Two new bits of federal polling news:
• Roy Morgan’s fortnightly poll has Labor’s two-party lead out from 53-47 to 54-46, from primary votes of Coalition 36.5% (down one), Labor 35% (down one), Greens 13.5% (up two) and One Nation 3.5% (up half). The state breakdowns have Labor leading in New South Wales with 55.5% of the two-party vote (up two on the last poll for a swing of about 7.5% compared with the 2019 election), in Victoria with 56.5% (up half a point for a swing of about 3.5%), in Western Australia with 55% (steady, a swing of about 10.5%) and in Tasmania from a very small sample with 58% (up five, a swing of about 2%). The Coalition leads with 51.5% in both Queensland (down three-and-a-half points, a swing to Labor of about 7%) and, anomalously, South Australia (up six, a swing to the Coalition of about 2%). The poll was conducted over the past two weeks from a sample of 2778.
• Essential Research has at last come good with its occasional dump of voting intention data, providing results from its last nine fortnightly surveys. If the 6% undecided are removed from the equation, and the results are rounded to the nearest half a point, the primary votes convert to Coalition 39.5%, Labor 38.5%, Greens 10.5% and One Nation 3%. If preference flows from 2019 are used, this comes out at around 52-48 in favour of Labor. The pollster’s “2PP+” measure has Labor on 49% and 45%, without allocating the 6% undecided. These numbers are Labor’s strongest over the period covered by the release, which goes back to the start of July.
I’ll finally get around to adding all of this, together with this week’s Resolve Strategic poll, to the BludgerTrack aggregate later today. Also:
• The new voter identification bill was introduced to parliament yesterday and can be viewed here. The Guardian reports Centre Alliance Senator Stirling Griff is “generally supportive”, which could give the government the vote it needs to get it through the Senate together with those of the two One Nation Senators. The report also says Pauline Hanson is claiming credit for the measure, saying she had made it a condition for her party’s support for government legislation lowering the threshold for political campaigners to lodge financial statements conditional. Antony Green’s account of the issue is naturally definitive; Peter Brent also offers his thoughts at Inside Story.
• Julie Owens, who has held the seat of Parramatta for Labor since 2004, has announced she will retire at the election. Joanne Vella of the Parramatta Advertiser reports that Julia Finn, who holds the state seat of Granville, is not ruling out seeking the nomination, potentially setting up yet another state by-election. Durga Owen, criminal lawyer and Western Sydney University lecturer, has confirmed her intention to run.
• Vince Connelly, Liberal member for the soon-to-be-abolished seat of Stirling and unsuccessful preselection candidate for the safe seat of Moore, has confirmed his intention to run for the far less attractive prospect of Cowan, held for Labor by Anne Aly on a post-redistribution margin of 0.9%.
• The Victorian state redistribution has been finalised, and you can read all about it here. I haven’t had time to look at it in any depth, but you can join in a discussion about it on the Victorian Resolve Strategic poll thread that went up yesterday.
New South Wales by-election latest:
• Andrew Constance has announced he will not resign from his New South Wales state seat of Bega until November 26, which, as Antony Green notes, means the by-election for the seat is unlikely to be held this year, and certainly not on December 4, which has been mooted as the date for a “super Saturday” of by-elections coinciding with the state’s local government elections. Indeed, it does not seem that any of the members who have announced their imminent departures has actually formally resigned yet.
• A third contender has emerged for the Liberal preselection in Willoughby to succeed Gladys Berejiklian in Kellie Sloane, former host of the Today Show and Seven Sunrise. The other two contenders are Willoughby mayor Gail Giles-Gidney and Menzies Research Centre executive general manager Tim James, although a senior Liberal quoted by James O’Doherty of the Daily Telegraph describes the latter as “not a viable option” since he could potentially lose the seat.
The boffins at the CSIRO won’t be there to develop all those miracle technologies… “The CSIRO will shed 100 jobs and close two major research laboratories to absorb the first- round of a $63 million budget cut imposed by the Federal Government.” From 2020.
