After blowing out to 53-47 in favour of the Coalition two Newspolls ago, the latest result, courtesy of The Australian, has two-party preferred back at 50-50. The Coalition is down two on the primary vote to 41% and Labor is up three to 36%, with the Greens steady on 11% and One Nation down one to 3%. Similarly, Scott Morrison’s still-healthy personal ratings are down on the last three weeks ago, with approval at 64% (down four) and disapproval on 32% (up three). Anthony Albanese is up on both approval, by two points to 43%, and disapproval, by three points to 41%. Morrison’s lead as preferred prime minister is now 58-29, in from 60-25. The poll also includes a finding that “80 per cent of Australians support border closures if the health situation demands it”, which I’ll go into in greater detail when I see the full results.
UPDATE: The wording to the latter question was, “do you think premiers should have the authority to close their borders or restrict entry of Australians who live in other states”, which drew responses of 80% yes and 18% no. State breakdowns: 76-22 in New South Wales, 74-23 in Victoria, 84-15 in Queensland, 92-5 in South Australia and 91-7 in Western Australia, from respective samples of 475, 371, 311, 119 and 146. The overall sample of the poll was 1507, and it was conducted from Wednesday to Saturday.
UPDATE 2 (Tuesday): Today The Australian brings further findings on attitudes to the leaders, specifically that Scott Morrison is rated as experienced by 79% and Anthony Albanese by 63%; Morrison is reckoned to have a vision for Australia by 72% compared with 52% for Albanese; and that Morrison is rated arrogant by 46% and Albanese by 37%. In all three cases, Morrison’s ratings have improved by either 11% or 12% since the questions were last posed in December, which is fairly typical of such polling in closely tracking the leader’s overall approval rating.
If Albo is smart he’ll lay the shit on thick about he port of darwin in the amendment debate. If only to try and force the government to save face and resist.
Um woah:
“Assuming this draft code becomes law, we will reluctantly stop allowing publishers and people in Australia from sharing local and international news on Facebook and Instagram.”
An Update About Changes to Facebook’s Services in Australia – About Facebook
If Australia’s proposed news regulation becomes law, we will reluctantly stop allowing publishers and people in Australia to share local and international news on Facebook and Instagram.
its not so clearcut. -a.v.
One of Australia’s largest conspiracy groups, Millions Rise For Australia, has been seemingly taken down. It had 120K members and was filled with anti-vaxx, COVID-19 denialism and QAnon stuff.
The group is trying to regroup on Telegram but is seeing limited success.
I am no fan of of giving Newscorp a leg up with government legislation.
Jeff Jarvis referred to it as News Snippets revisited.
I will see if I can find a link to the vodcast.
I didn’t find the link but here is an article on the subject.
thanks I’ll have a look at it
For all the Trump lovies.
The best is yet to come…
Victoria @ #801 Tuesday, September 1st, 2020 – 10:09 am
Considering the quality/credibility of what most people on Facebook seem to think is share-worthy “news”, that’s probably a good thing. 🙂
The U.S. desperately needs something similar.
I’ve had a gutful of these crazies. They are endangering all of us.
Josh Butler
Anti-vaxxers, anti-5G & QAnon Facebook groups have been the main grounds for this – the same pages organising anti-lockdown protests this weekend
Some abusive callers are spouting Qanon conspiracy theories about secret pedophile networks & Satanic worship
5000 emails and counting: MPs hit by a tsunami of anti-lockdown abuse
A dozen Victorian politicians are being flooded with thousands of abusive emails, calls and messages from anti-lockdown conspiracy theorists.
And remember the qanon theory casts Donald Trump as a saviour. It sickens me
Barney in Tanjung Bunga:
[‘For me the most significant bit of that poll was the number of third Party voters who are happy to support Biden.’]
I miss read that. So you’re reading of it is that the 12.8% of third party voters intend to vote for Biden?
Lars Von Trier @ #720 Tuesday, September 1st, 2020 – 7:49 am
The Emerson polls do not ‘show’ any such thing. No poll ever ‘shows’ anything except the outcome of the single poll. They simply ‘are’. Emerson said the margin of error of their July poll, which had Biden 4% ahead, was 3.1%, and the latest poll, which has his lead at 2%, has a stated MOE of 2.4%. Thus there is a high probability that there is no significant difference between the two poll outcomes at all. Their press release, and your post, talking about ‘halving’ is illogical nonsense.
I will be interested to see the results of the next two ABC/WAPO and Fox polls.
News Snippetts I have come down on the side of I think Google has a good case.
I don’t think giving money to Murdoch is the solution to the new media dominance.
At least with the new media Labor could pay for and launch it’s own media organisation. An Australian Young Turks for example. Maybe get Reason and the other minor parties to help fund it.
There needs to be a counter to Murdoch to shift the Overton window and Friendly Jordies cannot do the job alone.
Edit: There are a lot of journalists looking for work
One thing I’ve realised is that the “right” of politics always lacks sufficient imagination or alternatively perhaps always go for the gutter.
