Essential Research leadership and COVID polling

The shine continues to come off Scott Morrison’s COVID-boosted personal ratings, plus new evidence of a softening in support for the Coalition among women.

The fortnightly Essential Research poll includes the pollster’s monthly leadership ratings, which gives Scott Morrison his weakest results since the onset of COVID-19 – down six on approval to 51% and up four on disapproval to 40%, with his lead as preferred prime minister narrowing slightly from 48-28 to 46-28. Anthony Albanese is up two on approval to 41% and down one on disapproval to 35%. These numbers have been fed into the BludgerTrack poll aggregate, sharpening Morrison’s established downward trend.

Approval of the federal government’s response to COVID-19 has also deteriorated, with a nine point drop in the good rating since last month to 44% and a six point increase in poor to 30%. Among respondents in New South Wales, the good rating for the federal government has slumped from 62% to 44%, and that for the state government is down from 69% to 57%. A range of other questions are featured on matters relating to COVID-19, including findings that 36% would be willing to get the Pfizer vaccine but not AstraZeneca (5% said vice-versa); that 40% believe the vaccine rollout is being down efficiently, down from 43% a month ago (and 68% earlier in the year); and that 64% believe it is being done safely, down from 67%.

The poll was conducted Wednesday to Sunday from a sample of 1099; full results can be viewed here.

Elsewhere, the Age/Herald yesterday published results aggregated from the three monthly Resolve Strategic polls which compared current voting intention with how respondents recalled having voted in 2019, and found women were more likely to have shifted away from the Coalition (down four points to 37%) than men (down one to 41%). On the subject of Resolve Strategic, Macquarie University academic Murray Goot casts a critical eye over its (and to a lesser extent Essential Research’s) attitudinal polling in Inside Story and takes aim at its refusal to join the Australian Polling Council and adhere to its transparency standards.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

3,546 comments on “Essential Research leadership and COVID polling”

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  1. Munchausen Syndrome is named after Baron von Munchausen, an 18th century German officer who was known for embellishing the stories of his life and experiences

    Munchausen syndrome (also known as factitious disorder imposed on self) is a mental health disorder where you falsify, exaggerate, or induce physical, emotional or cognitive disorders.

  2. guytaursays:
    Saturday, July 10, 2021 at 10:41 am

    The Trump win of the Presidency was a coalition. Evangelical Church’s bet big on Trump. In the long term they have lost the bet.

    They allied themselves with the likes of the KKK and neo nazis and conspiracy theorists for the political expediency of the now.

    I will an example of non-religious or less religious people voting for Trump. You will agree that New York State and California are strongholds of Democrats. You can look at the statistics and numbers of 2016 and 2020 US Presidential elections. You will also agree numbers and percentage wise 2020 voting numbers and percentages are much more higher 2016.
    If you compare 2016 Presidential vote with that of 2020 vote, Trump got more votes in numbers and percentages in New York and California.
    Also, Trump won Florida by 1% in 2016 and by around 3% in 2020.

  3. we call it a “surgical strike”. make a list, order the items by where they are in the store. partner researches specials online & they’re on their place in the list. we make one circuit & then straight out. online shopping as much as possible for bulky & heavy items. bread & milk as needed locally. take two of us to distribute the load. -a.v.

  4. The medical record question initially went to the High Court in the 90s in Breen vs Williams

    In short:
    1. The High Court held that under the common law a patient does not have a right of access to inspect and or obtain copies of his or her medical records.
    2. In respect to the contractual term – the High Court acknowledged that there was a contract between patient and doctor for medical treatment, but that there was no implied term for the provision of medical records.
    3. The High Court held that there was no proprietorship in information as information.
    4. The High Court unanimously refused to expand the notion of fiduciary obligations in Australia to accomodate a duty for a doctor to provide a patient access to their medical records.
    5. The High Court concluded that any duty of access could only be imposed where public policy necessitated it. The legislature should be addressing this issue, not the courts.

  5. Soharsays:
    Saturday, July 10, 2021 at 8:31 am
    Sorry. Mixing Coogee with Cronulla. Not from Sydney.

    I think he was born in Coogee.

  6. Ven

    The Democrats got more. Even with voter suppression they won the House Senate and Presidency.

    Trump is great for voter turnout of both parties. It turned out that was great for the Democrats.

    It’s so good that voter turnout might make the unlikely happen and see the Democrats retain the House. Note the word unlikely in that.

    The Evangelical’s made an unholy alliance of convenience and lost.

  7. I keep a shopping list on the ‘Reminders’ app on my iPhone. It lists all the items I buy regularly. I uncheck them when supplies get low. I use the list on my weekly shopping trip. Buy bread locally as needed.

  8. Rex Douglas at 10:54 am

    Straight out desperate lies from Morrison.

    Desperate ? Never in a million years. For Scrott lying to people comes as naturally as breathing air. He does so without compunction whenever he feels the need.

  9. NSW records 50 new locally acquired cases

    Of those locally acquired cases, 37 are linked to a known case or cluster – 14 are household contacts and 23 are close contacts – and the source of infection for 13 cases remains under investigation.

  10. “Berejikilian speaking now”

    No she’s not. She’s lecturing. Not one ounce of self awareness as to her role in this disaster.

  11. 5. The High Court concluded that any duty of access could only be imposed where public policy necessitated it. The legislature should be addressing this issue, not the courts.

    Or the medical profession can take it upon itself to establish industry-wide ethical standards on the matter. What morally defensible justification is there for denying a patient access to their own medical records in the general case, even if the law technically allows it due to legislation being mute on the subject?

  12. These young people who are getting this, transmitting this, getting admitted to hospital, should be readily getting Pfizer ….. except

  13. Has Leigh Sales popped up yet. After all it is her home state.
    She managed to find a way to come to Melbourne to lecture our Premier.

  14. This situation in Sydney speaks to what a strange virus this is because when Melbourne looked to be on the brink of a massive breakout it was quickly turned to donuts but Sydney outbreak looks out of control.

  15. Victoria @ #2222 Saturday, July 10th, 2021 – 9:59 am


    Has Taylormade mentioned the fact that liberal luvvie Helen Connan has been on the board of Crown throughout the duration?

    The notion that the liberals want Crown punished is quite hilarious actually.

    Not only that. Current Liberal state leader Michael O’Brien was the minister who merged the liquor and gaming regulators. Part of the reason Crown has been able to get away with so much.

  16. BK

    They could do with a person like Jereon Weimar, who we have here in Victoria.
    Clear and concise messaging regarding movement of the virus.

  17. Mexicanbeemer

    Strange virus? The whole world is experiencing it. No secret has to how a superspreading event occurs. It happened here in Victoria a year ago.
    Double sheesh

  18. Laughtong

    Precisely. But having said that. Both liberal and Labor are guilty of turning a blind eye where Crown casino is concerned.

  19. Socratessays:
    Saturday, July 10, 2021 at 9:22 am
    I see I touched a raw nerve. Some here defend the PM as though their own job depended on it.

    Maybe Job and KPI does depend on it.

  20. @Raf_Epstein tweets

    We all need Sydney to succeed

    Melb took too long to understand low income/larger households.

    Sydney did too

    Melb took too long to focus on “essential” workplace transmission

    Hope Sydney doesn’t make the same mistake.

  21. My brother-in-law in Randwick txted that the party in the units opposite him where the 8 men were fined had a noise complaint lodged – repeated singing of ‘All the Girls I’ve Loved Before’ was the last straw…

  22. Victoria
    You misunderstood the comment because i am talking about how the virus behaves because when there were positive cases at the footy it didn’t spread but Sydney is seeing a more aggressive outbreak.

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