A new poll conducted for ReachTEL by Sky News gives Labor a 52-48 lead on two-party preferred, which is down from 53-47 at the last such poll on May 11. At the moment, primary vote figures are limited to the first question which allowed for an undecided response, which comes in a 7.1% – I assume the undecided were then given a forced response question, to which we don’t yet have the results. If the undecided are simply excluded from the available numbers, the results are Coalition 36.5%, Labor 35.6%, Greens 10.3% and One Nation 9.8%.
An all-or-nothing question on the Liberal leadership breaks 68.3-31.7 in favour of Malcolm Turnbull over Tony Abbott, while Turnbull leads Bill Shorten 54.1-45.9 as preferred prime minister. Turnbull’s combined very good plus good rating is “just under 27%”, compared with 36.5% for poor or very poor. Same-sex marriage has 62.4% supportive and 25.9% opposed, with most believing the matter should be determined by a plebiscite, and 64.1% believe penalty rates should be higher on Sundays than Saturdays. The poll was conducted yesterday from a sample of 2389.
bemused @ #476 Saturday, July 1, 2017 at 7:50 pm
They deleted all the ones that were made in the first couple of days. I’ve still got two comments on there, however I can’t see any others. I think it hasn’t quite got the following they were hoping for, however it may grow over time. Most of the people it’s aimed at probably do all their commenting on Newscorp sites anyway.
Honestly, that is the beauty of the Labor campaign organisation. More of a Friendly Society than a collection of political opportunists. We all subscribe to basic principles that we bond over.
Sure, there are some bad apples, but we are getting better at weeding them out before they do too much damage.
Good to see you back Boerwar. Any posts from my pc get eaten by the Gremlins but I can usually make a fool of myself on the interwebs via the phone.
I figured Lord Bilbo had just gotten sick of me and preferred Bemused’s wicked sense of fun. Maybe our Lord is a bit of a trickster and just likes to fuck with us as part of his PhD research.
Welcome back Boerwar. I reckon it’s a good six years I’ve been doing the Dawn Patrol.
We are all but hamsters on the spinning wheel of PB life. 🙂
‘Its nice to know you set a bar for Corbyn that none of his contenders could have passed either.’
It is the only bar that counts. He had by far and away the weakest possible opponent in May. He should have trounced her, buried her, politically vaporized her.
She was the campaigning pits.
Instead Corbyn fell, what, 60 seats short?
LOTO for Life? Is that what the left needs in Britain? Really?
Of course the Loonie Left, always ready to call a defeat a victory, was ecstatic with the Corbyn outcome. Absolutely ecstatic!
Corbyn was always going to be a loser because he is a loser.
Instead of posturing that he is ready to become prime minister as of now, he should stop kidding the far left gullibles, and himself for that matter, and resign.
Now there’s a competition for the ages…Corbyn V Boerwar.
Let’s see who wins!
Btw, Bill Shorten fell short against a weak opponent. Does that make him destined to be LOTO for Life?
Well, I would think that some of the nasty stuff aimed at FPJG was based on gender from some people.
How often do you hear the low life from the CPG call out “Malcolm, Malcolm!” from the floor? Or even “Tony, Tony!? Yet Gillard had to cop “Julia!” on an on-going basis from some of the them a lot of the time, or a lot of them some of the time.
While some might argue that Gillard did not deserve respect, her office certainly did.
Those who think Gillard did not have to put up with shit way beyond the normal must have been deaf and/or blind and/or stupid not to have noticed.
I wonder how many male politicians would care to have their fecundity questioned in public as was the case in Gillards case? I have not heard anyone comment on the fact that this or that male politician has/has not had children or is barren or whatever.
The comments made about Gillard to her face and in public were shameful and says more about the poor specimens making the comments.
The fascinating thing was the poison coming from the female gender against her.
The comment about Gillard’s bum by Germaine Greer totally destroyed nearly 40 years of effort by Greer since she wrote ‘The Female Eunuch’ and, as far as I am concerned, this woman is just another carpetbagger, who though intelligent, knew when she was on to a good thing with the women’s movement.
