Newspoll: 51-49 to Labor; Ipsos: 54-46

Good news for Malcolm Turnbull on personal ratings, but Labor keeps its nose in front in the post-budget Newspoll, and lands well clear in Ipsos.

The Australian reports Labor’s two-party lead in Newspoll is unchanged at 51-49, but Malcolm Turnbull has enjoyed a big hike on preferred prime minister, his lead out from 38-35 to 46-32. Both major parties are up a point on the primary vote, the Coalition to 39%, Labor to 38%, while the Greens are steady on 9% and One Nation are down one to 6%. Malcolm Turnbull is up three on approval to 39% and down three on disapproval to 50%; Bill Shorten is down one on 33% and up one to 55%. The poll was conducted Thursday to Sunday from a sample of 1728.

By contrast, an Ipsos poll for the Fairfax papers has Labor’s lead out from 52-48 a month ago to 54-46, which partly reflects the fact that Ipsos is sticking with a straight application of 2016 election preferences. A separate result based on respondent-allocated preferences has it at 53-47, out from 50-50 last time. The primary votes are Coalition 36% (steady), Labor 37% (up three), the Greens 11% (down one) and One Nation 5% (down three). Malcolm Turnbull is up four on approval to 51% and down four on disapproval to 39%, Bill Shorten is up one to 39% and down two to 51%, and Turnbull leads 52-32 as preferred prime minister, little changed from 52-31 last time.

Both polls also feature results on budget response, which produce the strongest results for impact on personal finances of any budget since the extravaganzas of 2007 and 2008. Newspoll found 29% saying it would make them better off and 27% worse off, which is the first net positive result since 2007, albeit that this was aided by an eight point spike in the “uncommitted” result. The respective numbers from Ipsos were 38%, the highest since 2006, and 25%. However, 57% of Ipsos respondents said they would prefer the money from the tax cuts instead go to pay off government debt, compared with 37% who favoured the cuts.

Newspoll also found 41% rating the budget good, up five on last year, and 26% bad, down one; but Labor did better than last year on the question of whether they could have done better, with 37% for yes (up four) and 44% for no (down three). Forty-eight per cent rated Malcolm Turnbull more capable of handling the economy compared with 31% for Bill Shorten; 38% rated Scott Morrison the better economic manager compared with 31% for Chris Bowen; and 51% said Labor should support the seven year tax-cut package, with 28% opposed.

Below are two displays putting the Newspoll results in the context of the similar polling that has been conducted after every budget of the past 30 years. The first of these plots the net personal impact result against the net economic impact, with this budget illustrated by the red dot. It shows the budget ranking fifth out of 31 budget on personal impact, with the top four having run in succession from 2004 to 2007. However, the result for economic impact is only slightly above average, at plus 15% compared with plus 10.9%. The red dot’s position below the trendline confirms that this was a budget whose benefits were seen as relatively favouring personal rather than broader economic impact.

The second chart records the net result for the “would the opposition have done better” question (Coalition governments in blue, Labor in red), on which the latest budget equals the horror 2014 budget as the best result ever recorded by Labor. The Coalition tends to do better on this question, and on budget response questions more generally, but even it only managed a net positive result after the other conspicuously poorly received budget within the Newspoll time frame, namely that brought down by John Dawkins after Labor’s unexpected 1993 election victory.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,362 comments on “Newspoll: 51-49 to Labor; Ipsos: 54-46”

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  1. bemused says:
    Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at 2:54 pm

    …”I love your style”…

    I agree with your backslap.

  2. HaveAchat @ #1045 Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 – 3:38 pm


    Thank you for the newspaper numbers. Interestingly they don’t indicate how many free copies are given out. Here in Canberra there seems to be thousands given away free in many of the government buildings, plus of course is the free papers given at the airports.

    I can only guess that free copies provide to various outlets in Canberra must be related to the huge number of cage birds.

    I phone my loved ones in Canberra at least twice a week and will try to glean some information/opinions.

    😲 ☕ four o’clock coffee and biscuits.

  3. AoE

    Quite a few of the LNP would fit that Toxic Masculinity definition. Abbott for one as Gillard outlined in her famous Misogyny speech.

  4. Re newspapers
    plus of course is the free papers given at the airports.

    Oh well, after today’s announcement they will be able to track readers by their ID.

