Three items to get the ball rolling on a new week, all of which happen to be from The Australian:
• The paper reported on Friday that yet another election campaign looks set to be blighted by a Clive Palmer advertising blitz. However, whereas his efforts before the 2019 federal election were directed entirely at Labor, this time Palmer also hopes to settle scores with Peter Dutton in the campaign for his seat of Dickson, after Dutton last week spearheaded a purge of Palmer allies at the top level of the Liberal National Party organisation.
• Plans for a November federal election have been “shelved to get the government’s vaccine rollout back on track”, with the government now “actively considering whether to repeat the 2019 strategy and hold an April budget in the run-up to an electoral showdown with Labor”.
• Also today, focus group research of voters in outer Melbourne by Redbridge has detected a “perceived bias towards NSW” on the part of the Morrison government, together with “a rejuvenation of Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews’ standing”. Redbridge has also detected “voter hesitancy about the Prime Minister” in western Sydney.
You really need a mirror to look into on that kibbutz.
But learning anything is always a struggle for your type.
Quoll, methinks you do not understand the small target strategy. The issue that people are sick of being the only issue that defines the parties? That is optimal.
NB:- I am not personally in favour the end justifying the means, but I understand the sentiment.
Good question. No idea.
Quoll, your comprehension lets you down.
From the article you link to (my emph):
“Labor will argue that ARENA funding should not be used to support projects using fossil fuels but other parts of the regulations, which allow ARENA to provide funding to a range of sustainable transport initiatives, the development of alternative fuels and microgrid initiatives, will not be opposed by Labor.
“These measures include $192.5 million in budget funding spread across the Future Fuels Fund, the Freight Energy Productivity Trial Program, the Industrial Energy Transformation Studies Program and the Regional Australia Microgrid Pilots Program.”
$300 incentive payment for each of, say, 15 million people… equals around $4.5 billion.
BEFORE youse all choke on your chicken and chips, that amounts to just three weeks losses due to the Sydney lockdown. Add in the rest of the country avoiding lockdowns, and the common sense of it becomes stark.
Chicken feed.
Pay no attention to P1. She’s either criticising Labor for doing too little, or mocking them for doing too much. She admitted today she is a vote for sale, which betrays both a stunning cynicism and a touching naïveity in believing a politician’s promise of largesse. And that’s even if she is being truthful, which I doubt.
P1 does a good line in high school level snark, but has never contributed an original, witty or interesting idea to this blog in all the time she has been posting here. Not one. She’s just a heckler.
The trouble with the $300 is that it goes to lots of people in non-marginal electorates, few of whom donate to the “Liberals” and many of whom would never vote for them.
How about for every 500 people from a particular postcode to get the jab, they get a free carpark or a new ladies dressing shed?
The Age 03/08
Gaming Minister Melissa Horne said the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation, which since 2012 has had responsibility for both gaming and liquor licensing, was a “failed experiment”.
Her Coalition counterpart Steph Ryan responded: “No kidding, Sherlock.”
Ms Ryan added: “In December [Ms Horne] was telling us it was thorough and robust … what’s changed in six months?”
Very good question Steph Ryan.
The Andrews govt is all over the shop whilst trying to protect Crown Casino.
My guess is the Libs will go with $500 and market it as a Covid Freedom Fighter consideration.
Yes, of course. And all those Liberal state governments before Andrews were stern critics.
Taylormade has forgotten that Ted Baillieu was the dunderhead who ‘boned’ the Gambling Regulator in 2012
Looks like more are promoting vaccine incentives, leaving a po-faced Morrison looking like a skinflint..
‘On Sunday, NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian said Sydney can begin to escape from lockdown on August 28 if 50 per cent of NSW residents are vaccinated. That number is currently at 19 per cent. If getting out of lockdown and heading to the pub isn’t incentive enough, Hawke’s Brewing Co has added another reason to get the jab: it’s giving away 250 cartons of lager to Sydneysiders who can prove they’ve received their first vaccination.
The Sydney brewery, co-founded with the late beer-loving former PM Bob Hawke, says the move is its way of highlighting how important it is for punters to get jabbed.
“The longer this [lockdown] drags on, the more damage is suffered by small businesses like ours, and in particular our hospitality mates,” said Hawke’s co-founder David Gibson in a statement. “Now, it seems the onus is on us to get ourselves out of this mess. And let’s be honest, there’s nothing like free beer to get Aussies going. We may not move the needle much with 250 slabs, but we can do our bit by helping to strengthen the message – roll your sleeve up for yourself, your loved ones, your community and your country.”
Jebus Nath
You certainly do not hold back with your classism. I would think that someone like you (and like me), who has had the benefit of three generations before us, working hard and striving for an education to “better themselves”, you would have a bit more compassion / empathy.
But maybe you have always been of the monied classes.
