As I type, Treasurer Scott Morrison is lifting the lid on the 2016/17 budget. Discuss and argue the toss here (or indeed, discuss anything else related to national affairs).
Federal budget open thread
A thread for discussion of the federal budget, along with the federal anything-else.
Sorry, you were quoting poroti
Bluey Bulletin 43 Day 43 of 103
Bluey reckons that the Coalition has shot all its loads around the Budget. Bluey reckons that tactically they might get a small immediate bounce. But that leaves around nine weeks during which the warm after glow will wear off and post-coitus tristesse will settle in. Bluey reckons that this will be long enough to remind everyone that the Coalition’s three years are little more than a tawdry stain on the mattress of the nation.
Bluey reckons the real story in the Budget is that it signals utter defeat for the notion that the Government is in control of anything other than minor wrecking of civil society, proper wrecking of the environment and running a protection racket for tax cheats, spivs, business cronies, corrupt Liberal politicians and assorted sleazy sleeve tuggers.
Bluey listened to the Budget Speech and it is fairly plain that the Liberal intent to destroy civic society, public education, science, the environment and the global climate, and public health remains firmly in place.
More dams says it all.
Bluey waits patiently for Dutton to explain why people would pay tens of thousands of dollars to people smugglers just so that they can allow activists to persuade them to burn themselves alive while under Dutton’s TLC. Bluey reckons that Dutton is insane.
Essential: big picture 2PP same same. Turnbull’s numbers continue to go backwards. Shorten’s numbers continue to improve.
Mega belled the cat last night on Q&A. Our economy is terribly exposed. Neither Party has a set of policy issues that address the exposure. Morrison cannot count to two and the Greens don’t count at all. Period. The latest straw in the wind: our biggest property lenders, the banks, have reached the limits. Profits are falling.
Bluey listened to part of the selfgratulatory and utterly boring Ruddock valedictory speech. Bluey reckons someone should have whacked him on a slow boat to China decades ago. Bluey reckons that Turnbull’s gift of Ruddock a post-parliamentary sinecure of well-paid human rights responsibilities is like allowing Libya chair the UN Human Rights Subcommittee: cynical, contemptuous and callous. Bluey reckons that Ruddock might want to start sifting human ashes on Manus, the rape victims and the murder victims of Turnbull’s Gulag.
Bluey reckons that if you want black holes he has some: the subs. Double the $50 billion, easy. The JSF? Add $10 billion, easy. War fighting? The Coalition always does more warfighting. Add $2 billion a year. The NBN, $16 billion and counting. Debt? Plus $150 billion under the Coalition. Morrison’s overspend in just six months? $16 billion.
This time the Coalition in NSW has passed legislation making it easier for farmers to clear native vegetation. Bluey has no doubt that farmers will clear more native vegetation as a result. As usual with the Coalition when they go about their core business of destroying the environment there is a cloud of bullshit accompanying the shift.
The Senate edges towards hauling Stinky before the Senate Priveleges Committee. The Liberals are desperate to hide this guy.
The stench surrounding this guy gets noisier and noisier.
Bluey wonders why the AFP is taking its own sweet time to run Pyne, Roy and Brough before the Beak.
Verdict for the day: Evens
Cumulative Total: Labor 27 Coalition 16 Greens 0.
mikehilliard @ Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 7:59 pm
She’s just getting into the Mutton dressed up as lamb phase.
So… the only new policy they come up with in this budget was the PATH thing?
Am I missing anything?
Thanks BK
Labor should be able to knock this lot over by Thursday.
David Pope nails Dutton beautifully!
This budget as expected is shit
Wow. A whole half a million people get a tax cut. And half a million people who don’t really need it.
How the msm will present Morrison’s budget:
c@tmomma @ #44 Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 7:58 pm
The wonders of modern embalming processes!
Oh deary me. Growth this year 2.5% Scrote’s budget assumption predicted that next year it will be 4.5% . Yeah right.
Bring on PEFO!
Goodness, if all we can talk about is JB’s bling or Chrissy Pyne’s suntan, the whole presentation must be as dull as dishwater….(not looking at it at the moment).
