Newspoll records a much improved result for the Coalition, with Labor’s two-party lead cut from 55-45 to 52-48. The Coalition is up three on the primary vote to 37%, Labor is down two to 35%, One Nation are steady on 10%, and the Greens are down one to 9%. Malcolm Turnbull is up one on approval to 30% and down two on disapproval to 57%; Bill Shorten is down one to 29% and up one to 57%; and Turnbull’s lead as preferred prime minister has improved from 40-33 to 43-29. The poll was conducted Thursday to Sunday from a sample of 1819. Report from The Australian.
Newspoll: 52-48 to Labor
After a career-threatening result for Malcolm Turnbull three weeks ago, Newspoll records the Coalition bouncing back to near-competitiveness.
If the Right sort of like then it is means that Racists R Us will have a clear field of fire.
Regarding that silly Queensland teen; he doesn’t even get an Honourable Mention! Not only is he still capable of procreating and passing his genes down (to the detriment of the human average IQ), he’s actually apparently going on a movie date with the girl – after he gets out of hospital!
Looking at the legal definitions of harassment on the govt website means it’d be years before anyone could be prosecuted because they are so complex.
So much for ‘clear’ definitions that Brandis was taking about …. but then again, if he can spend an hour parsing one word …..
That is what I suspect.
They exist and are living amongst us…
Cue twilight zone music…
Grauniad’s live politics column finished of with a summary of today’s events. A succinct and lol pair at 6+7
Seeing these geese trying to explain how changing a couple of words that mean something specific at law that is much less broad than the pub definition with another word which they haven’t the faintest idea what it’s meaning at law might be is a great leap forward for both freedom of speech as well as racial harmony is hilarious.
And if you thought the above sentence was convoluted (and it is), it is nothing like as indecipherable as the Libs’ arguments on 18c.
All this pissing off large proportions of the population. All this baffling the majority who think there are about a million and a half more important things to be getting on with. All this making themselves look like idiots trying to explain the inexplicable. And all to pander to a small clique of RWNJ loons. And all doomed to die in the Senate as most of their stupidity eventually does.
If a government set out with a plan to make themselves look utterly idiotic they couldn’t have possibly done it as effectively as these dopes.
We need a legal eagle to explain what the definition of harassment is in the legal world. Like many other words it may have a very different meaning to what people commonly think of as the definition.
From the Australian Law Reform Commission (the best I could come up with):
They also seem to quote the UK’s ‘Man on the Clapham Omnibus’ perspective of Harassment:
However, I will point out that this discussion by the ALRC pertained to stalking and other personal forms of harassment.
How you define ‘Racial or Religious Harassment’ will be in the legislation I imagine.
The World Meteorological Organisation and released its report on 2016 : the hottest year on record and the world being pushed into uncharted territory.
“Our children and grandchildren will look back on the climate deniers and ask how they could have sacrificed the planet for the sake of cheap fossil fuel energy, when the cost of inaction exceeds the cost of a transition to a low-carbon economy,” Watson said.
Wise words that centrist twats will no doubt continue to refuse to heed:
Calling FalconWA! I believe you are a West Australian legal eagle. May I ask a favour?
In today’s press conference about the changes to 18C Turnbull and Brandis referred to WA’s law along similar lines to the one that they are putting up. May I ask what it is called and how is it constructed and does it work to tamp down Race and Religious Hate Speech?
Anyone else from WA can answer the query too if they want. 🙂
Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at 5:20 pm
#798 Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at 5:02 pm
Check out @latingle’s Tweet:
Poor Laura ,causing much merriment on Twitter
They exist and are living amongst us…
Cue twilight zone music…
You are right, I see and hear them in my National Party electorate, represented by pruneface Hartsuyker
Ah, Crikey, the Green Grauniad. 🙂
Dreyfus had his turn on the Speers Show hot seat and hit it out of the park.
Turnbull has delivered Shorten another gift with this terrible 18c proposition, will Shorten botch this one as well.
Could you cut and paste Tingle’s Tweet? She Blocked me when I called her Fruit Tingle back in the day. 🙂
Speaking of WA. Truffles getting no lurve in today’s deadwood West Australian .Entire front page with “We’re Being Plucked” and a cartoon of Truffles plucking a black swan. A couple of pages in a lovely photo of Truffles in Mussolini set jaw pose for an article about the $23 billion WA has allegedly been GST short changed. Moving along to the editorial page we find the main cartoon has rustic Truffles and Mesma in rocking chairs on the back veranda looking on as the dunny down the back yard (WA) is well ablaze. Truffles on being informed the dunny is on fire says just leave it , it will go out. So all in all WA’s GST whinge has Truffles as the villain.
nicholas @ #810 Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at 5:28 pm
‘an underdone Blairite’
Interesting in light of Comey’s statement earlier:
Greens Rachel Siewert on the NT intervention and income management that was introduced by Howard and subsequently supported by Labor.
