The latest fortnightly result from Roy Morgan finds Labor improving from an unusually weak result last time, their primary vote up two points to 38% with the Coalition down two to 38.5%. The Greens and Palmer United are both down half a point, to 12% and a new low of 1% respectively. However, the respondent-allocated two-party result is steady at 53-47, the preference flow evidently being less favourable to Labor compared with a fortnight ago, and the shift on 2013 preference flows is also rather modest, from 53-47 to 54-46. As usual, the poll was conducted over two weekends by face-to-face and SMS, the sample on this occasion being 3314. I believe this and the regular Essential poll are the only federal polling we’ll be seeing this week.
UPDATE (Essential Research): The only change in Essential Research’s voting intention numbers this week are a one point gain for the Greens to 11% and a one point drop for Palmer United to 1%, leaving Labor on 39%, the Coalition on 41% and Labor’s two-party lead at 52-48. Further questions have been framed with the looming budget in mind, the most striking finding being that 56% believe the Coalition’s policies favour the rich over the average Australian (20%), with Labor scoring a fairly balanced response over the available options. Relatedly, it is anticipated that the budget will be good for the well off (49% good, 9% bad) and business (32% good, 17% bad), but very bad for everybody else and for the economy overall (19% good, 33% bad). Eighty-two per cent of respondents signed on to the proposition that some companies and some wealthy people didn’t pay their fair share of tax. Out of seven listed economic issues, the cost of living rated highest as an issue of concern (87%) with the national debt and budget deficit tied for last place (63%). Opinion on the latest Iraq commitment is fairly evenly balanced, with 40% approval and 44% disapproval.
The problem with the morons of this country is it’s all about your own patch, Libs can’t believe in a social contract in terms of wealth sharing.
If the ALP started to implement a CGT on houses over $5m – not sure how this wouldn’t be a vote winner. Strange logic ESJ.
Isn’t the median house price in Sydney about $5m these days?
[Isn’t the median house price in Sydney about $5m these days?]
Only in Turnbulls seat.
Not until next year 🙂
I reckon we should keep taxing all the rick folk until they become poor and stop employing people who should by all rights be on the dole or disability pension paid for by taxes.
[Isn’t the median house price in Sydney about $5m these days?]
Only if you’re rich.
Happiness, if that’s the case then the Sydney market is well and truly over valued!
Happiness, no, we want them to pay their fair share.
[I reckon we should keep taxing all the rick folk until they]
… pay their fair share.
Isn’t 47% fair?
[ Libs can’t believe in a social contract in terms of wealth sharing. ]
Which is why we need to track down all the Liberal supporting idiots like ESJ and tax them until they squeal….louder.
They owe it to us anyway as penance for being such annoying twits online. Call it the Great Big New Twit Tax. 🙂
kirky – 10.4!
A pathetically inept attempt at humour.
Doesn’t 47 per cent only applies to income beyond $180k?
Of are we using the Joe hockey tax tables where you work half the year to pay your tax?
If you want a twit taxer you need to recall Gillard!
It was to amuse me (and succeeded), I know you guys lack a sense of humour!
Warning! Warning! Attention seeking commenters active here.
Posted Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at 8:56 pm | PERMALINK
Doesn’t 47 per cent only applies to income beyond $180k?]
Aren’t we talking about* folk earning >$180k
*or is it hounding?
Bring in some property taxes, muck around with capital gains tax and tax superannuation. The combined asset pool is probably 13-15 trillion. A little devaluation of just 5% 650 billion to 750 billion would be good for the economy I’m sure.
Yup I reckon Chris Bowen may well just be dumb enough to advocate higher taxation for those on “higher incomes”.
You lot should be urging him on surely?
The truth be told Labor abandoned any real belief in equality decades ago when they walked away from death duties.
[Edwina StJohn
Posted Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at 8:41 pm | PERMALINK
Well GG as you know my view was and is that Abbott would be rolled before Sept.]
What makes you so confident of that? (you have stated it numerous times).
If Shorten really HAS shot himself in the foot with his super tax as you claim, don’t you think Abbott would be the ideal attack dog to exploit that?
Nice angle taken by uber shill Paul Murray over the Super proposals. Those nasty Labor people are going after ordinary average people cos the $75,000 is “only” about the average weekly earnings.
Posted Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at 8:54 pm | PERMALINK
Isn’t 47% fair?
No rich person pays this mythical 47% tax. Smart accountant fees are tax deductible after all.
[Superannuation was never set up or intended as a tax dodge for the rich]
If Shorten has shot himself in the foot ESJ, then Abbott & Co just needs to just up right? But you guys are barking louder.