    Earlier today I walked past the overseas passenger terminal at circular quay, beautiful afternoon, good mowing weather as Kayjay said. B
    What about other transport hubs, ship terminals and railway stations,will they Federal government require IDs at those places?

  5. citizen @ #1039 Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 – 3:26 pm

    As someone mentioned earlier, Turnbull isn’t going to legislate to limit airport entry to passengers only, as it would be opposed by the airport owners who would see a huge drop in revenue from sales at shops and food places.

    However he will legislate to prevent “undesirables” by allowing police and airport security to evict any person they don’t like the look of .

    So the trick is to look smartly dressed and whiten your features if possible!

    Or require entry to be dependent on the production of ID. And so it begins. We are frogs in Dutton’s hot water.

  6. John Reidy @ #1056 Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 – 3:58 pm

    Re newspapers
    plus of course is the free papers given at the airports.

    Oh well, after today’s announcement they will be able to track readers by their ID.

    Earlier today I walked past the overseas passenger terminal at circular quay, beautiful afternoon, good mowing weather as Kayjay said. B
    What about other transport hubs, ship terminals and railway stations,will they Federal government require IDs at those places?

    Exactly, just posted same.

  7. Had a read of this.

    FFS, if the US wanted to bend over for Netenyahu, and do everything they can to provoke unrest in the middle east they have done it. Grotesque is a very mild term to use to describe this. The incredibly disproportionate Israeli response to the protests speaks to me just how arrogantly nasty their government is.

    Interesting from that article:

    ” John Hagee, one of America’s most prominent end-times preachers, once said that Hitler was sent by God to drive the Jews to their ancestral homeland. He gave the closing benediction.”

    The Israeli Govt is ok with a guy who has claimed his imaginary friend sent Hitler and the Holocaust (and that presumably is a good thing in his warped worldview??) speaking at that function….in Israel…..?? How would they react to anyone else who had taken a similar position trying to even get a visa to enter Israel??

    The current Israeli Govt is a fwarking cesspit of hypocrisy and repression. All i can conclude from observation of their actions is that it suits them for the killing of Palestinians and Israelis to continue ad infinitum so they can keep up the skeer and stay in power and keep their “base” in line out of fear. Israelis and the rest of the world deserve better than these evil bastards.

  8. Kayjay

    Does that circulation list include online? I now subscribe (paid) to three online news services, in addition to Crikey.

  9. List of newspapers in Australia by circulation

    Most have almost halved in circulation, it is a wonder any of them can stay in business. It is no wonder they hate the internet and all the media sites there.

  10. HaveAchat @ #1046 Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 – 1:38 pm


    Thank you for the newspaper numbers. Interestingly they don’t indicate how many free copies are given out. Here in Canberra there seems to be thousands given away free in many of the government buildings, plus of course is the free papers given at the airports.

    What is also not mentioned is the amount of people who read each paper. My workplace buys only one paper and it would be read by several dozen people.

  11. imacca @ #1061 Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 – 4:09 pm

    Had a read of this.

    The current Israeli Govt is a fwarking cesspit of hypocrisy and repression. All i can conclude from observation of their actions is that it suits them for the killing of Palestinians and Israelis to continue ad infinitum so they can keep up the skeer and stay in power and keep their “base” in line out of fear. Israelis and the rest of the world deserve better than these evil bastards.

    Thanks for drawing attention to that. I couldn’t find so much as a single word I didn’t agree with.

    Interesting too that the author appears to be Jewish.

  12. Boris

    That was my point

    It was several thousands of dollars, effectively paying over double the CSA assessment and during a period where I needed to re-establish housing from zero for the children (initially with me 6 days a fortnight thanks to them having been abducted to the home State of the birth mother with the initial Orders provided to the Federal Police) and the weight of legal fees at their most severe during the early going

    Plus, with the children with me as they were all school fees etc were falling to me to pay – which CSA said was a personal decision!!