Antony Green on the voter ID bill:
lizzie @ #1 Friday, October 29th, 2021 – 7:00 am
Not if Labor are elected federally. 🙂
Excellent research on US cases by the CDC, including prevalence of breakthrough infection by various demographics and vaccine type. Strong support for boosters in older age groups, and for vaccination in general.
Goodness me – the courage of the pro net zero Liberals brings a lump to the throat.
They actually “might have considered their options” if there had been no net zero commitment (which there scarcely has been). Who knew that in this cynical century our elected representatives could display such fortitude and fearlessness:
“How far would these Liberals have gone to force the government’s hand. Some were ready to cross the floor in Parliament. “If we did not get net zero, people might have considered their options,” says one. “I think it was out there [as an idea] but never discussed.”
I wonder if they think this supine signaling to keep their (no doubt ample) backsides on the Parliamentary leather will actually work? I’d think the more effective strategy would be to just shut up!
Good morning Dawn Patrollers
According to David Crowe, Liberal MPs were so concerned federal cabinet would cave to demands from the Nationals on climate change policy they formed a secret group to push Prime Minister Scott Morrison on the issue, raising the prospect of crossing the floor in Parliament.
Emmanuel Macron has scolded Scott Morrison for a breach of trust over Australia’s decision to axe the $90 billion submarine contact with France’s Naval Group in the first conversation between the pair since the controversial decision last month. He also demanded Australia do more to combat climate change, including ceasing the production and consumption of coal, and setting a higher 2030 emissions reduction target, writes Phil Coorey.
There is no point in the Prime Minister talking about 2050 when emissions must be halved over the next critical decade to halt catastrophic warming, writes Kevin Rudd who says Glasgow wants to hear Morrison talk about 2030.
Agriculture is included in the federal government’s commitment to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, the Prime Minister says, following the Deputy Prime Minister’s claim the farm sector would be exempted from methane reduction rules by 2030, explains Mike Foley.
Adam Morton tells us that Angus Taylor has declared he will use a major climate summit in Glasgow to promote Australia as a good place to invest in fossil fuel projects. The emissions reduction minister said on Thursday he would attend the first week of the fortnight-long talks, known as Cop26, with a message that Australia was a “safe and reliable destination to invest in gas, hydrogen and new energy technologies”.
Michael Pascoe writes that Morrison’s ‘net zero’ is that trust and integrity thing again. He says, “If there’s nothing to hide about the modelling (if such modelling actually exists yet beyond the back of an envelope), or the deal the Nationals extorted, why hide them?”
Sarah Martin writes that Mathias Cormann, the former Australian finance minister and Senate leader, is calling for Australia to adopt a carbon price despite spending years in government fighting against the idea.
The weather gets choppy with Joyce and Morrison’s climate contradictions, says Michelle Grattan.
Andrew Charlton reflects on how we got to where we are on climate change.
“Want to understand how the Coalition works? Take a look at climate policy”, Says Mark Kenny.
Morrison’s 2050 carbon neutral ‘plan’ is deceptive and damaging, argues Jeremy Webb who points out that the slew of new gas and oil projects in Australia amounts to a pre-emptive strike to force the widespread use of carbon capture and storage.
A few short sentences, uttered in private to Daryl Maguire just over three years ago, have drawn the net tighter around former premier Gladys Berejiklian, writes Deborah Snow covering yesterday’s appearance of Maguire at ICAC.
And Lucy Cormack tells us how a telephone intercept revealed Berejiklian telling him that she would “throw money” at his electorate in advance of an election.
Alexandra Smith explains why private details of Berejiklian’s relationship with Maguire matter
Troy Bramston writes that the public has a right to know about Gladys Berejiklian and Daryl Maguire. The ICAC commissioner agreed.
The #MeToo era has changed the rules since Monica Lewinsky’s sexual relationship with Bill Clinton, but the combustible combination of sex and politics is still scorching Gladys Berejiklian, opines Jennifer Hewett.
Something rotten is happening to the ALP in the Apple Isle. Infighting among the Tasmanian branch threatens to spill into the federal election campaign, explains Martyn Goddard.
