The Guardian reports the first result from Essential Research in three weeks has Labor’s two-party lead at 52-48, down from 53-47 last time. The changes on the primary vote are slight, with the Coalition up a point to 38% and Labor steady on 36% (CORRECTION: the Coalition is steady, and Labor down two). The Guardian report notes that Essential has changed the provider of the online panel from which its respondents are drawn from YourSource to Qualtrics, without changing the underlying methodology. Perhaps relatedly, the sample size is identified as 1652, where in the past it has been a little over 1000. The Guardian provides no further findings from attitudinal questions – we’ll see if the release of the main report later today provides anything on that front, along with the minor party primary votes.
UPDATE: Full report here. No change for the minor parties, with the Greens on 10% and One Nation on 7%. The poll was conducted between January 23 and January 31 – I’m not sure if this was a contingency for the long weekend, but in the past Essential’s field work dates have been Thursday to Sunday. Other findings:
• When presented with a number of explanations for a lack of gender parity in politics, the most favoured responses relate to the failures of political parties, and the least favoured relates to “experience and skills”. Gender quotas for parties have 46% support and 40% opposition, with age interestingly more determinative of attitudes here than gender.
• There are a number of questions on Australia Day, the most useful of which is a finding that 52% support a separate national day to recognise indigenous Australians, including 15% who want that day to replace Australia Day, with 40% opposed.
• Respondents were presented with various groups and asked who they felt they would prefer to see win the election. The most interesting findings are that the media was perceived as favouring the Coalition by 32% and 25%; that despite all the recent talk, pensioners were perceived to favour Labor by a margin of 42% to 28%; and that families with young children were perceived as favouring Labor by 50% to 21%.
UPDATE 2: It turns out that both the longer field work period and the larger sample were a one-off, to it will be back to Thursday to Sunday and samples of a bit over 1000 in future polls.
‘Premeditated murder’: White House aides turn on each other after Trump’s schedule leaked
The White House has been rocked by the massive leak of President Donald Trump’s schedule, which shows few meetings and hours of unstructured time each day.
Axios published 95 pages of Trump’s private schedules Sunday, and sources told the website the following day that the leak had sowed chaos inside the White House.
“There are leaks, and then there are leaks,” said Cliff Sims, a former White House aide who recently published the tell-all book “Team of Vipers.”
“If most are involuntary manslaughter,” he added, “this was premeditated murder. People inside are genuinely scared.”
‘Trump’s presidency is hanging by a thread’: Conservative writer reveals the president’s true weakness
President Donald Trump loves polls when they’re in his favor, but in recent weeks especially, they have not been his friend.
After imposing a disastrous and pointless government shutdown, Trump was pummeled in the polls, leading him to retreat. Now, polls show that his “plan B” to get funds for his promised border wall — declare a national emergency — is also deeply unpopular, indicating it could do even more damage to his standing than the shutdown did.
Americans disapprove of the plan in a stark 66 percent to 34 percent split, according to CBS.
Good morning Dawn Patrollers.
Katharine Murphy reports that Labor has seized on the Morrison government’s reluctance to create a user-pays system for mortgage brokers, opening a new front in the political brawl over banking misconduct, as the latest Guardian Essential poll suggests the contest between the major parties is tightening.
Here is Ken Hayne’s verdict on the banks in his own words.
Adele Ferguson is far from impressed with the royal commission’s report – especially with the way ASIC and APRA were handled.
Paul Kelly says that the Hayne final report gives the 2019 election a devastating framing — who is responsible for a bank and financial system plagued by systemic misconduct and who is best to fix it?
Paul Bongiorno reckons the report leaves Scott Morrison with little credit in the bank.
Sam Maiden says that Scott Morrison was noticeably absent from the press conference to announce his government’s response to the banking royal commission he never wanted to see happen, leaving his Treasurer solo to be thrown at the mercy of the Australian public.
Clancy Yeates reports on the impact on the mortgage broking industry.
But the AFR says the government has pulled its punches when it comes to mortgage brokers.