    Fortunately I had the supports I had – and they remain my life time friends

    There were also the false allegations and where I still hold letters from the Department in the State the children were removed to saying a child was interrogated over 2 days re allegations of sexual abuse, from VPol saying they interrogated in regard an identical allegation unaware of any interrogation in another State and from CSV saying the same as VPol

    I complained to VPol re false and knowingly false allegations being made – but was laughed at

    Fortunately (a strange description I agree), these allegations and others including that I had been defrauding the Bank were made to my employers who interrogated me in regards all allegations – hence 2 years with Medical Certificates and action in the County Court where I was successful including on costs

    As I say those commenting have no idea

    At the end of the day however, it is about the children and the environment they have the absolute right to be raised in

    That was my advice

    The Family Report once attended raised issues other than me presenting that my relationship with the children made me the appropriate parent to parent them

    So things just kept falling into place

    I never speak to these events – noting the calling out of contributors on here for very specific reasons – but I do retain all documents so that if I am ever asked I can just say “read this and make up your own mind”

    End of contribution on this subject

  13. KayJay @ #1049 Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 – 1:43 pm

    grimace @ #1041 Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 – 3:29 pm

    The difference is show 2017 to 2018.

    A thousand and 42 pardons (I keep count).

    😂 Tears of joy.
    I get carried away with joy on noting the decline in sales.

    Thank you and I’ll add to your tears of joy on noting the decline in sales. Seeing that table has warmed my cold heart on a day which has been worse than most for me.

  14. imacca

    The Christian Zionists have been scaring me since Ronny Ray Gun days. The return of jews to Israel will bring about “End Times” .Totally bonkers but the loons keep getting into powerful positions. Armageddon ? Bring it on baby .Yeee haw.

  15. poroti @ #1071 Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 – 4:30 pm


    The Christian Zionists have been scaring me since Ronny Ray Gun days. The return of jews to Israel will bring about “End Times” .Totally bonkers but the loons keep getting into powerful positions. Armageddon ? Bring it on baby .Yeee haw.

    It has the hallmarks of a nihilistic terrorist ideology.
    They need to be put under surveillance.

  16. Observer

    Thank you for speaking up. It is just as important for men to relate their experiences as it is for women to relate their’s.

  17. grimace @ #1067 Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 – 4:21 pm

    HaveAchat @ #1046 Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 – 1:38 pm


    Thank you for the newspaper numbers. Interestingly they don’t indicate how many free copies are given out. Here in Canberra there seems to be thousands given away free in many of the government buildings, plus of course is the free papers given at the airports.

    What is also not mentioned is the amount of people who read each paper. My workplace buys only one paper and it would be read by several dozen people.

    Or the people that only read the back few pages and then do the quiz at lunch-time like at the place I work at. I can’t remember ever seeing anyone read the front part though I suppose some must do.

  18. imacca @ #1061 Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 – 4:09 pm

    Had a read of this.

    FFS, if the US wanted to bend over for Netenyahu, and do everything they can to provoke unrest in the middle east they have done it. Grotesque is a very mild term to use to describe this. The incredibly disproportionate Israeli response to the protests speaks to me just how arrogantly nasty their government is.

    Interesting from that article:

    ” John Hagee, one of America’s most prominent end-times preachers, once said that Hitler was sent by God to drive the Jews to their ancestral homeland. He gave the closing benediction.”

    The Israeli Govt is ok with a guy who has claimed his imaginary friend sent Hitler and the Holocaust (and that presumably is a good thing in his warped worldview??) speaking at that function….in Israel…..?? How would they react to anyone else who had taken a similar position trying to even get a visa to enter Israel??

    The current Israeli Govt is a fwarking cesspit of hypocrisy and repression. All i can conclude from observation of their actions is that it suits them for the killing of Palestinians and Israelis to continue ad infinitum so they can keep up the skeer and stay in power and keep their “base” in line out of fear. Israelis and the rest of the world deserve better than these evil bastards.

    Well said. The current Israeli government is beneath contempt.

  19. grimace (Block)
    Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 – 4:24 pm
    Comment #1070

    Be kind to yourself.
    You would have, if present Chez KayJay the suport of Brown Bear and BoBo the Executive, Managing bear. 🐻

  20. Thanks KayJay

    For those so interested:

    Trade Weighted Averages:
    Weekday -7.46%
    Saturday -6.91%
    Sunday -8.29%
    All -7.51%

