ReachTEL: 51-49 to Labor

The latest monthly automated phone poll from ReachTEL finds no change on two-party preferred, but reflects the trend elsewhere in having the Greens up and Palmer United down.

ReachTEL’s monthly federal poll for the Seven Network is unchanged on the previous result in putting Labor ahead 51-49 on two-party preferred, and is similarly stable with respect to the major parties’ primary votes, with the Coalition on 41.6% (up 0.4%) and Labor on 37.4% (up 0.1%). Reflecting other polling over this time, it has the Greens up (by 0.7% to 10.5%) and Palmer United down (by 1.4% to 5.3%). There are also leadership ratings which find a shift from poor to the intermediate result of satisfactory in Tony Abbott’s case, and questions on Iraq which show support for sending military planes but opposition to sending troops. In a separately published release today derived from the same poll, ReachTEL found stronger support than I might have anticipated for parliamentary seats being reserved for indigenous Australians, with 36.7% supportive and 43.1% opposed. As usual, this was an automated phone poll with a big sample of 3470, conducted last night.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,365 comments on “ReachTEL: 51-49 to Labor”

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  1. [The panel is 1 Coalition and 4 anti-Coalition.]

    Tells me not many coalition cheersquadders willing to front up to Qanda on terror.

  2. Edwina StJohn

    Sorry Edwina, your little terror campaign is falling flat. People now have the budget and the Liberals’ terror campaign to complain about.

  3. [ The Minister is performing very well on QandA tonight.

    The panel is 1 Coalition and 4 anti-Coalition. ]
    I’m not watching it but from past experience assume that means the minister is sticking well to the lines and slogans and keeping a straight face when lying

  4. Then again, the govt would be loving this. An opportunity to pitch itself in the ‘middle’ rather than as the screeching ideological banshee it’s been since being elected.

  5. [1301

    The Minister is performing very well on QandA tonight.

    The panel is 1 Coalition and 4 anti-Coalition.]

    That’s 1 coalition mouthpiece too many.

  6. Sally Shin ‏@sallyshin 33m

    The top three largest global IPOs are Chinese companies: 1) Alibaba ($25B) 2) Agricultural Bank of China ($22.1B) 3) ICBC ($21.9B) $BABA

    sortius ‏@sortius 1m

    ADL work with impunity. AFP have no desire to track these terrorists down #qanda

  7. 7 1/2 tonight, Brandis talks of acting to defend “the constitutional government of Iraq”….as if the Iraqi state is a going concern, a premise that is plainly wrong. Iraq is a state in name only. This is the fundamental strategic situation.

  8. @briefly/1311

    If Brandis is talking of defending ‘the constitutional goverment of IRAQ’ then why are we focusing on National Security in Australia?

  9. [
    The Minister is performing very well on QandA tonight.

    The sub text:

    We had 800 police and 6 helicopter because the same spooks that claimed there were weapons of mass destruction and deported Australian believed there was an army planning death and destruction after a good night’s sleep.

    There were more but judicial oversight prevented us from arresting the innocent, so two was the sad outcome.

    But don’t worry; get rid of judicial oversight and we will fill the jails next time.

  10. sortius ‏@sortius 3m

    The AFP refuse to investigate Brough, won’t investigate Ashby, won’t investigate ADL. Seeing a pattern here? #qanda

  11. [zoidlord
    Posted Monday, September 22, 2014 at 10:06 pm | PERMALINK
    sortius ‏@sortius 3m

    The AFP refuse to investigate Brough, won’t investigate Ashby, won’t investigate ADL. Seeing a pattern here? #qanda]


    Brough, Ashby and ADL were not about to decapitate someone.

  12. [
    Posted Monday, September 22, 2014 at 10:08 pm | Permalink

    Posted Monday, September 22, 2014 at 10:06 pm | PERMALINK
    sortius ‏@sortius 3m

    The AFP refuse to investigate Brough, won’t investigate Ashby, won’t investigate ADL. Seeing a pattern here? #qanda


    Brough, Ashby and ADL were not about to decapitate someone.
    And most probable; nor was any-one else. A little fairy story to add to the one that started all this; “weopons of mass destruction”. Poor Howard had to admit the spooks misled just two days ago.

