Essential Research has opened its account for the year with a poll that include its monthly-or-so leadership ratings, which record only slight changes on the end of last year: Scott Morrison is down a point on approval to 61% and up two on disapproval to 30%, Anthony Albanese is down one to 42% and up four to 33%, and Morrison’s lead as preferred prime minister goes from 50-24 to 51-25.
The survey also posed some semi-regular questions on climate change, finding a striking increase in the view that Australia is doing enough to address it (from 19% a year ago to 35%) and a corresponding decline in the view that not enough is being done (from 62% to 42%), with the “doing too much ” response up two to 10%. Despite this, 58% of respondents believed climate change related to human activity (up two on a year ago) against 32% who considered it part of normal climactic fluctuation (steady).
The other questions in the survey for the most part aren’t particularly political, relating to COVID-19 vaccine uptake and Australia Day. The change to the words of the national anthem finds 54% support and 16% opposition, with 30% on the fence.
In other poll news, The Australian yesterday related that polling conducted by Community Engagement for the CFMEU suggested Labor was in big trouble in the Hunter region seats of Paterson (Liberal up from 32.5% to 42.9%, Labor down from 41.1% to 30%, Greens down from 6.9% to 6.8%, and One Nation down from 14.2% to 6.9%, Nationals on 1.8%) and Shortland (Liberal up from 37.4% to 44.9%, Labor down from 41.1% to 28.3%, Greens down from 8.3% to 6.2%, One Nation on 8% and Nationals on 1.3%). The polls were conducted in November from samples of 955 per electorate. Given the evident interest of the client of putting pressure on the opposition leadership over coal mining, and all the other qualifications that apply to reports of private polling, a degree of caution is advised.
Good morning Dawn Patrollers
Anthony Galloway reports on Albanes roughing up Morrison over his fawning cultivation of Trump and alignment with his policies.
Jennifer Duke reports that Australia’s biggest banks will stop offering automatic mortgage holidays to home owners struggling financially during the pandemic.
Ross Gittins observes that the deeper causes of America’s troubles are economic and social.
Jennifer Duke tells us that the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2021 warns the coronavirus pandemic could leave behind a “lost generation” of young people facing an increasingly precarious future.
Rachel Klun writes about a new Productivity Commission report that says thousands of older Australians waited more than two years to access already approved high-level home care packages and that more than half of all older people approved for residential aged care waited more than three months in 2019-20 to enter their new home.
Bank shareholders are set to pocket higher dividends in the year ahead, after the worst-case scenarios of 2020 did not eventuate, predicts Clancy Yeates.
Australian billionaires must repay JobKeeper, not pocket millions in bonuses, writes Andrew Leigh
A disconnect between employers and employees on working from home has been revealed as managers signal concern staff are slacking off – but workers say they’re more productive, writes Chloe Booker.
Ben Butler writes that consumer groups have urged crossbench senators not to approve government legislation tearing up responsible lending laws, describing the idea as a disaster that could drown Australians in debt.
Daniel Andrews has dashed farmers’ hopes of a last-minute plan to fly in significant numbers of seasonal workers and salvage what industry leaders say is a harvest season verging on crisis. Mr Andrews ruled out an on-farm quarantine model for workers that has been introduced in other states on Tuesday and admitted Victoria would only be able to bring in a fraction of the 25,000 seasonal workers required.
Charlotte Grieve reports that the head of $3.7 billion Melbourne fund manager Munro Partners has described climate change as the biggest investment opportunity since the advent of the internet.
John Lord explains why he says we shouldn’t expect leadership from Scott Morrison.
A report by the World Economic Forum, produced in partnership with Marsh McLennan, SK Group, and Zurich Insurance, has identified an asset bubble bust, price instability, commodity shocks and a debt crisis looming as major risks on the horizon.
Delta Electricity joins Shine Energy as grant recipients who were asked by the Morrison Government to formally apply for their own respective grants after they had been announced, reports Michael Mazengarb.,14711
Dennis Atkins tells us why Morrison will go back to the future to solve issue of Aussies stranded overseas. In his article is this gem – “The Prime Minister doesn’t deserve the luck he makes – and is given – day after day.”
The resources industry donated $136.8 million over two decades to Australian political parties. Donations buy a lot of influence, with research showing that for every US$1 spent, the return on investment can be as high as US$220. In return, public policy is routinely moulded to suit the highest corporate bidders and their lobbyists. Adam Lucas investigates.
Greg Baum thanks India for a Test Series “for the ages”. He’s right – and it’s a great read.
The National Parks Association says developers of power lines connecting the proposed Snowy 2.0 pumped hydro project to the grid ignored alternatives despite the pylons cutting through a national park, writes Peter Hannam.
According to Harley Dennett, Biden’s clean-up of Silicon Valley poses a problem for Scott Morrison.