    Weekday Publication YoY Change
    Geelong Advertiser -32.79%
    Northern Territory News -20.69%
    Adelaide Advertiser  -17.57%
    Townsville Bulletin -17.07%
    Gold Coast Bulletin -15.87%
    Cairns Post -15.09%
    The Australian -12.02%
    West Australian -12.00%
    Aust. Financial Review -9.80%
    Daily Telegraph -7.17%
    Canberra Times -6.00%
    Sydney Morning Herald -4.42%
    Herald Sun -4.15%
    Courier-Mail -3.90%
    The Age -3.65%
    The Advocate -3.23%
    The Mercury -2.00%
    Newcastle Herald 5.33%
    Illawarra Mercury 8.33%
    The Examiner 15.15%

    Saturday Publication YoY Change
    Northern Territory News -39.47%
    Geelong Advertiser -29.17%
    Canberra Times -20.29%
    Townsville Bulletin -20.00%
    Gold Coast Bulletin -17.46%
    Cairns Post -13.70%
    The Advocate -13.16%
    Adelaide Advertiser  -12.09%
    Weekend West -11.37%
    Courier-Mail -8.97%
    Daily Telegraph -6.85%
    Herald Sun -5.68%
    The Age -4.94%
    The Australian -4.40%
    Sydney Morning Herald -4.09%
    The Mercury -2.82%
    The Examiner -2.38%
    The Saturday Paper -1.79%
    Newcastle Herald 5.43%
    Aust. Financial Review 9.60%
    Illawarra Mercury 18.42%

    Saturday Publication YoY Change
    Sunday Territorian  -36.67%
    Sunday Examiner -21.28%
    Sunday Mail -14.22%
    The Sunday Mail -13.67%
    The Sun-Herald -11.07%
    Canberra Times -10.64%
    Sunday Times -8.74%
    The Sunday Age -6.60%
    Sunday Telegraph -3.73%
    Sunday Herald Sun -3.40%
    Sunday Tasmanian (Tas) 1.67%

  21. Just on News Corp

    They have reported a loss due to the write downs of valuations of assets including their media investments in Australia

    No doubt this has also negated any tax liabiiity they may have otherwise been liable for

    I do know they were at one stage very highly leveraged including due to acquisitions

    They are a Public Company so their Financial Statements can be accessed for analysis

  22. Socrates @ #1062 Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 – 4:11 pm


    Does that circulation list include online? I now subscribe (paid) to three online news services, in addition to Crikey.

    To which services do you subscribe ❓

    I have found that Monsieur BKs morning Dawn Patrol contains more than enough depressing material for even the most dedicated masochist.

    Using Outline and other clever devices we can read most Papers.

  23. HaveAchat @ #1074 Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 – 2:33 pm

    grimace @ #1067 Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 – 4:21 pm

    HaveAchat @ #1046 Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 – 1:38 pm


    Thank you for the newspaper numbers. Interestingly they don’t indicate how many free copies are given out. Here in Canberra there seems to be thousands given away free in many of the government buildings, plus of course is the free papers given at the airports.

    What is also not mentioned is the amount of people who read each paper. My workplace buys only one paper and it would be read by several dozen people.

    Or the people that only read the back few pages and then do the quiz at lunch-time like at the place I work at. I can’t remember ever seeing anyone read the front part though I suppose some must do.

    Agree. It’s a challenge to find the stories between the ads in the debauched publication of choice at my workplace, so much of the rag is flicked through at high speed.

    To expand on my point, the issue is not only circulation, it’s about influence which is where average number of people reading each paper comes in.

    Murdoch looses money hand over fist on the Australian, a paper whose circulation has been in free fall for years, however that publication retains enormous influence.

  24. Re Guytaur @2:32PM.

    Energy prices, that’s got to be something that the Government has to be held to account for. Have prices doubled since 2013? That’s ten “carbon taxes”. Is there any reason to believe that the fossil fuel and power distribution industries are any better behaved than the finance industry?

    Looking after mates costs the community far more than tackling climate change.

  25. John Schindler‏Verified account @20committee

    As of now, 58 Palestinians are dead and more than 1,300 were shot by the IDF with live ammo today.

    IDF, yet again, didn’t get the memo about successful COIN being about restraint.

    Tomorrow is Nakba Day, buckle up.

    ( For the Palestinians it is an annual day of commemoration of the displacement that preceded and followed the Israeli Declaration of Independence in 1948. )

    How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas

    Surveying the wreckage of a neighbor’s bungalow hit by a Palestinian rocket, retired Israeli official Avner Cohen traces the missile’s trajectory back to an “enormous, stupid mistake” made 30 years ago.