  13. muttleymcgee@1274


    “I am not saying all men. I was talking about violent men”

    Sadly, it happens. The great majority of men abhor this crap as Darn expressed. Me too.

    I, for one, am utterly sick of this repetitive, stuck on the groove argument. Old fashionedly protective of the so-called fair sex, I have had enough of being abused for opening doors, standing back to let women through first and the like.

    The argument is boring, repetitive and banal, suited to bemused and his ilk who cannot let it go.

    Yes, marital violence is a problem. It will always be so. Get used to it. It is not going away anytime soon and all we can do is deal with our own worlds and try and change the rest.

    Poverty, disempowerment, and despair are likely the root cause. Have a look at this:

    And please stop the bloody bickering!

    Despite your reflexive and irrational swipe at me, I agree with what you say.

    William disagreed when I wrote of the ‘rampant misandry’ on this site but it is certainly evident now.

  14. @Mod Lib/1319

    So the AFP is only investigating those who are about to decapitate someone? I’m pretty sure a AFP force does more than that.

    Only since the Coalition Party has invaded the AFP, it has focused on Terrorism.

    We know you continue to support the Coalition Party, regardless of what you said in the past about the boats, the same goes then, as it is now.

  15. The only service you provide here, is the the ability to support fear, hate and the alike.

    If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be supporting the actions of the AFP, just like you wouldn’t be supporting the actions of our goverment, who is intending risk to ordinary Australians, here and overseas.

  16. [1315


    If Brandis is talking of defending ‘the constitutional goverment of IRAQ’ then why are we focusing on National Security in Australia?]

    Because Abbott and Co enjoy political theatre. Abbott is an actor, mostly. His schtick is to exaggerate, improvising the script all along. Just now he’s playing war-games for dramatic effect. He has a fantasy in which he is Churchill or Curtin. Maybe a Napoleon in lycra. He must suppose we will all recognise his immeasurable greatness and fall about. But there’s nothing in this. There is no substance to any of it. Only a stir in the corridors. For Abbott, at least, though not for the rest of us. We will pay with our equanimity for seats at his B-movie.

  17. muttleymcgee@1274:

    [Yes, marital violence is a problem. It will always be so. Get used to it. It is not going away anytime soon and all we can do is deal with our own worlds and try and change the rest.]

    No. I have no truck with this defeatist attitude. If you aren’t trying to change the world what the fuck are you doing interested in politics in the first place?

    [Poverty, disempowerment, and despair are likely the root cause.]

    Well, that’s a start. Entrenched male attitudes to women (and children) are definitely a big part of it though (primarily a misplaced sense of ownership), and that’s certainly something that we can change, because these attitudes are entirely down to social imprinting.

  18. I haven’t heard it remarked upon, but is today’s call for giving up freedoms in the name of security Abbott’s Rebel yell declaring independence from the IPA? It’s certainly not in their script for Government.

  19. Julie Hollis ‏@juliehollis1 2m

    Terrorists are getting a lot of attention from the media which they obviously like. Are we playing right into their hands? #qanda

  20. @Briefly/1335

    No I agree with Sortius on this one.

    sortius ‏@sortius 1m

    I said it when Afghanistan was invaded, & I’ll say it again now: welcome to the modern crusades #qanda

  21. [1340

    I haven’t heard it remarked upon, but is today’s call for giving up freedoms in the name of security Abbott’s Rebel yell declaring independence from the IPA? It’s certainly not in their script for Government.]

    I was wondering the same thing myself. Tim Wilson has been a model of reticence.

  22. [Tim Wilson has been a model of reticence.]

    Actually I was only thinking the other week that since his appointment you NEVER hear from him. He’s gone from being on the ABC or some other media outlet every other day to giving us all dead air.

    Maybe that’s the solution to the proliferation of IPA hacks in our media: give the some dud govt appt and watch them sink into oblivion.

  23. confessions @1347

    He seems more than happy to stick his nose in issues that doesn’t pertain to his appointment.

    Like that picture he tweeted of having coffee at the Maccas in Tacoma.

  24. Well, I had bets on the Brownlow but picked the equal seconds!!!

    Well done Matt Priddis, even though you prevented me getting a windfall…..;)

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