While governments continue to spruik the supposed economic benefits of urban car racing events such as the Grand Prix and Supercars 500, the lack of transparency simply highlights an endemic culture of cronyism. Christine Everingham and Patricia Johnson investigate.
Brexit was a typically English revolution – one that left the elites unharmed, says Rafael Behr.
Mitch McConnell has accused President Donald Trump, a fellow Republican, of provoking the January 6 riot at the Capitol. McConnell said, “The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the President and other powerful people.”
As Joe Biden prepares to become president, the US still reels from the deadly consequences of ‘alternative facts’, writes Jennifer Hunt.
Biden’s inauguration is an FDR moment, but for Republicans, it’s civil war says Bruce Wolpe.
Joe Biden has tapped Pennsylvania Health Secretary Rachel Levine to be his assistant secretary of health, leaving her poised to become the first openly transgender federal official to be confirmed by the US Senate. This will fire up some of the media over there.
Arwa Mahdawi says that Ivanka Trump’s legacy has been enabling her father’s odious actions.
The police are sating that the missing former “Arsehole of the Week” nominee, Melissa Caddick is still alive.
Cartoon Corner
Peter Broelman

David Rowe
Cathy Wilcox
Matt Golding
Fiona Katauskas
Glen Le Lievre
John Spooner
From the US
Morning all. Thanks BK. Great to see Albo back from his sabatical year.
So far Morrison has not explicitely criticised Trump over the riot. Does he have the ticker?
Thank you, BK.
From William’s analysis of the Essential polling, it seems as if the Government’s plan to repeat endlessly that we are doing our climate action bit has worked as spin. Reality will arrive a bit later.
In which case ‘buy the rumour and sell the fact’ is alive and well.
Much thanks BK for todays reports.
Meanwhile McConnell who is part of group that gets regular intelligence briefings says this.
Kaitlan Collins
“The mob was fed lies,” Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says. “They were provoked by the president and other powerful people. And they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding of the first branch of the federal government, which they did not like.”
Apparently there is another drought happening country side and libs/bats plan to do nothing.
Jake Tapper
“Trump was warned the pardons he once hoped to bestow upon his family and even himself would place him in a legally perilous position, convey the appearance of guilt and potentially make him more vulnerable to reprisals.”
Quote Tweet
Kaitlan Collins
· 1h
News — Several Republicans alleged to have been involved in the rally that preceded the deadly riot have sought clemency from Trump, but after meeting w/ his legal advisers for hours Saturday, the president isn’t expected to pardon them. W @Kevinliptakcnn
So far Morrison has not explicitely criticised Trump over the riot. Does he have the ticker?
Socrates, he will conveniently find the ticker after Biden is sworn in
Great photo – a famous victory. 🏏
Thanks BK for the Dawn Patrol.
The ongoing national tragedy that is the Morrison Government: plenty of millions for Hillsong and assorted crony capitalists; zilch for food security scientific research.
Victoria says:
Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 7:52 am
· 1h
News — Several Republicans alleged to have been involved in the rally that preceded the deadly riot…’
How do we know Morrison was really and truly at Shoalhaven Heads?
I think that Labor is, as usual, barking up the wrong tree. I don’t think that Morrison has damaged the “alliance” by being the fan he was of Donald Trump.
The “alliance” will continue to work the way the US wants it to in that if it needs to a base in Australia, it will let us know; if it needs Australian troops to fight in a war, it will lets us know. And, Australia will oblige. So, no harm done.
Thanks BK.
On the insurrection attempts and reports there were people in authorities with ties to rightwing extremists, i’ll be surprised if more aren’t outed.
That there is always light is his recurring theme.
Hopefully the rest of the players will follow suit in expressing this attitude.
Sick of hearing the media reporting on this inconsequential stuff in light of where the globe is at in this current moment.
This actually surprised me.
Sara Cook
· 3h
Corey Lewandowski, who served as President Trump’s first campaign manager in 2016 and has been a longtime advisor to the President, tells @CBSNews he will not attend tomorrow’s sendoff event at JBA. via @ArdenFarhi
There are doubtless many in the Liberal Party wishing and hoping that this happens.
This is a good example of conjecture masquerading as news.
“… finding a striking increase in the view that Australia is doing enough to address it (from 19% a year ago to 35%) and a corresponding decline in the view that not enough is being done (from 62% to 42%)…”
That could be because of the mild Summer being experienced in SE Australia, including Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide. That plus Covid pushing Global Heating off centre stage.
Australians’ concern for Global Heating is a mile wide and an inch deep.
This seems appropos 😆
Just 19½ hours of the Trump Presidency left.
Better not put a foot wrong Gladys…
Premier Gladys Berejiklian at the site of the new Tweed Valley Hospital, in northern NSW, on Tuesday
(SMH updates at o7:19)
The big question is will the GOP survive in its current form.