Law lecturer Kym Sheehan writes that Justice Hayne says in almost every case of appalling misconduct examined by his commission, what happened was “driven not only by the relevant entity’s pursuit of profit, but also by individuals’ pursuit of gain”. He is fingering greed: personal greed.
The Australian reports that Hayne has recommended criminal charges against three financial institutions and asked for probes into 15 more.
And the AFR says Australia could be about to follow the lead of Iceland, the only country that has ever put top finance executives behind bars.
Karen Cox says that now Hayne has reported, the lobbyists will get to work.
Australia’s insurers face a massive shake-up in the way they do business after the Hayne royal commission recommended sweeping reforms to the sector.
And financial advisers would need to be individually registered in a similar way as doctors and lawyers under recommendations by the Hayne inquiry.
The banks have copped a royal hiding at the hands of Kenneth Hayne; this what they had to say for themselves after the release of the commissioner’s report.
Katharine Murphy writes, “To do anything other than saying “yes Kenneth, thank you Kenneth” would have been politically untenable, and the Coalition is desperate to avoid a fight with Labor on Big Bad Banks, its preferred territory.”
These academics opine that Hayne’s failure to tackle bank structure means that in a decade or so another treasurer will have to call another royal commission.
A new independent watchdog will police the regulators who have been directed by the Hayne royal commission to punish misconduct more aggressively by pursuing court action to deter wrongdoing.
According to David Crowe Labor has indicated it will not back down on plans to raise more than $80 billion from wealthier Australians.
And Crowe says that the Hayne report shows Labor was right on the FOFA reform and the Coalition was wrong to water it down when it got into power after the 2013 election. It also shows the big banks would have been better off accepting the Labor regime in full rather than mounting their powerful lobbying campaign to scale it back.
The AFR says Hayne left out board accountability from his report.
Sarah Danckert writes about the extraordinary spray Ken Hayne gave the NAB executives. The NAB board is meeting today apparently.
Elizabeth Knight writes that it looks like no accident of timing that the corporate regulator has launched a nuclear strike against CBA in the hours leading up to the release of the final report of the banking royal commission.
Professor of management, Nicole Gillespie, outlines the six most important questions our banks will need to answer.
Nicole Hasham tells us about a senior fire chief who has unloaded on politicians over climate change inaction.
Peter Hartcher is concerned that we have the worst crisis since Cold War brewing, but no one’s paying attention.
In a scathing contribution John Falzon examines the motives and effects of neo-liberal governments’ love of privatisation.
Residents will be locked out of their CBD apartments for at least 48 hours after a fast-moving fire, believed to have been fuelled by combustible cladding, tore through the Neo200 apartment complex on Melbourne’s Spencer Street.
Victoria’s building authority has not notified residents of 60 buildings it has deemed ‘highest risk’ because of flammable cladding.
Dana McCauley reports that Morrison has claimed government agencies have told him “hundreds” of people on Manus Island and Nauru would be flown to Australia “within a matter of weeks” if Labor and the crossbench pass a bill giving doctors more say in treating sick refugees.
Michelle Grattan says that Cathy McGowan is remaining tight-lipped about refugee legislation despite removal of children.
Markus Mannheim wonders why it is that unwanted dud executives are paid handsomely to quit.
Legal researcher Kieran Pender wonders if a High Court decision about to be handed down will have the effect of gagging public servants.
Richard Flanagan says that Scott Morrison is trying to scare people about franking credits but seems blithely unaware people are already scared – about climate change
The environmental and ecological disasters occurring at the Murray-Darling Basin are driven by capitalism, writes John Passant.,12342
Doug Dingwall reports that watchdogs overseeing spy agencies and public spending fear a proposed federal integrity commission will threaten their independence and disrupt investigations.
John Wilson explains how a labour-hire firm that works for the APS provides a perfect example of how not to sack a recruit.
The New York Times examines the role of Boeing in the Lion Air crash. Interesting.
The demolition of Sydney’s Allianz stadium ahead of the March election is facing a new threat after a local community group threatened legal action in the New South Wales land and environment court.
Senators have grown concerned as vacancies pile up in the Trump administration.