The Morrison Government’s track record of democratic failure is extraordinary and needs to change for our nation to progress, writes Graham Perrett.,15683
This government’s contempt for accountability is unprecedented. It’s time for the nation’s legislators to exercise constitutional stewardship, implores Anne Tiernan.
Official interest rates could rise before the next election, with clear signs the RBA’s hand may be forced much earlier than expected to head off inflationary pressures, report Shane Wright and Jennifer Duke.
Rates went ballistic this week but the Reserve Bank has a secret weapon for tackling inflation. But who would have thought it would entail Dan Andrews paying Josh Frydenberg? Michael West reports.
The Age reports that Victorian hospitals are buckling under the strain of coronavirus, as state government data shows almost every part of the health system is failing to meet key performance targets, costing taxpayers and risking lives.
The Victorian government has doubled-down on its refusal to mandate vaccinations for visitors to aged care facilities, an approach that breaks with other states and has angered the sector, which described it as “bizarre”.
Vaccination hesitancy collapsed during lockdowns in NSW, Victoria and the ACT, but residual fear around the pace of reopening endures among sizeable portions of the community, new polling shows.
The New South Wales Nationals have announced a plan to triple water capture for farmers on the north coast in a move it is claimed will strip billions of litres from coastal rivers and increase the risk of communities running dry in future droughts, reports Anne Davies.
Tom Rabe reports that Sydney’s new River Class ferry fleet won’t be able to operate at night this summer, with the problem-plagued vessels yet to undergo substantial remediation of design faults almost 18 months after they were scheduled to enter service. What a cock up!
He also tells us that Sydney’s Inner West light rail service has been suspended for several days amid safety concerns after cracks were discovered in several trams.
Anthony Galloway writes that Australia has asked Israel to explain why it has designated six Palestinian civil society groups as terrorist organisations after the move was criticised by the United Nations as an attack on human rights.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has said his company is rebranding itself as Meta in an effort to encompass its virtual-reality vision for the future.
Cartoon Corner
David Pope

David Rowe
Jim Pavlidis
Matt Golding
Cathy Wilcox
Andrew Dyson
Simon Letch
Warren Brown
John Shakespeare
Peter Broelman
Mark Knight
Where does Leak get off?
From the US
I found this sentence about Trump by Frank Bruni, says it all:
Whatever you said before, whatever you felt before and whoever you were before matter less than your fealty to Trump. Most Republicans have wagered that the road to office runs through Mar-a-Loco, where you must walk barefoot across the hot ashes of your incinerated pride to kneel at his throne and feed a bit of your soul to him.
I doubt world leaders really care about Australia, much less Morrison.
Friday, October 29, 2021 at 7:29 am
Senator Murray Watt
Seems Christian Porter has now lied to Parliament. Tells the Senate he won’t release Cabinet documents about millions in manufacturing grants, because they went to Cabinet. Not true, says his former Department. Integrity means nothing to the Morrison Government.
Knock, Knock.
Who’s there?
Truth who?
Just Truth.
Go away. We want nothing to do with you.
Bushfire Bill says:
Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 8:12 pm
When it comes to Paradise On Earth, look no further than Tuncurry, the Paris of the Mid-North Coast.
My big brother lives in Tuncurry. He and his late wife had six children, five girls and one boy, and now Frank is grandfather to 20 and great grandfather to 22.
Speaking of the Tuncurry bridge or the Harbour Bridge they need in Wagga, he turns 90 on St. Patrick’s Day.
He was born a couple of days before the real Harbour Bridge was opened by Jack Lang and Captain De Groot in 1932.
What the actual Fluck!! has the #MeToo movement got to do with Binchook and Dastardly Dazza ? How Bubba Clinton and Lewinsky get tossed in there is a ?? I guess a bit of the ol’ ‘word proximity/association’ trick as the AFR tries to wipe the excrement of the shrine of St Gladys.
I note Fxyzbook is going Meta, kinda like Coke went New Coke, still bad for you …
Macron on the parapet tells Morrison what he really thinks of him.
Morning all. Thanks for the daily roundup BK.