Two anecdotes before I go and do some actual work (both told here before possibly):
1) I was at a very well-known and venerable scientific institution located in the suburb of Marsfield, in Sydney, a decade or so ago. Having lunch, there was a scientist from the USA who had just flown in. Part of exchanging pleasantries was the usual “how was your trip”?
His answer was interesting – something like the flight from LA was long but endurable, but the taxi ride from Mascot to Marsfield was a nightmare. “The Taxi driver had this horrible person on the radio who was pompous, dismissive, and denigrating everyone and everything. And then people called in to say even worse things.” I laughed and said “the taxi driver must have had Alan Jones on”. My American colleague said “Yes, that is who it was!”. I again laughed, and said that Alan Jones was a weirdo fringe element in Australian society, and that he should not judge us by Alan Jones. Of course then, one of my colleagues who was (unusually) a Christian Fundamentalist piped up to say: “Well I listen to Alan Jones every day. I think he is quite insightful”. Or WTTE.
2) A colleague at UWS (now WSU) hosted Peter Ustinov for a visit. As usual, a taxi was the mode of transport. Once again, Peter Ustinov, upon arriving, was asked about his trip. Once again the answer was, “It was OK, but the taxi ride from the airport was a nightmare. The taxi driver complained about how all all Australians (except his good self of course) were thieves, dole bludgers, drug addicts and cheats. This theme was pursued eagerly by the taxi driver, for a large part of the around 1-hour journey. Eventually, the taxi driver said “You must think we are all the son’s of convicts and sheep-stealers” (or WTTE). Anyway, Ustinov said” No sir, I can see you, clearly, are descended from the gaolers”. Not sure how the conversation went after that.
Taylormade finds yet another pseudo issue that the Victorian public aren’t overly concerned about. He’s very good at it. I suppose that’s all he’s good at.
The same anti gamble/casino lobby, the same faces and the great nothing as a result.
There’s a Royal Commission going on, they’ll draw their conclusions and the world will move on.
Apparently, Taylormade is shocked that gambling was going on at Crown Casino.
D & M,
You shouldn’t speak so ill of the dead so soon after they have passed.
Douglas and Milko @ #1163 Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021 – 9:09 pm
I once spent an evening with Peter Ustinov sometime in (circa) 1992. The hours melted into moments.
As usual, the “Press”, as we called them then, mistakenly alleged that a “concert” had taken place with many hundreds of attendants. I’ve not trusted them since!
Kevin Rudd’s best mate Malcolm Turnbull (served 2yrs 343 days as PM) was passed today by Scomo who moved to the 15th longest serving PM. Next up is Kevin’s other great friend Julia.
”… it’s giving away 250 cartons of lager to Sydneysiders who can prove they’ve received their first vaccination.”
Where do I collect my 250 cartons?
Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at 9:28 pm
Nobody cares about Scomo though, he needs to be kicked out.
Will we get ‘herd immunity’ ? From the Adrian Beaumont blog “England COVID “Freedom Day” plus two weeks” this number says ‘Boomers OK’ 🙂 for the UK. If a BoJo clown can get that surely we can ?
Bushfire Bill @ #1155 Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021 – 8:40 pm
Gosh, are you still hurting at being called out, BB?
Flaneur @ #1136 Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021 – 7:47 pm
Too sophisticated for you? I’ll try to tone it down.
Meanwhile in the Greek Islands…
250 cartons? I once won 1000 cans in a football raffle – Eastwood Rugby Club. This was when I was about 20 or 21 and they came in very handy for 21st parties. Even my father was impressed, and it took a bit to impress him, when the truck turned up but we both stood in amazement when they opened up one carton and took eight cans out. 1000 cans meant 1000 cans and not a drop more. They were KB Cold Gold. Possibly the best marketed , but not the best tasting, beer of all time. I can still feel that rough textured can. Funny how the bottles never took off…
”Next up is Kevin’s other great friend Julia.”
Three years and three days – will be equalled August 27. Equal in term of office, not in character and integrity.
By the time of the election (I think May 14 is likely) it will likely be about 3 years, 8 months and 20 odd-days before the result is assured. Hopefully it ends there.
Thank you for the anecdotes. We can be desensitised by the constant noise. And yet, Sydney’s underbelly may be exposed through fleeting contact.
Hephaestus reigns now.
Can anyone genuinely point to a single thing Morrison has done in his three years? Seriously. I’m happy to be corrected, but I can’t think of a single thing. Maybe a few tax cuts and maintaining franking credits but I’m talking about nation building. Anything?
Can anyone genuinely point to a single thing Morrison has done in his three years?
Looking after fossil fuel interests.
Efforts to lock gas and coal into the economy for decades to come.
But the Morrison Government doesn’t do stuff. It runs a patronage network.
Roy Orbison @ #1179 Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021 – 9:53 pm
Unless you mean (any) “positive thing”, I have a list..
President Biden’s speech on Tuesday comes as the United States has reached a goal of partially vaccinating 70 percent of eligible adults. In Japan, the authorities are publicly shaming rule breakers as cases rise.