QAnon started in 2016 and simply created a conspiracy based on the Jewish Blood Libel. If you dig into the conspiracy the aged old child abusers stealing your children for satanic rituals (that’s what Pizza gate is about) and for drinking their blood for it’s magical youthful properties (that’s the hollywood angle).
There was a conspiracy in the 80’s based around a pedo network based in tunnels underneath a childcare centre with exactly the same reasoning, the “concerned parents” actually turned up to “Free the children” only to dig a big hole in the ground.
In 2017 an idiot with a semi-automatic rifle turned up at the NYC Pizza restaurant to “free the children” being locked in the back room only to find out the back room was a broom closet, thankfully no one was injured.
All of the QAnon crap is just the modern, reheated equivalent of the Blood Libel (The Protocols of the Elders of Zion), in some cases some of the Nutjobs even go as far as to blame a Jewish cult and the Rothchilds as being the big boogeymen. The more things change ….
Victoria @ #802 Tuesday, September 1st, 2020 – 10:09 am
No great loss.
With only 64 days to go, Trump’s getting more desperate by the day, evidenced by his intended visit to Kenosha, where it will little doubt raise the level of unrest, playing right into his hands. If the protesters want a Biden victory, they need to show restraint.
Mavis @ #813 Tuesday, September 1st, 2020 – 8:25 am
No, I’m looking at the two graphs together.
Last election, it seems many were unwilling to support Clinton or Trump and went to 3rd Party candidates.
This time, Biden seems acceptable to many of them reversing the picture and some.
Newscorp and the other media outfits are getting a free ride from google and fb. They could very reasonably expect to be charged for carriage of their click bait. Everyone else pays to use google. The media outfits shouldn’t be exempted.
people should look at more than the graphic before extrapolating from the report on the “military times” survey, i.e. read it. its an opt in survey, of military times readers; its a survey of *career* military personnel, it excludes 3 year recruits; it surveys active duty military personnel, no veterans were approached. it finds support for trump higher in lower ranks than among officers, i.e. military careerists.
a “stars & stripes”/smithsonian survey reported in the new york times in may found support for trump was still high among veterans. looks like age, career path ambitions & level of education are also factors affecting a military person’s opinion of trump. -a.v.
I agree. The best thing the protestors could do if Trump shows up is go home and totally ignore him.
But no doubt Trump would spin that as him be the saviour.
It’s hard to see a win with this creep.
The problem in Australia is there is right wing media and yes Qanon etc.
To stand a chance against existing right wing dominance the left needs it’s own media.
Just think about a tv channel with a credible respected journalist able to have the ability to question Credlin’s lie about the carbon tax and how much of a difference that would have made to the election campaign.
Barney in Tanjung Bunga:
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 10:46 am
Got you. Thanks.
Victoria @ #811 Tuesday, September 1st, 2020 – 10:22 am
I hope they do. Then the police can come along and fine them. Or charge the more unruly who do damage to people or property. Then, if they refuse to pay the fines, they can be locked up where they can no longer be a problem for the law-abiding and socially-responsible citizens of the state.
mikehilliard @ #822 Tuesday, September 1st, 2020 – 10:51 am
I’m in two minds about it. I was thinking that if people came along with anti Trump signs and just booed him loudly that that might work.
GoldenSmaug @ #816 Tuesday, September 1st, 2020 – 10:41 am
Extending on, they conjure up and/or actually believe in a perpetual victim state, and then (in an amazing volte-face) portray themselves as the only solution.
I thought this interview with Prof (Philosophy) Jason Stanley, author of How Fascism Works, nicely outlines the ten most salient tactics of fascism, v.i.,( into which the above conspiracy lunacy neatly slots) with scary alignments with the Trump ‘movement’:
* a mythic past
* propaganda
* anti-intellectualism
* unreality (conspiracy theories)
* hierarchy
* victimhood
* law and order
* sexual anxiety
* sodom and gomorrah
* arbeit macht frei
Also think about this.
If Labor doesn’t do it. Some enterprising soul will find a way to start their own channel and be far more radical than Labor ever could be.
Thirteen in NSW. Two in HQ, eleven linked to known clusters.
Not bad news overall.
Let’s hope there is no civil unrest over the pandemic or anything else. This would be the hyper-politicisation of COVID….a local version of Trumpmania. Those who wish for it should reconsider. The politicisation of the pandemic is profoundly anti-social. The Greens, Palmer and the LNP have been among the voices responsible for this. They are the co-authors of the aggression and the threats.
Trump’s lot want a fight. If there’s people on the street I fear it all going pear shaped. Best he f off as requested.
guytaur says:
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 11:04 am
Also think about this.
If Labor doesn’t do it. Some enterprising soul will find a way to start their own channel and be far more radical than Labor ever could be.
Go for it guytaur. Start up a media channel. Please. You can be as radical as you like.
Great example by you of making the pandemic political.
For everyone else.