Grauniad’s live politics column finished of with a summary of today’s events. A succinct and lol pair at 6+7
6:The prime minister said the changes strengthened both free speech and racial protections.
7:Labor said bollocks.
I keep hearing and seeing Turnbull in high dudgeon at Labor for ‘suggesting’ that the Australian people are Racist, consequent to Labor’s objections to changes to 18C.
If only someone in Labor could fire back at Turnbull that, no, the Australian people, on the whole are not racist, but that there are certain elements in Australian society who would like to be given the green light that a higher bar to prosecution would give them, to BE racist and engage in Religious Hate Speech.
It’s not the majority of Australians that the law is proscribed for, but the small, destabilising element who want to wreck the Post WW2 muliticultural consensus.
Well fancy that! Nicholas and Rex engaged in a small little Anti Bill Shorten circle jerk!
It takes a lot more than Russians egging on some fringe groups to get polls like the one mentioned at the end of the article.
Is it a rule of law that everyone has to like Shorten?
Like this from Kenny:
“And so, under the whip from his own roiling backbench, another moderate shibboleth associated with the social mainstream, with Malcolm Turnbull himself, and with national unity, has been slain. On Harmony Day. Priceless.”
Apparently Xenophon has already said NO so it is doomed
Two articles covering Richard Di Natale’s NPC address:
The headline on the ABC homepage regarding the 18C announcement.
I think Trumble is correct when he says this.
The time is long past where he had any fight, now he just subserviently positions himself and lets the RWNJs have their way with him.
Can someone explain why people here refer to The Guardian as the Granuiad?
Tony Burke:
Daniel Andrews take note.
Russians don’t have to be responsible for entire poll … just a small part is still meddling in another country.
This is where lack of vigilance gains a foothold … people thinking small = inconsequential … all I can say is “Hanson has 4 senators”
And so they should!
Move angers traditional owners fighting Adani’s Carmichael mine, who accuse Labor of ‘lining up with the government’ and industry to wind back their rights
ides of march @ #827 Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at 5:50 pm
Ides of March,
The Guardian in the UK apparently has a reputation for atrocious spelling and supposedly once misprinted its name as “The Grauniad”.
I have no idea if that’s actually true or not.
Watch out! We will be accused of having our own small “circle jerk?” lol
How Abbott and Gillard protected us from the ravages of the Greens and protected the environment at the same time.
1) Gillard allowed the export of gas without a reservation policy.
2) The Greens thought it would be a good idea to have a reservation policy – but, what the hell would they know, they’re just bloody Greens, with no serious
donorseconomic credentials.3) Abbott killed off the Carbon Tax.
4) With no policy surety, there is little new investment in gas, and electricity prices go through the roof.
5) Solar, wind and battery storage become the major bankable investments both for domestic consumers and industry levels.
Thanks Tony, you’ve helped to save the planet. Renewables R Us!
Nicholas and Rex:
There is an old saying, Attack the Argument, Not the Person.
(This can go to others like bemused etc).
Ides of March
It’s thought that The Guardian in the UK used to be riddled with typos. So Private Eye started calling them that.
P1. Thanks!
JimmyDolye and Gareth, thanks also
Don’t worry, the Coalition and Labor are doing all they can to ensure the Adani Carmichael mine can go ahead.
Fortunately, financial backers are not so sanguine.
Is it a rule of law that everyone has to like Shorten?
Completely irrelevant snark. No one said everyone has to like Shorten. I was just commenting on the utter predictability that Rex Douglas and Nicholas would joyously pat each other on the back, for it.
Anyway, Pegasus liked your pointlessly irrelevant snark. Again, predictably.
Tony Burke smashed it out of the park.
I really do wish that the santimonious frauds pushing the “Basic Income” canard would stuff it where the sun don’t shine! Paying people to not-work will not help the economy, society or our general well-being.
al pal @ #773 Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at 3:55 pm
It seemed to be therapy for his relevance deprivation.
All he did was flounce around spreading mis-information and his half baked ideas.
More of a menace than a positive force.
Some (many) years ago the banner at the top of the front page of The Guardian in the UK had it spelt as Granuiad (Grauniad?). It has stuck ever since.
John Barron on the Drum deliberately beating up anti-Julia sentiment. “Bringing baggage to the role” (What about Kennett!) and implying she’ll never be able to gain any funds from Shorten because he “backstabbed” her. Lots of assumptions there.
The report of the Victorian parliament audit committee on the Don Nardella and Telmo Languiller own goal expenses scandal plaguing the Andrews government is out.
al pal @ #781 Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at 4:14 pm
Thanks, I appreciate your approval.
I need to pay more attention to grammer.