On Glasgow, the UK edition of the Guardian had this story, but not the Australian one. It talks about EU plans for a border carbon tariff, which will surely include Australian produced goods.
The government really should be asked what will they do about this. It could affect every export to every EU country. LNP policy will cost jobs.
Supercell warnings expected as severe storms forecast from Newcastle to Charleville
Wild weather leaves thousands of homes in Victoria without power
Huge dust storm blankets outback Queensland town of Thargomindah
“Want to understand how the Coalition works? Take a look at climate policy”, Says Mark Kenny.
How is Mark Kenny brother of Chris Kenny is for psychologist to ponder? I guess these siblings give credence to the stories of good brother and evil brother.
Mark Kenny writes “Barnaby Joyce’s return to the Nationals leadership in June 2021 is a case in point. His move on the hapless but co-operative former deputy PM Michael McCormack came as a shock to Morrison, who was out of the country at the time.
Despite being deputy prime minister in the Coalition government, Michael McCormack’s removal at the hands of Barnaby Joyce in June 2020 came as a shock to Scott Morrison.
Joyce had left the ministry in February 2018 in disrepute, well before Morrison’s ascension to the prime ministership.
The two have not appeared together in a press conference since Joyce’s return.”
I repeat the PM and Deputy PM did not appear together in public since June 2021 during which period each did over 100 press conferences each.
Unsurprisingly we don’t have power in my neck of woods.
The winds have been quite something else to say the least.
I have seen comments regarding your health. I am unclear as to what the situation is. But whatever you are dealing with. All the very best from me.
poroti @ #12 Friday, October 29th, 2021 – 7:58 am
Yes and that just reduces the whole #MeToo movement to nothing but a dummy spit. What’s happening to Berejiklian is straight up about allegations of corruption, not sexual misconduct!
poroti @ #12 Friday, October 29th, 2021 – 7:28 am
You, sir! Jolly good work.
This government’s contempt for accountability is unprecedented. It’s time for the nation’s legislators to exercise constitutional stewardship, implores Anne Tiernan.
No accountability. No Transparency. No Morals and No Ethics.
That is where kur country stands at the moment.
Mark and Chris Kenny are cousins.
Friday, October 29, 2021 at 7:51 am
writes Kevin Rudd who says Glasgow wants to hear Morrison talk about 2030.
I doubt world leaders really care about Australia, much less Morrison.
Didn’t Rudd take about 350 people to the Paris, How did that go…. Then again this is the guy that said we were going to have an education revolution. Yep an actual revolution, again gross exaggerative bullshit that never occurred.
Fingers crossed the crazy winds will ease up soon.
I personally don’t recall such sustained strong wind gusts like this.
So David Crowe tells us that some liberals said they might cross the floor unless scotty produced a shiny pamphlet.
it’s the hue of blue that convinced them.
A visit to Kunanyi/Mount Wellington may not be on the agenda c/- BOM
“Cloudy. Very high (near 100%) chance of rain, becoming less likely at night. Snow falling above 600 metres. Rain and snow heavy at times in the morning and afternoon. Possible hail in the evening. Winds south to southeasterly 45 to 65 km/h turning southwesterly 50 to 70 km/h in the afternoon.”
VAXFLIP: Murdoch’s News Corp has conceded Dan Andrews got it right on vaccine mandates and will follow suit, introducing vaccine mandates for News Corp staff. News Corp is not expected to publish an apology. #auspol
Definitely a day to stay indoors if possible – there are trees and branches down everywhere.
lol ‘secret group’
Shellbell @ #27 Friday, October 29th, 2021 – 8:03 am
I imagine the wind chill will be something. They will close the road, which always seems a shame but no doubt necessary.
At least at Mt Field they will send up the machines and try to keep the road open to the top carpark (still a dicey drive).
Greensborough Growlersays:
Friday, October 29, 2021 at 8:28 am
Mark and Chris Kenny are cousins.
Looks like his wiki is not updated atleast with proper grammar.