Six years times 365 days times at, say, 20 items a day comes to around 43,800 items!
Someone should give you a medal!
Corbyn’s result was nowhere near as much of an abject failure as a Blairite Labour leader would’ve achieved. A Blairite would’ve given May her majority in the same way that Blairite Miliband gifted Cameron a majority.
May won’t be able to hold her alliance with the DUP together, nor will she be able to retain her leadership of the Tories. There’ll be new election in the UK long before the 5 years is up.
“Oh, Jeremy Corbyn. Oh, Jeremy Corbyn. Oh, Jeremy Corbyn.” (everybody sing along now).
No comparison. Shorten lives in the real world. Corbyn lives in some other world.
‘Corbyn’s result was nowhere near as much of an abject failure as a Blairite Labour leader would’ve achieved.’
Nice try at post facto gloss alternative history.
Corbyn lost because he was always going to lose and he lost big. Just like Sanders.
boerwar @ #506 Saturday, July 1, 2017 at 8:49 pm
By that criteria, Bill Shorten has been an abject failure then.
Good to see Borewar hasn’t given up on enabling Tories both here and in the UK. After his campaign to re-elect Turnbull, it’s no surprise to see him still campaigning so hard for May as well.
c@tmomma @ #499 Saturday, July 1, 2017 at 8:42 pm
If you are running in a targeted seat it is certainly an enormous commitment of time and resources, and almost certainly means you can’t hold down a job.
I don’t know what our candidate’s employment arrangement was in the lead-up to the state election, she either had a very understanding employer who granted her months of leave or she’d quit her job so that she could campaign full-time.
Rudd has served the Labor party well; he provided Abbott with the playbook.
boerwar @ #512 Saturday, July 1, 2017 at 8:58 pm
Spoken like a true Tory enabler.
I have to admit, I missed your idiocy while you were gone. Now that you’re back I see that that feeling was as misplaced as your love for Tory governments here and in the UK.
The treatment of PM Gillard was a national disgrace. The pig ignorant and misogynistic attacks proved we really were a country that deserved a PM Abbott.
I have very few magnets on my fridge. But my PJK and Julia magnets purchased at Parliament house have pride of place and anyone who has a problem with that if they visit can go and fuck right off.
Ahoy, Boer…welcome back to the good ship Bludger.
Shorten has done exactly the opposite to Sanders and Corbyn.
He has united and motivated a Party that was prostrate, beaten, disunited, and thoroughly downcast.
He has developed a complete suite of fully-costed policies.
He has developed a powerful team culture in which appropriate spokespeople lead the charge in public.
He has been so successful in selling important education and social policies that the Government of the day has crumbled into making them law and funding them with tens of billions of dollars.
He has taken his Party to a place in which it commands the left/centre ground.
Shorten got rid of Abbott. Corbyn got rid of half his ministry and any opportunity for the left to run Britain. Sanders got rid of Clinton and helped usher in Trump.
Shorten is going to be the next prime minister.
Neither Corbyn nor Sanders will be the next anything.
They are headed for the dust bin of history.
Where they belong.
Oh and I tried posting something nice about the patron saint of Bludgers BK from my pc but our Lord’s trickster gremlins ate it.
Good to see the Lions win to keep the series alive.
I am assuming Sonny Bill will get serious time for one of the worst hits I have seen since Richard Loe rearranged Paul Carrozzas face. He could be missing from the first two Bledisloe’s…. not that it will make much of a difference.
Tory enabler!
I warned the Labor folk in Britain that Corbyn would lose big.
And he did!
The tory enablers were the ones who stuck with the Big Loser.
Our candidate still works part time. Nights at a Homeless Shelter. She’s a Social Worker. She loves it.
It also helps that her husband is a Medical Researcher and she has a grown family. So time and money are not pressing concerns in the way that they would be for many others.
Trump has started ordering his cronies to surveil and intimidate journalists and harass their family members for giving him negative coverage.
