANHRI
    The Australian Government now has approximately 15 months to address this matter before a final decision on the Commission’s status is taken by the Committee in October 2023. The Committee has indicated that the Commission is at risk of being downgraded to a B-status NHRI if this issue is not sufficiently addressed within this timeframe.

  19. SA Bob says:
    Monday, April 11, 2022 at 9:11 pm

    Anything coming from Clive should be regarded as bait & nothing else. Interesting, perhaps, to mull over who his lures target but not to be viewed as policy.

    Same same as the Greens. Oh and the Tories.

  20. Sceptic @ #970 Monday, April 11th, 2022 – 7:03 pm

    Upnorth says:
    Monday, April 11, 2022 at 8:54 pm

    This will test his metal.. can you imagine the line of data questions he will face tomorrow from the media goons?

    Labor will have to have a solid game plan & stick to it.. bring on Mal Meninga I say.


    Meninga wasn’t even a Labor candidate. He was an independent.

  21. Well, I’m just back from an evening with Sally McManus and the Unions on the Central Coast! Beautiful people, one and all. 🙂

  22. Firefox says:
    Monday, April 11, 2022 at 8:48 pm

    The Greens campaigning on promises of parliamentary extortion and thereby in support of the re-election of the Morrison LRP regime.

    There is wishful thinking and there is pure political escapism. The Greens have succumbed to both.

  23. @ Barney in Tanjung Bunga

    That’s correct Meinga was an independent – for 15 minutes.

    I used Gordon Tallis as a better example. Gordon’s family are strong Labor people and his Uncle is in the Party. Johnathon Thurston “kick started” a State Labor campaign in Townsville in 2006. Wally Lewis’ wife was a Branchie for a long time too and there was talk of Wally getting a seat.

    There are those of course who have “taken porridge”. Martin Bella has run for the Tories and Greg Dowling runs in Herbert (and locally in Townsville) for Palmer (never does very well).

  24. “He can promise the moon and the stars because he knows it’s never going to happen as he will never be in a position to make it happen.”

    Sounds like that time I met Natalie Portman.

  25. The Not-A-Lib plurality sitting at around 2:1 as it has for quite some time. When the time comes and people find there is no 3rd-choice candidate in their seat, they will find another way to express their resentments of the corrupt, the decadent, the untrustworthy LRP.

    The country will not re-elect the worst Government since Federation.

  26. No Barney, Glenn Lazarus’ nickname, as applied by HG & Roy in their immortal State of Origin commentary, was “The Brick With Eyes.”

    BTW, Allan Langer was “Deborah” – from Deborah Kerr, who played opposite Yul Brynner in “The King and I”. Langer partnered Wally “The King” Lewis in the halves.

    Then there was Canberra winger John Ferguson, who became “Johnny Good For Two Tries in a Grand Final But Not Picked For Origin” Ferguson.

    I kid you not, when Ferguson was chosen for Origin, HG & Roy tried to get that mouthful out each time he touched the ball!

    In the second half they abbreviated it to “Johnny Two Tries.”

  27. Burgey, for what it’s worth, for the last 30 years, aside from two disastrous stints of LNP rule (aka Borbidge and Newman), the state government has been ALP. Unless my memory is failing me…

  28. Bludging says:
    Monday, April 11, 2022 at 9:36 pm

    The Not-A-Lib plurality sitting at around 2:1 as it has for quite some time.
    What’s the Not-A-Lab plurality sitting at? around 2:1?

  29. “ And look at me: I’m Albo, who used to be Captain Infrastructure. Look at the things I got built.”

    And … as a segue … rebutting the “Labor can’t manage money” canard something along the lines of “I managed plenty of money: $75 billion without a hitch”. Unlike Mr marketing whose track record is “from bean to cup, he fucks up: the omnishables of money management”.

    Point being, there is a pivot within the rebuttal. Capice?

  30. Pi, no one cares about State govt. national govt is where it’s at and Qld consistently shows itself to be Hicksville.

  31. Burgey says:
    Monday, April 11, 2022 at 9:34 pm

    Lol “Labor are Qld.” Let’s get real.

    Qld is the State which cost Labor the last election.

    Thems’ fighting words. Labor was born in Queensland. Barcaldine 1891. Since 1989 the Tories have only been in power in QLD for 5 years! NSW has had a revolving door of Tory Premiers and there is no sign of that changing soon.

    We had it all set up Federally in ’07 when Kevin parted the seas and brought Queensland home to Mother Labor.

    But no you Mexicans had to f@&k around and find out. I got great faith in Albo – he may be a born and bred Roach but he battles for the underdog – just like the Rabbitohs.

  32. At some point, Morrison is going to go very hard on regional/global instability, China, all that sort of caper. If and when that transpires, I’d love to see him quizzed on the names of some of the lower profile regional leaders.

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