This has been Willingham’s attitude from the very beginning of the virus outbreak. Wishing ‘n hoping for a fail.
Re Aust Open and quarantine outbreak that brings down Dan: ‘There are doubtless many in the Liberal Party wishing and hoping that this happens.’
I’m certain you can add Willingham and most of the Australian media to that list. The media (including the ABC) has put the oligarchy (Morrison is the front man) ahead of people’s live from the beginning.
He is being too polite.
Robert Reich
I’ve been in or around politics for over a half-century now. The current Republican Party is the most treacherous, corrupt, and cult-like institution I have ever encountered
An active duty American soldier is in federal custody Tuesday after he plotted with someone he thought was a member of ISIS to attack a landmark in New York City and fellow troops overseas, according to a law enforcement official.
Cole James Bridges, a private first class in the U.S. Army who is stationed at Fort Stewart, is charged with attempting to provide material support to ISIS and attempting to murder U.S. service members.
The Ohio native spoke to an undercover FBI agent when he thought he was planning an ISIS-inspired attack against the 9/11 Memorial and Museum.
He also was charged with planning to attack fellow U.S. soldiers.
“As alleged, Cole Bridges betrayed the oath he swore to defend the United States by attempting to provide ISIS with tactical military advice to ambush and kill his fellow service members,” Manhattan U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said. “Our troops risk their lives for our country, but they should never face such peril at the hands of one of their own. Today, thanks to the efforts of the agents and detectives of the JTTF, and our partners in the Department of Defense, Bridges is in custody and facing federal terrorism charges for his alleged crimes.”
You can say that again. Wrecked the joint. Bigly.
C@tmomma @ #1308 Tuesday, January 19th, 2021 – 9:54 pm
I think it’s amusing that such a comment comes from someone who has said she expects Labor to lose the next election , but who doesn’t actually want Labor to do anything about it.
As I said, it makes you wonder, doesn’t it? 🙁
I always said that everything that Trump did and said was a feature not a bug.
Destroying democracy was the objective.
Anytime I mentioned this to people, I was accused of hyperbole.
It was obvious from the get go that he deliberately undermined the pillars of all the institutions.
Started his assault with propagating the Obama birther movement.
Suggesting if he lost to Clinton, the election was rigged.
The MSM was fake news and the enemy of the people.
And the frickin list goes on.
ItzaDream @ #32 Wednesday, January 20th, 2021 – 5:54 am
The Wall St Journal has today apparently editorialised that Trump’s presidency shouldn’t be viewed just in terms of the chaos of the last couple weeks.
Too right! It should be viewed in terms of the chaos, corruption and incompetence of the entire 4 years.
Victoria @ #35 Wednesday, January 20th, 2021 – 9:00 am
and on and …. a sample of Trumps insults, most of which incorporate lies…
The list is endless! It would be funny if it wasn’t so damn serious.
Talk later bludgers
Understated and beautifully done.
Victoria @ #5 Wednesday, January 20th, 2021 – 7:14 am
He says this at the same time as negotiating the 50-50 senate rules with Schumer. Do not trust McConnell. He is not without power in a 50-50 senate and he will look to hoover up any flotsams of power from every nook and cranny; no stone unturned. I hope Schumer is switched on.
You would think that the Tennis players would be more appreciative of being kept healthy and Covid Free, especially with the Olympics just 6 months away. Given the effects that the virus can ravage on your fitness, don’t be surprised if many of the playing fraternity will want to extend their stays here as long as possible after the open is over given the state of affairs around the world.
It’s 4 months til the start of the French Open, just over 5 months for Wimbledon. I know where I would hang around until then…
Ross Gittins on the decay in middle America that Biden will have to address …
If Biden can’t do it, another fascist will be along in 4 years time. And the next one might not be such a certifiable moron 🙁
Just reading that ABC dug up Julie Bishop for a comment on Albo. They try so hard for ‘balance’, don’t they!
lizzie @ #45 Wednesday, January 20th, 2021 – 9:31 am
Did you see the Annabel Crabb show Back in Time For Dinner? Where she gets a modern family and ‘transports’ them back to earlier decades to enact and discuss the role of gender and the kitchen and food and fashion etc through history in Australia with special guests?
In one decade they discussed the role of women in politics through the years. For an expert opinion they got the only female Australian Prime Minister on. Nah, kidding. Crabbe got Bishop on to talk about it.
Gillard mustn’t have been available 😉
W(r) ong is smart, the alliance is more than any person etc, but I remember her on the whole Copenhagen climate summit, though how much of that was KRudd7x7 rather than her not sure.
I have heard her on a Zoom last year at the Whitlam Institute and she seemed solid on international relations.
Oh, cant edit?
The Back In Time For Dinner show was on ABC – hence the relevance to lizzie post.
Simon Katich
Julie B was always a bit of a media tart, let’s face it.