Essential Research moves a point in favour of the Coalition this week as a particularly strong result for Labor a fortnight ago washes out of the two-week rolling average, leaving Labor’s lead at 53-47. Primary votes are only provided for the minor parties, so we’ll have to wait on that for the release of the full report later today (UPDATE: here it is: Coalition steady on 37%, Labor down two to 37%, Greens steady on 9%, One Nation steady on 8%). The poll also finds 33% in favour of committing military support to the United States in the event of conflict with North Korea, with 38% opposed and 26% uncommitted. Sixty-one per cent believed parliament should have a say on the matter, with only 22% favouring the prime ministerial prerogative. On the question of the biggest threats to global security, The Guardian relates the results the most favoured responses were, in descending order, terrorism, North Korean aggression, climate change, US aggression, Chinese aggression and Russian aggression.
Essential also provides one of two sets of new numbers on the same-sex marriage plebiscite/survey, the other being a second tranche of results from the weekend’s Newspoll. Both record similarly strong majorities saying they will participate: 63% for definite and 18% for probably from Essential, compared with 67% and 15% from Newspoll. They also both find supporters more likely to vote than opponents, although in both cases this is based on very small samples of prospective non-voters. The two pollsters get different outcomes on the question of whether the postal plebiscite should be held: Newspoll records 49% “in favour” and 43% “opposed”, while Essential has 39% approval and 49% disapproval. Newspoll also finds 62% in favour of “guarantees in law for freedom of conscience, belief and religion if (parliament) legislates for same-sex marriage”.
1984 speak.
“New regime ‘all about love’, Malcolm Turnbull says as Canterbury-Bankstown named the first of three trial sites.”
Paul Syvret on the ME Plebiscite:
So, is Xenopom for or against Drug Testing?
Ides of March @ #250 Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017 – 12:54 pm
And Sabra Lane certainly doesn’t understand interviewing.
CTar1 @ #244 Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017 – 12:34 pm
Perhaps their position lacks majority support?
Government all about love but wont let two chicks get married?
I actually agree with you that Sabra Lane isnt that good.
Im all the way with Sarah Ferguson. Shes not being used well on 4C!!!
existentialfish: fox news host saying that america will have to intervene in muslim countries indefinitely
I do not think the HC will adopt a “demonstrably knew” test to the interpretation of s.44 for the following reasons:-
1. A test of eligibility that rewards ignorance (demonstrably didn’t know) or duplicity (can’t prove they knew even though they might have known) is silly.
2. Application of the test will mean every case will need to be determined on its individual facts. What happens when, after the Court has determined eg that Barnaby didn’t demonstrably know when he nominated, a letter in Barnaby’s handwriting appears which proves he did know at some earlier time but may have subsequently forgotten?
I think the HC will adopt a 2 part test: Would a person be on reasonable notice that they might be a citizen of another country and if so, what reasonable steps have they taken to renounce?
As to the first part, being born in a foreign country or having a parent born in a foreign country would IMO be reasonable notice that the person might be a dual citizen. Absent any effort to renounce then the person is ineligible. Bye bye Barnaby.
Matt Canavan would be the only interesting case thus far. If he is believed, he should be found to be eligible.
Hopefully this opens up a debate about the appalling discrimination that religions are entitled to practice. I’d love to see some polling on whether teachers, doctors, nurses should be permitted to be summarily sacked because of the disproportionate involvement of religions in the marketplace
YouGov-Fifty Acres online poll has the Coalition slightly ahead in 2PP on 51 to Labor’s 49 #auspol
Some more YouGov
The poll finds 45% think Barnaby Joyce should step aside, 38% don’t think he should.
YouGov poll finds 56% saying they are ‘very likely’ to take part in marriage postal survey, 17% saying they are ‘fairly likely’. #auspol
Should be up on Fairfax sites soonish
Did China Hack the Seventh Fleet?
Has GPS become so vulnerable that it’s now a liability?
Russian capable of neutralising US warships with electronic jamming devices
malware from China which attacks shipping industry cyber infrastructure
Oh goody. Truffles gives Oceania our very own Ministry of Love (Miniluv).
Yougov are seriously fishing to provide Newspoll services.
Can’t wait for yougov to attempt a prediction at election time
Bob’s Uncle @ #266 Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017 – 1:22 pm
Well their results would satisfy readers of The Australian more.
Yougov wow?
@ shiftaling – don’t worry, they’ve thought of that.
Yougov’s methodology for the last poll before the election is to disregard their methodology and herd their result to the median result of other pollsters.
Ides of March @ #258 Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017 – 1:09 pm
Yes, Sarah Ferguson is wasted on 4 Corners, but that’s what happens when you don’t follow the party line.
Lane has two interviewing styles – craven and passive when interviewing coalition ministers (no interruptions for Porter), and aggressive and condescending (with a negative tone) when interviewing Labor spokespersons.
This happens too consistently to be just chance.
Yes, their last poll in UK had very clear herding.