Maybe that is Turnbull’s strategy? Don’t frighten the horses…or the voters?
‘Budget Emergency’. What Budget Emergency?
Evens after all Bluey noted went on today? Seriously?
It should also be remembered that $13 billion of Abbott cuts are still on the books but not legislated.
So those on less than $80000 with children will still be in line for a cut to family benefits among other nasties.
As this budget is the coalition election document Turnbull will be taking the unlegislated cuts to the election.
Good luck with that.
Damn fine idea. Me, i emailed the Dalai Lama.
Uhlmann: “The Turnbull government is a big spending, big taxing government.”
“The Savings it makes are very modest.”
“There’ll be more stimulus (for the Economy) in what the Reserve Bank does than what this Budget does.”
Motormouth Morrison has arrived to speak to Leigh Sales.
LoL BCA email from Jennifer Westacot pronounces this a “solid, responsible budget that balances holding the line on spending growth with new initiatives to improve the nation’s economic growth projection.”
Guess they’re back in the tent now.
Is there a budget around or is it an on-water issue?
Morrison’s only excuse for Deficits as far as the eye can see is “It is what it is.”
Oh dear! What to say? I’d say most people watching will have tuned out within about ten minutes at best.
We know the media will try and talk this up; but I just do not see that saving the Government here. Their tax policy paints a huge target on their heads. The Government’s opponents have so much to work with here, including the fact that 2014 measures are still on the books. Shorten has so much to work with on Thursday night. I have predicted a narrow Coalition win, but I am really not so sure now.
How much does “cracking down” raise, assuming it’s all theoretical.
Morrison in one word: Gobbledegook.
bk @ #23 Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 7:46 pm
Adoption of the Harper Report will lift Productivity and Growth!?!
Took me 30 minutes to realise where everyone went? New thread lulz
testing 1, 2, test 2, 2, test two, too, to
Fresh from saving the economy with last years budget, small business returns to do it all again, this time with even more taxpayer dollar superpowers
I think bluey’s call of evens is fair enough given that the black hole issue was still getting a fair bit of media attention. After tonight though, I reckon it might be the last time the Coalition get evens for quite a while.
Note this prediction from Morrison. The cut in Interest Rates will NOT reignite the Housing Bubble.
[LoL BCA email from Jennifer Westacot pronounces this a “solid, responsible budget that balances holding the line on spending growth with new initiatives to improve the nation’s economic growth projection.]
I used to work with Westecott in the 1980’s. She was a committed socialist in those days. She has since become neo-liberalised; or at least received an offer she could not refuse. haha
“Jobs and growth” “Jobs and growth” “Jobs and growth” “Jobs and growth” “Jobs and growth” “Jobs and growth” “Jobs and growth” “Jobs and growth”
Tobacco excise is up in four increments of 12.5%, netting $4.7bn over four years from September. In case there a need fur a general election after July deadline for DD
That shoe will drop soon.
My first post in the new dispensation. I admit “Rattus lutreolus” looks much more handsome.
Annabelle Crabb on a Budget panel??
I’m so annoyed I will not be able to vote in this upcoming election – even if it is just one vote…
I cherry-picked the least blood pressure raising points in her email to post here 😀
Funny how Julie Bishop never seems to age.
Vampires are like that
‘Cigs Up!’
Always wanted to say that! 😀
Oh dear – Annabelle saying that the Budget hits ‘people you don’t meet’. Personally, I meet carers, pensioners, young people, every day.
cooks have to budget too
Old Media jumps the shark!
Young people leaving University are looking to start a small business rather than looking for employment? Where do they get these ‘experts’?
Bill Shorten
4m4 minutes ago
Bill Shorten @billshortenmp
This is a Budget for big business over battlers – it puts high income earners and multinationals
So….Libs trying to go small target with the Budget. They must be hoping that the whole election announcement stuff will bury it??
ALP should have fun with this. They seem disinclined to the small target strategy.
Bowen on with Sales. Doing ok.
zoomster @ #96 Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 8:30 pm
Some doing an MBA. Quite limited in number.