The Indian Women’s hockey team beat favourites to reach the Olympics semi final for the first time ever!!
While this sounds great, what is incredible is the background of most of the players in the team, including the captain Rani. Most of them don’t speak the same language as each other, and most don’t understand English forget foreign accents (the Coach is Australian). Most of the players come from extreme poverty and and started playing to support the family, but faced extreme opposition from within the family since “Girls aren’t supposed to play sports, and that too in skirts!”
Below are excerpts of an interview printed in the Indian Express with Rani Rampal-captain of the Indian Women’s Hockey team at the Tokyo Olympics (the interview was done prior to the Olympics). What a story of grit, determination, perseverance and succeeding against all odds (irrespective of what happens in the semis”
“I wanted an escape from my life; from the electricity shortages, to the mosquitoes buzzing in our ear when we slept, from barely having two square meals to seeing our home getting flooded when it rained. My parents tried their best, but there was only so much they could do–Papa was a cart puller and Maa worked as a maid.
There was a hockey academy near my home, so I’d spend hours watching players practice–I really wanted to play. Papa would earn Rs.80 (USD1.10) a day and couldn’t afford to buy me a stick. Everyday, I’d ask the coach to teach me too. He’d reject me because I was malnourished. He’d say, ‘You aren’t strong enough to pull through a practice session.’
So, I found a broken hockey stick on the field and began practicing with that– I didn’t have training clothes, so I was running around in a salwar kameez. But I was determined to prove myself. I begged the coach for a chance– I finally managed to convince him with great difficulty!
But when I told my family, they said, ‘Girls have to do household chores and work at home,’ and ‘we will not allow you to wear a skirt and play.’ I’d plead with them saying, ‘Please let me play. If I fail, I’ll do whatever you want.’ My family reluctantly gave in.
Training would start early in the morning. We didn’t even have a clock, so mom would stay up and look at the sky to check if it was the right time to wake me.
At the academy, it was mandatory for each player to bring 500 ml of milk. My family could only afford milk worth 200 ml; without telling anyone, I’d mix the milk with water and drink it because I wanted to play.
My coach supported me through thick and thin; he’d buy me hockey kits and shoes. He even allowed me to live with his family and took care of my dietary needs. I’d train hard and wouldn’t miss a single day of practice.
I remember earning my first salary; I won Rs.500 (USD 7) after winning a tournament and gave the money to Papa. He hadn’t ever held so much money in his hands before. I promised my family, ‘One day, we’re going to have our own home’; I did everything in my power to work towards that.
After representing my state and playing in several championships, I finally got a national call up at the age of 15! Still, my relatives would only ask me when I was planning on getting married. But Papa told me, ‘Play until your heart’s content.’ With my family’s support, I focused on doing my best for India and eventually, I became captain of the Indian hockey team!
Soon after, while I was at home, a friend papa used to work with visited us. He brought along his granddaughter and told me, ‘She’s inspired by you and wants to become a hockey player!’ I was so happy; I just started crying.
And then in 2017, I finally fulfilled the promise I made to my family and bought them a home. We cried together and held each other tightly! And I’m not done yet; this year, I’m determined to repay them and Coach with something they’ve always dreamed of– a gold medal from Tokyo.”
What a moment!
The Hawaiian tourism industry probably appreciated his contributions.
I have an avid hocking playing student that was following the Hockeyroos. After the loss to India, she told me that the story about the Indian captain watering down milk for recovery as she could not afford it, meant that if anyone were to beat the Aussies, India would do.
Player One! You are back. Were the clues too sophisticated for you? I’m not sure how one could tone it down.
Griff @ #1186 Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021 – 10:11 pm
Bonus “Australia Points” for the correct usage of “one”. Subject to Lizzie’s approval, of course.
Granted. 😉
Lizzie @ #1188 Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021 – 10:22 pm
Blush much!
Actually I’ve been thinking that ‘one’ was probably originally the neutral ‘anyone’.
I didn’t realise my level of patriotism 🙂
Lizzie @ #1190 Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021 – 10:29 pm
Things that make you go hmmm. 🙂
Griff @ #1191 Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021 – 10:30 pm
Sorry, “Australia Points” only accrue to levels of Jingoism.
Disappointment! In that case I shall keep dancing in the dark.
“Can anyone genuinely point to a single thing Morrison has done in his three years?“
A culinary sensation that is Curries of Kirribilli?
A massive stimulus to the Bunnings chook shed kit industry?
Flaneur @ #1192 Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021 – 10:38 pm
I’ve just realised that that may have been interpreted as being rude or dismissive. That was not my intent. Apologies.
Just being thoughtful. 🙂
Lizzie @ #1197 Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021 – 10:59 pm
Yep and noted. Just the discombobulated ramblings from this end! 🙂
What a Pole Vault Final at the Olympics!
Did I miss anything? 😉
Thank you for relaying the story of the Indian Hockey Women’s Team Captain, Ven. I hope that she fulfils her dream in Tokyo. 🙂