Friday, October 29, 2021 at 8:41 am
lol ‘secret group’
LOL indeed. Or is ROFL more appropriate? 🙂
Friday, October 29, 2021 at 8:28 am
Friday, October 29, 2021 at 7:51 am
writes Kevin Rudd who says Glasgow wants to hear Morrison talk about 2030.
I doubt world leaders really care about Australia, much less Morrison.
Didn’t Rudd take about 350 people to the Paris, How did that go
Rudd was neither PM at the time of ‘Paris agreement’ nor is he now.
Former Liberal staffer turned analyst Peta Credlin has turned on her old party over Scott Morrison’s net zero emissions pledge.
The Prime Minister on Tuesday announced Australia would adopt a net zero by 2050 target to help the world combat global warming, just days before key climate talks in the UK.
The move brought the Government’s climate policy into line with Labor’s and angered Credlin who has relentlessly spoken out against the target, fearing it will make the country poorer.
NSW 268 cases, 2 deaths, (-25) hospital, (-2) ICU
The Smith move to the backbench is unusual. Unless there is some personal or family reason you can’t help thinking that there’s something going on in the background that might be slated to launch during the next sitting of Parliament in November.
The Polls seem to be hardening on the 54/46 divide which puts the Libs in a diabolical situation and many Members thinking more about their future than is healthy for an under-performing PM. Dutton seems to be out and about networking and showing far too much loyalty to the Government than you would think necessary. The public seem peeved with the sleeze that is oozing from this Government, the undue influence on events by the Nats and the never sciencers and the incompetence and inability of the Government to actually deliver what the Community wants from Government.
I’ll do my best Michelle Grattan take. “It could be happening. It might not be happening. Then again, it might not be anything at all”..
11am gives us regional/city split with focus on Albury and Hunter/New England
Suggested vaccine figures for yesterday has NSW grinding very slowly to its max first dose
We are amongst the lucky ones who lost power briefly but it came back quickly.
Winds still very high though
Regardless, most people will still comprehend that the Kenny boys are Cousins and not Brothers and have been so for all their respective lives.
This is nothing but an exercise in providing Fig Leaf cover to justify their existence ….
Secret Liberal group pushed for net zero to halt the Nationals
Unless you say You Will cross the floor it’s 100% meaningless… I will put it to Sharma at his next constituents meeting.. Fraud that he is.
Steelydan says:
Friday, October 29, 2021 at 8:28 am
Friday, October 29, 2021 at 7:51 am
writes Kevin Rudd who says Glasgow wants to hear Morrison talk about 2030.
I doubt world leaders really care about Australia, much less Morrison.
Didn’t Rudd take about 350 people to the Paris, How did that go…. Then again this is the guy that said we were going to have an education revolution. Yep an actual revolution, again gross exaggerative bullshit that never occurred.
Whatever might be said of Rudd, the LNP has delivered a counter-reformation in education and research. Dumbfucks rule these days in this country. Stupidity is a necessary characteristic for advancement in the LNP..
Vic records 1656 cases and 10 deaths
Poor Packer
Settles class action …
Crown Resorts has settled a class action against it over falls in its share price following the arrest of staff in China for $125m.
“Crown expects to recover a significant portion of the settlement amount from its insurers but cannot at this stage be certain about the outcome of negotiations with insurers, or the outcome of any necessary formal steps for recovery it may need to take,” it said.
Wouldn’t be surprised for insurer to tell Packer “you’re on your own mate “…..can’t see how an insurer would cover malfeasance & deliberate cover up of wrong doing.
‘Who do you trust?’
Not the government who won’t enact a Federal Integrity Commission.
Jaeger @ #30 Friday, October 29th, 2021 – 8:39 am
More Extreme Weather = Climate Change in action
I thought C@t and Victoria had left for good?
Victoria @ #20 Friday, October 29th, 2021 – 8:19 am
Thanks, Vic. 🙂
I’m dealing with a ginormous amount of pain in my left hip when I stand or sit for too long. My GP and I are slowly working our way through and eliminating causes. I think it has to do with lumbo-sacral spinal nerves being crushed between ever-narrowing discs. I don’t know what you can do about that! I’m trying to remain positive. 🙂