Champion trainer Darren Weir is facing a four-year disqualification after the conclusion of a marathon stewards hearing at Racing Victoria headquarters that began last night and finished shortly after 1am today. Worth a nomination?
Cartoon Corner
David Rowe goes all religious here!

David Pope is unconvinced by the government’s undertakings on the 76 Hayne recommendations.
Cathy Wilcox and our sunburnt country.
From Matt Golding
Mark David delivers a new poll report to Morrison.
Zanetti with the release of the royal commission report.
Glen Le Lievre on how to bash a bank.
Sean Leahy is unimpressed with the report.
Alan Moir on the response from the banking industry.
From the US.
What the hell? 52-48?
Is the public stupid, mad, all on drugs or a combination of them all?
I guess people tuned out a bit over the break.
It would be useful if we could track undecided, they are what caused the landslide in Vic.
From the previous thread:
lizzie @ #2814 Tuesday, February 5th, 2019 – 3:56 am
One of the comments:
And the first question to Pastor Fozzie:
It might actually be worth tuning in to see what kind of questions the Pastor gets.
This is a must-read. not only because of Richard Flanagan’s beautiful prose, but its truth.
How many more of our so-called regulators are corrupted by political affiliation?
Optimism that the government is about to do something about the banks perhaps? A 48 does seem a bit unwarranted. I don’t get how we can trust them.
I find primaries of 38 LNP 36 ALP very disheartening…to say the least.
PuffyTMD @ #4 Tuesday, February 5th, 2019 – 7:35 am
What an excellent question.
That well known social commentator, raconteur and all round jolly good fellow Lleyton Hewitt had the answer all those years ago:-
The public is stupid ❗ quoth he.
I suspect that the public, whatever it is, neither knows nor cares that there have been royal commissions investigating the banks, aged care (current), child sexual abuse ⏩ ⏩
If one considers that a great many (people) get their news of happenings from commercial TV each evening then one would have to arrive at the conclusion that “Dickheads R Us” is the organisation that encompasses the mass of Orstrayan society. Fortitude and optimism in equal parts is required to stay ahead of the depression curve.
Now to have a look at BK’s Dawn Patrol, and then to Mr. C. Kenny for some comedy ideas.
☮ ☕
same same
48% of the voters apparently have believe that theirs and the nation’s interests align with those of the banks.
Polling on a 2PP basis is getting close to …wait for it… same same.
Given the woefully poor performance of the Govt, Labor should be ashamed of themselves.
ScoMo’s brand, like the energizer rabbit, but in denial of reality.
…He’s abandoned Josh to take all the hits. He’s nowhere to be seen, protecting his own brand. #leadership #auspol”
Where the bloody hell is he?
“Bill’s team escapes Franking hits.” Message: Bad Bill won’t suffer from the legislation.
“Frankly, I find it perverse that we send cheques to people with big share portfolios that amount to more than we provide a pensioner with no assets and no other income source,” he said.
Does NOT equal ‘Same-Same’ with the Coalition government.
Rex Douglas @ #15 Tuesday, February 5th, 2019 – 8:10 am
If the major parties should be ashamed of themselves for polling mid to high thirties, what should a rabble that can only get 9% feel?
Morning all and thanks BK for today’s wrap.
Trump dives into the swamp to find his next appointment to head the Interior Dept.
Richard Flanagan – Class
lizzie says:
Tuesday, February 5, 2019 at 8:20 am
Matt Burke
The Daily Tele splash is that a huge majority of Labor frontbench don’t personally benefit from cash refunds for excess franking credits.
“Bill’s team escapes Franking hits.” Message: Bad Bill won’t suffer from the legislation.
Or, they pay income tax.
Steve777 says:
Tuesday, February 5, 2019 at 8:15 am
…He’s abandoned Josh to take all the hits. He’s nowhere to be seen, protecting his own brand. #leadership #auspol”
Where the bloody hell is he?