Will we see the tentatively critical commentators of the last week (Kenny, Hartcher etc al) now claim vindication for MT based on this YouGov? It must have hurt them to criticise him, but now they can finally reveal it was all just part of his 4-D Chess game of electoral bamboozlement.
Sorry if already posted. I think this on Shorten’s Q&A is reasonable.
From ABC24 commentary it sounds like a bunch of generals are now calling the shots in the U.S.. Scary, but still less scary than Trump.
Why even bother with YouGov? It has the government in a better position than the last election (for about the 3rd time).
Simply not plausible, and I’m bored of laughing at it.
nickjonesnzer: Jacinda Ardern says it’s time New Zealand started having the conversation about becoming a republic, via @nzherald…
Yougov primaries don’t look too bad except for low Labor vote, an issue also seen in IPSOS. Though it seems instead of Greens the blowout is for “others”.
Coalition 34
Labor 33
Greens 10
ON 10
Others 13
What 2 PP would we get from these?
@ Gorkay – if Lab gets 80% of Greens and 50% of the rest, they should have 52.5 to 47.5
a r
From ABC24 commentary it sounds like a bunch of generals are now calling the shots in the U.S.. Scary, but still less scary than Trump.
Just another 180 degree reversal of snake oil salesman candidate Trump – to President Trump…… even before announcing his candidacy – assailing the U.S. presence in Afghanistan, just to increase troops levels seven months after taking office.
Afghanistan is another example of how the reality of governing a country has clashed with this president’s lifelong habit of spewing whatever crosses his mind at any given moment.
We can add it to the growing dumpster heap of broken Trump promises.
Labor + Greens -> 43 + (ON + Others) * 0.4 -> 52.6/47.4 to Labor.
Using arbitrary preference allocation.
ag0044 @ #248 Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017 – 12:49 pm
They didn’t look like the Canberra bombers I am familiar with.
The 33 primary for Labor in YouGov lacks credibility. It’s about the same as Labor’s electoral nadir at the 2013 election. Labor has vastly improved its position since then.
But taking those numbers, I get 2PP = 100% Lab + 80% Grn + 45% (ON + Oth) = 51.35 –> 51.
If One Nation preferences were start going, say, 70% to the Coalition, that would be 49.85 –> 50.
“They didn’t look like the Canberra bombers I am familiar with.”
They didn’t look like the Canberra bombers I am familiar with
WB-57 High Altitude Research – The NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston, Texas is the home of the NASA WB-57 High Altitude Research Program. Three fully operational WB-57 aircraft are based near JSC at Ellington Field. The aircraft have been flying research missions since the early 1960’s, and continue to be an asset to the scientific community with professional, reliable, customer-oriented service designed to meet all scientific objectives.
A Brief History of the B-57 Canberra –
They are the American version built by Martin B-25, I think. Nose distinctly different.
A bit ugly.
One of the links that phoenixRED posted, takes you to some history:
NASA has the only B-57s still flying.
(I sense that I’m going to waste a few hours on this … click here, click there … ooh, what’s that? click, click, click…)
(Edit: phoenixRED already posted the link. Sorry.)
Jaeger @ #284 Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017 – 2:07 pm
Seem to have been modified from the original British version which Australia had.
Canberras are still youngsters compared to the still in service DC3, introduced in 1936!
I thought Bill Shorten would’ve produced the paperwork today following last nights questioning from Jones.
The longer it goes unanswered the more determined his opponents will get.
just shows, your thoughts and reality are often way apart.
Rex Douglas @ #290 Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017 – 2:41 pm
Bullshit. The more he ignores it the more desperate his opponents will seem.
I suspect Shorten is challenging/taunting the Libs to have a crack at referring him to the High Court, knowing he is on absolutely safe ground/
LNP really want to dig them selves into a grave under the current situation, citizenship debacle, NBN debacle etc now going to test welfare for drugs in Sydney the same place where they tried to do visa checks by the nazies.
“Breaking: Mexico has sent it’s first down payment for the wall. #SundayFunday @realDonaldTrump”
..attribution for last post:
Derenic Byrd @DerenicByrd
Barnaby Joyce, Matt Canavan ‘citizens of NZ, Italy’
The Commonwealth Solicitor-General Stephen Donaghue has conceded that Senator Matt Canavan and Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce “are, or were, citizens of Italy and New Zealand respectively” in the government’s formal submission to the High Court.
“The experts conclude that, for the purposes of the domestic law of each country, Senator Canavan and the Hon Barnaby Joyce MP are, or were, citizens of Italy and New Zealand respectively. The Attorney-General understands that this conclusion will not be disputed in either reference.”
Oh dear…
Google method: barnaby-joyce-matt-canavan-citizens-of-nz-italy
“LNP really want to dig them selves into a grave under the current situation”
Hopefully they succeed.
BK @ #293 Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017 – 2:51 pm
There’s no need for the expense of the high court if he would just produce the paperwork and move on.
Rex – No expense, there are already plenty being referred he could piggy-back on. Labor would love to have someone referred so they can have their procedures on record as ‘reasonable steps’.