    “Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation,” says Mr. Cohen, a Tunisian-born Jew who worked in Gaza for more than two decades. Responsible for religious affairs in the region until 1994, Mr. Cohen watched the Islamist movement take shape, muscle aside secular Palestinian rivals and then morph into what is today Hamas, a militant group that is sworn to Israel’s destruction.

  26. The Metropolitan Police carried out some 3,300 deployments involving firearms in 2016. They didn’t fire a single shot at a suspect.

    It’s a world away from the United States, where cops killed 1,092 people in 2016, according to figures compiled by The Guardian.

    Of course it’s easier for police to remain unarmed if civilians do the same. Out of every 100 people in Britain, fewer than four of them owns a firearm, according to, a project run by Australia’s University of Sydney. In the U.S. there is more than one gun per person.

    While British officials have long since accepted that an attack is “highly likely,” they believe that intelligence-gathering and stronger links with the community — rather than gun-toting cops — will do more to keep the city safer.

    “In a free and democratic society, there is going to be a balance between democracy, freedom and openness, and a police state — and none of us want to live in a police state,” said Brian Dillon, former head of the Met’s firearms command who now runs the counterterrorism consultancy Rubicon Resilience.

  27. KayJay says:
    Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at 3:36 pm

    …”One of the indicators denoting the above referenced chopped knackers is pronounced squinting.”…

    Very good.

  28. Grimace,
    Completely agree, it is all about influence, hence the front pages becoming a parody of a newspaper. Any stupidity to catch the attention of the punter.

    I am not so sure that even the mock front pages are really influencing the general public as much as they used to. Sometimes I think that many here, myself included, don’t give the general public enough respect. We leap to the conclusion that they are fickle and only interested in their own hip pocket and what they can get, when if you read some of the polling that it going on lately and the comments on social media like twitter I think there is a change happening. The government attempt to buy favour with the tax ‘giveaway’ has gone down like a lead balloon, people are saying that they want their taxes spent on those that need it, education, health, disabled.

    I think that like that great Nobel winner said ‘the times are a-changing’

    Haha, sorry ‘B’ couldn’t resist.

  29. @Grimace – it looks like the larger publications dropped the least.

    2-7% drops for Australian, SMH, The Age, AFR, DT, Sunday Telegraph.

    31% for Geelong Advertiser. Also 30’s range for the two NT papers.

    Drops in the teens for Geelong Advertiser, Cairns post, Gold Coast Bulletin, Townsville Bulletin, Adelaide Advertiser, Sunday Mail.

    The industry is concentrating, as it is dying.

  30. poroti (Block)
    Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 – 4:38 pm
    Comment #1079


    BoBo looks a very kindly manager.

    Thanks for that.
    Last Sunday I had many visitors for whom the Lord Should Have Made Me Truly Grateful. (Form of Grace said by my Grandfather )- why have I included that ❓ Your guess is probably better than mine – don’t tell Ven).

    One of the beautiful (of course) great grand daughters (10 nearly 11 years) brought a little brown bear and smaller bear which she had painted/decorated.

    For this special occasion (Mothers Day :?:) I brought Brown Bear to enjoy the company together with Bobo. Bobo had a long chain with a rosary and crucifix on it. Nobody noticed because I have recently acquired a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle and roll up mat.

    The jigsaw and mat is now safely awaiting the next visit, when, possible I may become a father for Fathers Day.

    My wife would have loved the bear as displayed in your post. She was a crocheter par excellence.
    Never mind, now that I am, apparently a mother, I may take up crochet myself.
    Aside — Jeez Muriel help me.

  31. briefly says:
    Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at 3:46 pm

    Absence of Empathy says:
    Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at 3:31 pm

    …”I made some remarks about misogyny and violence, and the denial of both. They were not made with you in mind. I did not accuse you of anything”…

    This is an outright fabrication.
    You specifically named both me and one other person at the beginning of one comment.

    I am well aware of the fact that you are very clever, and are more than capable of employing misdirection and tricky little word games in order to indirectly make an accusation whilst maintaining a facade of broad generalisation.

    That is your schtick, I get it, but I am not for one second, fooled by it.

  32. Lizzie

    Just catching up on today’s posts.