Right about now he would be at his pentecostal church praying in tongues, lighting candles, banging Tambourines and begging “Jesus” to give him back his favourite toys – economic responsibility v Shorten for one, blaming refugees on threats to border protection, kicking anything that might cost him votes into the long grass {LGBQTI+ v ‘Freedom of Religion’; the Israel Embassy; acting like a human being with refugees and getting them of the islands, I mean REALLY getting them off; etc etc. and his favourite Abbott stick doll…
Oh wait, we have a hymn.. “Nearer my God to thee, nearer to thee”… keep going Scotty- he’s coming for ya mate.
Thanks for the Flanagan link-
He is always worth reading.
Morning all
The narrowing of the polls is not really surprising.
Labor still have their work cut out for them
The concerns with the falling ppty market etc and the Labor policy re negative gearing unfortunately is not going to help them win comfortably.
They may just scrape over line.
I am hoping they have a clear strategy between now and election to articulate their vision.
This essential poll is another footnote in the thesis that the Australian public do not want Shorten as PM. That the ALP are losing the primary vote to the Liberals is some stark evidence. With the government being so poor the ALP primary should be well over 40 and the 2pp somewhere around 55. From these figures it’s clear the public don’t trust Shorten.
The more the Tele and the like carp on about the franking credits, the more they’ll expose the rort for what it is, a lurk for the well off. Keep it up fellas.
My view is the proposed savings to the bottom line with negative gearing and the franking credits etc
Should result in reducing income tax for workers.
Here’s an interesting insight into the thinking of anti-vaxxers:
Victoria @ #28 Tuesday, February 5th, 2019 – 5:48 am
I remain optimistic that that isn’t the case. Remember, polling before the WA election was a lot closer than the actual result. Same in Victoria.
Desperate for some good news this morning, the only thing I can think of is that I now have a functioning Worm Farm. Everything else is, frankly, disaster on stilts.
Bring on Stacey Abrams and the state of the union response!
The polls have narrowed for the coalition because parliament isn’t sitting.
““Bill’s team escapes Franking hits.” Message: Bad Bill won’t suffer from the legislation.”
Some here have said that Rupert is turning to be on the winning side. I’ve seen no evidence of this in the paper editions of the Australian and the Telecrap. This is yet another example of a fabricated story to push a political agenda. You can’t even say it’s lies – the facts stated are likely true, but the story is essentially empty.
MP’s have high salaries, regardless of party, about $200k for a backbencher, equivalent to a junior to mid-level corporate executive. They have a marginal tax rate at the top bracket, 47% including Medicare levy. If they own shares, they pay income tax on dividends but can offset franking credits that go with their dividends against their total tax liability. Just like anyone else with income who receives dividends. Labor’s changes won’t affect them, nor the majority of share owners, nor anyone who doesn’t own shares.
Daily Telecrap readers should be offended at this insult to their intelligence.
The Coalition goes into the election holding 73 seats, 3 short of majority government. The Coalition must retain all their seats and win 3 from opposition parties to win government for a third term. For every seat the Coalition loses in this election it must gain one. The net target is 76 seats.
The Australian Labor Party goes into the election with 71 seats, five short of majority government. The ALP must retain all 71 seats they had before the election and gain 5 more seats from others parties to win a first term in government. Again, the net target is 76 seats.
A hot seat is a electorate seat at high risk of being lost by the Party holding the seat with a marginal vote advantage of less than 55.0%
[eg Chisolm: Liberal 53.4 % v Labor 46.6 percent]
Electorate Party 2PP % VOTES
Corangamite VIC LIBERAL 50.03 30
Capricornia QLD NATIONAL 50.6 1,111
Gilmore NSW LIBERAL 50.7 1,503
Forde QLD LIBERAL 50.7 1,062
Flynn QLD NATIONAL 51.0 1,814
Robertson NSW LIBERAL 51.1 2,179
Banks NSW LIBERAL 51.4 2,588
Petrie QLD LIBERAL 51.7 3,059
Grey SA LIBERAL 51.9 3,508
Dickson QLD LIBERAL 52.0 3,275
^^^ That’s 10 already
Hasluck WA LIBERAL 52.0 3,337
Page NSW NATIONAL 52.3 4,822
Boothby SA LIBERAL 52.8 2,688
Dawson QLD NATIONAL 53.4 6,124
La Trobe VIC LIBERAL 5 3.5 2,886
Pearce WA LIBERAL 53.6 6,312
Swan WA LIBERAL 53.6 5,848
Bonner QLD LIBERAL 53.7 6,095
Barker SA LIBERAL 54.2 8,119
Leichhardt QLD LIBERAL 54.0 7,022
Casey VIC LIBERAL 54.5 9,700
Cowper NSW NATIONAL 54.5 9,426
Reid NSW LIBERAL 54.7 8,489
And Fess – that is the crux of why there are so few sitting days — they KNOW that every time parliament sits, the coalition’s stocks fall. They have spent 2 years falling in holes with lack of direction/legislation/credibility on show when parliament sits.