“oh, jeremy corbyn, oh jeremy corbyn, oh bo-ers’ a tory, oh bo-ers a tory!”
Sorry BW – couldnt resist!
It’s OK. I understand.
Corbyn does that to people.
I reckon reactionary nationalist politics combined with the re-assertion of aristocratic privilege has just about wrecked the UK.
Labour, led by Corbyn, remains unwilling or unable to offer a modernist, pro-EU alternative to the abysmal incompetence, negligence and delinquency of the Tories.
boerwar @ #523 Saturday, July 1, 2017 at 9:06 pm
Has anyone ever seen borewar and John McTernan in the same room at the same time? I doubt it.
If they are actually two different people though, then both of them are yesterday’s men clinging on to a failed neoliberal view of the world.
Out of the way grandpa, a new breed is sweeping you into the dustbin of history where you, Blair, Thatcher, Reagan and your other fellow travelers belong.
“Oh, Jeremy Corbyn, Oh, Jeremy Corbyn, Oh, Jeremy Corbyn, etc., etc..”
I don’t mind if you like losers like Corbyn, Sanders, Di Natale, and Melanchon.
That is up to you.
I do mind if you blame me for the real world consequences that they exact on the poor, the young, the sick, the workers and the environment.
All the losing they do actually does do real world damage.
Ah more nasty is back on PB, because X leader has failed, I mean WTF Australia.
dan gulberry @ #516 Saturday, July 1, 2017 at 9:01 pm
Beautifully said Dan!
Credibility zero since his nonsensical “Informal Party”.
BW must be drunk on cool aid.
Simon Katich…..SBW should be banned for life, he is an arrogant SOB.
Interesting. SBW gets sent off for trying to break an Englishman’s head and out of the mist and into PB strides BW.
dan gulberry @ #529 Saturday, July 1, 2017 at 9:17 pm
And another great post.
You’re on a roll Dan!
Here is a NZ news site headline that I have only slightly altered…
**No point whining about SBW red card, Steve Hansen says after whining about SBW red card**
All the losing they do actually does do real world damage.
I can’t see any of your comments, Dan – which makes me wonder if the site has a moderation function similar to facebook, which means that the poster of the comments can still see them, but no one else can.
The voices in UK Labour that oppose Brexit have been removed by Corbyn. In all essentials, on the single most important issue to face Britain since WW2, Corbyn has sided with the delirious branch of the Tory Party.
Who is Dan?
As I recall, Boer advocated voting for neither Abbott nor Rudd. The former proved to be the worst PM we’ve had the misfortune to elect. The latter was a mutineer and an obvious fraud. Boer can hardly be faulted for his judgment.
Instead of Rudd vs Gillard bullshit, now we have Corbyn vs Shorten bullshit running as bullies to silliene others on PB.
“Maybe our Lord is a bit of a trickster and just likes to fuck with us as part of his PhD research.” (Ratsak)
I have long held the theory that we are all part of Will’s research, his area being political psychology and the particular topic being the personality and psychopathology of blog posters…
His attitude is his problem, and attitude towards others.
But now that BW is back and has started up the antiCorbyn ranting again I think it’s time to pull out of the experiment and say goodnight
**Who is Dan?**
Dan, Dan the ladies man.
BW sounds like someone from the LNP, not Labor.
“I don’t mind if you like losers like Corbyn, Sanders, Di Natale, and Melanchon.”
Chifley, Whitlam, Keating, Beasley, Crean, Rudd, Clinton, Milliband, Brown… all losers at one time or another. On BW’s logic they all had negative real world consequences. In fact, Whitlam was probably the most frequent loser of all of them. How much damage did he do?
I see the Liberals have introduced a new policy to improve relations with China. Marking the 20th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to Chinese rule, the new slogan is “One Party, Two Leaders”. It has been officially endorsed by Tony Abbott and his shadow ministers.
Just to be clear, anyone who says that a comment like “Lets take back our party!” suggests any kind of leadership instability in the Liberals is a communist, and Uncle Rupert will be very cross with them. Liberals do not have leadership problems.