    “That is as rare as hen’s teeth. “

    In the above quote you were referring to the incidence of Confession’s snarking at Bemused. I think your maths is way out.

    She has in fact had a couple of goes at him in the last 24 hours.

    Although she has evidently blocked Bemused, she is quick to join in with that group of female PBers who post criticisms of Bemused, no matter how mild the criticism is.

    Confessions can stir the pot as well as anyone here does, but surprisingly certain posters are oblivious to this and continually promote an angelic impression of her. Not surprising, for generally the silence is deafening here when lady posters throw their weight about.

  33. Voice Endeavour @ #1089 Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 – 2:59 pm

    @Grimace – it looks like the larger publications dropped the least.

    2-7% drops for Australian, SMH, The Age, AFR, DT, Sunday Telegraph.

    31% for Geelong Advertiser. Also 30’s range for the two NT papers.

    Drops in the teens for Geelong Advertiser, Cairns post, Gold Coast Bulletin, Townsville Bulletin, Adelaide Advertiser, Sunday Mail.

    The industry is concentrating, as it is dying.

    From a throughput accounting point of view, newspapers operate off a very high fixed cost base and I would think they can’t have much further down to go in circulation before they are completely un-viable and not even cross subsidies from other parts of the media groups will be able to keep them afloat.

    It’s worth repeating that a material percentage of the claimed circulation is given away for free, so the list price is not even covering the variable costs of paper, printing and distribution.

  34. psyclaw

    I am aware that you always support bemused in the theme of males vs. females, as if there is a ‘sorority’ or a ‘cult’. No point in arguing such nonsensse.

  35. briefly says:
    Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at 12:40 pm

    …”That A-o-E and bemused both disagree with and/or dismiss the points made tends to affirm the validity of the argument.
    Denial is an instrument of misogyny”…

    Do you remember posting this?
    Would you care to recant your spurious slur?

  36. A scenario, real as it turns out.An MP is sitting on a very slim margin. Proposed electoral boundary changes makes his position even more precarious. So much so it becomes nominally in favor of the other main party. A foreign country then writes to the AEC asking that they do not change the boundaries.

    Now would that be classed as foreign interference in Australian politics ? There seems a bit of quacking and waddling about this ‘meddling’ duck. Or maybe it is OK as it is not a Labor MP ?

    Ukrainian government intervenes on behalf of government MP Chris Crewther

    In a letter to the AEC, Ukraine’s ambassador to Australia Mykola Kulinich said he was “extremely concerned” about the proposed changes, and warned that the Ukraine-Australian relationship would “only be strengthened by Mornington remaining within the Dunkley electorate.”

    “I believe that the Ukrainian community in Dunkley will be disadvantaged by separating Mornington from the electorate, where many reside,” the ambassador said.

  37. I’ve been at work today so have not kept up with the conservation but I have been thinking about the responses to my question last night,
    this one:
    Why do men, who have no reason to, hate women to the extent they will disempower them, financially distress them, stalk, harrass, torture and kill them, while women, who have every reason to, do not hate men to the point of ignoring what men do to them and still try to establish congenial relations with them?

    And I was accused of misandry, and of being offensive.

    Now, in a week where I see two of my sister-women and their children murdered by a man, my despair and rage and grief and protest is met by respectful (I hope) silence from the many, and pushback from some. I am told to complain is misandry and ‘what about what women do’.

    So I will express it another way, as a real-time example, a lesson if you will.

    Last night in the PB room.

    Brown Person: ‘You Pink People keep dis-empowering us, financially distressing us, stalking, raping and killing us, you hate us, when we do not hate you no matter what you do. We try to be friends with you. See those six dead brown people killed by a pink person last week, that is 21 this year. Please stop killing us.’

    very bemused Pink Person: ‘What are you talking about? I do not hate you, no-one in this room is trying to kill you. You are a tedious annoying offensive racist for saying this. And anyway, you kill your kids. Shut up and go away.’

    And it ever has been thus.

  38. psyclaw

    Well, lady posters – let’s not condescend, btw – may be a better judge of what offends them than you are.

  39. In recent days, I have been reconsidering my involvement with this blog. This is largely because I feel it’s a lot more antagonistic place than it used to be, particularly towards women posters.

    (And I used to argue that this wasn’t so….)

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