Meanwhile, the Liberal numpties are piling on Joe Hockey.
His excuse of “I was doing Dallas’ was not bought by ‘the club’.
[Treasurer Joe Hockey is under fire from colleagues for missing a crucial five-hour meeting of the budget razor gang on Monday because of a delayed flight home to Australia from Dallas, Texas.
As Mr Hockey prepares to hand down the Abbott government’s make-or-break second budget in less than three weeks, Coalition MPs familiar with the workings of the powerful Expenditure Review Committee (ERC) told Fairfax Media that key budget decisions were delayed because of the Treasurer’s absence and the meeting was cut short.
One furious colleague labelled him “no show Joe”.]
More comments from the Abbott Cabinet on the bumbling Joe
[One source familiar with the workings of the ERC said the delay of key decisions, less than three weeks from the budget, meant some “departments are shitting themselves”.
A second source joked “it was not one of our longer meetings” and admitted decisions had been delayed but played down the significance of Mr Hockey’s absence, arguing meetings were held frequently in the run up to the budget.]
You do have to wonder about this Government.
Abbott is in Turkey. Bishop is in Iran being Mata Harishly exotic. Hockey can’t be bothered to turn up to important Budget meetings. Dutton is begging AS to take the Cambodia holidat pack.
Not much economic focus in any of that.
Meanwhile Labor steals the limelight and agenda with positive policies on revenue raising and negative gearing.
Libs are drowning not waving atm.
Edwina only comes out to play when Labor is on a winner
So TBA, ESJ and ModLib have gone silent when presented with evidence of Joe Hockey’s buffoonery. Must be soul destroying polishing this worst ever government
I thought Bowen did an outstanding job today at the Press Club. But one thing he said made me feel very uneasy.
He asked the assembled throng on two occasions if they could recall any other opposition putting out such a detailed policy so early in the electoral cycle. Apparently no-one could. But I did. Who could forget the man who lost the unlosable election in 1993 – John Hewson.
Let’s hope history doesn’t repeat itself.
It’s easy to tell when the ALP is on a possible winner – 3 of the 4 Horsesarses of the IPApocalypse turn up in PB turn up sneering .
Just watching the Press Club talk now. Going OK so far.
I think they rather be more fuming at Fairfax.
whoops. Sorry. I think my mouse has a stutter.
rhwombat – It’s worth mentioning 4 times. 😀
What evidence of buffoonery?
The Tories will hammer the line that $75,000 is an average wage.
The answer, if anybody takes them on, is that it is one thing to earn $75,000 a year from a job.
It is quite another thing to have $75,000 a year income from investments such as superannuation. To do that you need a lot more invested that any ordinary worker will ever accumulate.
Trouble is the tory cheerleaders are not interested in telling the truth.
He opened his mouth and out it came.
Well of course the Libs are going to remove Abbott. I think the lesson they learned from Labor was removing the PM is an idea that people should get used to not something that is organised by two phones shorten in a chinese restaraunt in Manuka one night.
[Isn’t 47% fair?]
It might be, it might not be, but noone pays that.
[So TBA, ESJ and ModLib have gone silent when presented with evidence of Joe Hockey’s buffoonery. Must be soul destroying polishing this worst ever government]
And to watch labor make the sensible and responsible suggestions Hockey should be making must be ground glass in their undies.
[Trouble is the tory cheerleaders are not interested in telling the truth.]
Some of them are smart enough to know the truth, and none of them would ever tell the truth if it was going to cost them more than 5c.
SA Libs have given up on the Federal Government. Even the Lib MHR’s are starting to look for parachute opps.
News running with “Shortens $14 billion tax grab” they are truly disgusting.
I am firmly of the view that journalism of the News corpse variety works against democracy and not for it, and that the protections journalism has history got to help it work with democracy need now to be reversed to prevent it continuing to work against democracy.
Yes of course WWP – its time to abolish the people right?Like Brecht?
As my good friend GG says “I know kunst!”
[SA Libs have given up on the Federal Government.]
Reminds that Pyne has been very quiet since that Newspoll.
Wonder how he’s feeling about his re-election chances.
So what?
The News Empire railing against superannuants paying tax after $75k is going to get sympathy from whom?
As long as Labor explains exactly what they are proposing, they have nothing to fear from fear mongers peddling fear.
[Yes of course WWP – its time to abolish the people right?Like Brecht?
As my good friend GG says “I know kunst!”]
No just time to deal harshly with deliberate dishonesty and corruption in the media. By removing lots of the special treatment media get so that all bloggers are equal before the law, rather than having a special category of bloggers with special legal protections.