Morrison thinks that he can adopt Shorten’s practice of staying out of the way when the other side is making a public mess of themselves. One flaw in that idea is that the ALP hasn’t made such a meal of everything it touches, like the coalition has.
Speaking of Rupert Murdoch he was spotted chatting with Jeff Bezos at the super bowl yesterday. Giving divorce settlement advice perhaps?
Plus they are down to defending seats they’ve never really had to before like Warringah and Higgins.
Malcolm insists “You’ve got to put the customer first”. But never the voters, the poor, the unemployed.
Aha. Yesterday (all my troubles seemed …♫♪♫) while attending the local Eye Hospital (my glaucoma is now back in excellent shape 15/15) my senior son-in-law kept me entertained with various items including his opinion that because this one/that one were elected under whatever rules (US/Australia) then all is well with the world and let’s get on with something else. Hmmmm ❗
This refers to an item
In another letter from the original item comes this sad tale of hardy sons and daughters fighting for survival in a desperate near death effort —
Dammit I buggered up the blockquotes. Never mind – she’ll be right mate and this Bank business will be a forgotten memory by Christmas.
Does anybody remember that timeless work of poetry and romance “All the Rivers Run” * ❓
Time for this to get dusted off and shown as an Election Advert naturally pointing out the benefits of ………………….(can’t think of anything – somebody is to blame for summat).
*Sigrid Thornton and John Waters star in a 1984 miniseries about a riverboat captain and her lover in circa-1900 Australia.
I guess that all the above is really not much about not much.
Meanwhile the cartoons from BK’s wrap were pretty much on the mark and entertaining.
I just read Lizzie’s post about the Worm Farm but misread it as a Warm Farm. Global Worming in action I do suppose ❗
E & OE
Unpopular government in getting a bounce over the holidays when they aren’t visible shocker.
Good morning KayJay. 🙂
Confessions: ‘The polls have narrowed for the coalition because parliament isn’t sitting.’
That’s the reason I picked 53-47 in Newspoll last week and 52-48 for Essential last night. It will widen when parliament resumes, and widen even more during an election campaign.
lizzie @ #40 Tuesday, February 5th, 2019 – 9:12 am
Yes, I’m laughing and about to restart my computer and tidy myself up and have a look outside at my kingdom. I would be pleased with a progress report of the worm farm. 😎😵
Mal is asked if Morrison can win the election. Eyes down, flick from side to side, can’t face the camera, “Ah, well, every election is different…”
Confessions says:
Tuesday, February 5, 2019 at 9:10 am
Plus they are down to defending seats they’ve never really had to before like Warringah and Higgins.
Yep, Kooyong; Flinders; Mallee (the local ladies CWA is really ticked off].. he can’t put out all those fires.
And now Mr Not-so-goodenuff has opened the gate for Labor in his WA WA land seat by taking kickbacks for flogging WA export businesses to Asian business interests…go get em Ian.
Yep – sitting governments’ numbers improve when the HoR is in recess and people can avoid thinking about politics.
One of the take outs from doorknocking is the number of people who have no idea about what’s happening – who either assume there must be an election coming up in a couple of weeks because you’re there, or who are surprised to find out that there’s an election coming up in a couple of weeks.
The average person isn’t interested. The complaint I used to get during RGR was not about instability but that the instability dominated the news, which meant that people couldn’t get away from politics. They want stable and boring because then they never hear anything about what’s going on.