Julian Burnside recently a Greens candidate has been tweeting praise of Daniel Andrews handling of the pandemic.
Some balance to the fantasy.
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 10:51 am
[‘But no doubt Trump would spin that as him be the saviour.’]
The Black Knight rides into town and everything settles down. But I think he’d much prefer to up the ante, with pics of him in personal danger, saved in the nick of time by his SS detail. I just hope that BLM leaders will exercise their influence to calm down the civil unrest in Wisconsin at least until he returns to Florida for a another round of golf.
Mavis @ #818 Tuesday, September 1st, 2020 – 10:42 am
To the extent that they need to make sure their protests are peaceful, yes. To the extent that they should just stay home, fuck no.
They need to stand there, quietly daring Trump to deploy his goons. And when he does, they need to make sure Trump’s brutality is
filmedlive-streamed and goes viral.Guytaur,
Re Radical Lefties,
Friendly Jordies is what you’re describing. He’s always after funding.
Too often the final decision on legislation seems to sit with Jacqui Lambie.
I’ve always disliked Facebook immensely
Josh Butler
Facebook claims the ACCC code leaves it “with a choice of either removing news entirely or accepting a system that lets publishers charge us for as much content as they want at a price with no clear limits”
Show this thread
Josh Butler
wow – Facebook says if the ACCC news media code comes in, “we will reluctantly stop allowing publishers and people in Australia from sharing local and international news on Facebook and Instagram”
Bandt was making capital out of the lockdown. Burnside has already been forgotten. Bandt , though forgettable in many ways, made statements for political purposes that linger on. He should be ashamed of himself. He has contributed to the spread of the virus and to illness and mortality.
He is on the same page as Palmer, Morrison, Joyce, the Vic-Libs and the rest.
Dr Scott Atlas, the new White House Covid ‘expert’, is a neuroradiologist with no pandemic or public health expertise. He’s a fellow at the Hoover Institute, a conservative (Stanford) think tank, whose only honorary fellow is The Baroness Thatcher; nuff said. He’s a regular guest of Fox news, was senior health advisor to Giuliani and Romney, an advocate for getting rid of Obamacare, advocates opening schools and school sports, says children don’t transmit the virus, testing should be limited at most to symptomatic cases, promotes herd immunity, etc etc you know the rest
you’re welcome
Nah Jordies is not radical left.
Plus it’s not what I am describing.
Imagine a tv channel that gets Michael West on to talk about financial issues. Imagine a channel that gets on Nick Ross to talk about the NBN.
Imagine a channel that persuades Emma Alberici to be an Anchor.
A channel like the ABC but with a different editorial position not controlled by the LNP because it’s a co operative Independent channel.
Yes, he’s been doing some pretty hard hitting content lately
Victoria says:
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 11:15 am
I’ve always disliked Facebook immensely
I use fb all the time…. share artworks in several communities of artists, studios, schools and students, from around the corner to around the world. It’s a great boon to us. I never delve into the newsfeeds. I ignore the ads.
mikehilliard @ #831 Tuesday, September 1st, 2020 – 11:06 am
It’s about having power over, isn’t it. I heard Trump say (in the clip where he was signing autographs and telling people to sell hem on ebay for 10K) how he wanted to have power over ‘them’. The ‘right’ don’t wont to be under anybodies power but their own – viz, you can’t take my freedom. There was also that clip of the guy getting kicked out of a store for not wearing a mask screaming ‘you have no power over me’.
Yes the fibs continue to play disgusting games
James Newbury MP
Three Upper House MPs have agreed to sell out and give
a six month State of Emergency ‘blank cheque’.
They are:
(Animal Justice Party),
(Reason Party) and
(The Greens).
#springst #auspol
a r @ #836 Tuesday, September 1st, 2020 – 11:12 am
The moms were a good example of this.
Ariel Bogle
Oh hey, Bloomberg got it too. Maybe this is some galaxy brain tactic of cultural cringe by Facebook.
Facebook Threatens to Cut Off Australians From Sharing News
Facebook Inc. plans to block people and publishers in Australia from sharing news, a move that pushes back against a proposed law forcing the company to pay media companies for their articles.
You could also see Facebook stopping political adds, that’d be handy. Bit of a hit to Clive there.
And I think people don’t understand google and Facebooks scale. If the Australian market locks up. They can eat the loss and work in other jurisdictions. People don’t need to consume the news, we do it for entertainment. If the Australian was the only newspaper in Australia people would still balk at buying it.
This push from the government to help out murdoch seems like a gesture more than anything substantial. And infact i kind of hope that facebook and google both take their bat and ball and go home.
Just the other day i had to use the TOR network to become an American for a few hours whilst shopping for ebooks on kindle unliimited, and that’s mostly due to the government (joe hockey and gerry harveys $20 gst reform) .
Australians need a kick in the arse to remind them that the government they have doesn’t serve them.
“Honest, and cross the spot where my heart used to be before The Reichspud had it removed, we absolutely do not want to spy on every Australian, just the naughty ones.”