What I believe will be the farewell Nielsen poll for the Fairfax papers shows no dividend to Tony Abbott of the carbon tax repeal or (so far) the MH17 response, with Labor’s lead up from 53-47 at last month’s poll to 54-46. The poll of 1400 respondents was conducted from Thursday to Sunday, from which you can draw your own conclusions about its likely responsiveness to what’s occurred over that time. Labor is up three points on the primary vote to 40%, with the Coalition steady at 39%, the Greens down one to 12% and Palmer United steady on 5%. However, Tony Abbott’s personal ratings have improved: his approval is up three to 38% with disapproval down four to 56%, the gap on preferred prime minister narrows from 47-40 to 46-41, and while Bill Shorten is down one on approval to 41% and up three on disapproval to 44%. Even more entertainingly, there are personal ratings for Clive Palmer (approval 37%, disapproval 51%) and a preferred treasurer poll (Joe Hockey’s lead narrowing from 51-34 in a poll conducted I-don’t-know-how-long-ago to 42-42 now.
UPDATE: Phil Coorey in the Financial Review relates results on the leaders’ personal characteristics; more from Michelle Grattan at The Conversation.
It seems terrorists are more than happy to share their exploits on social media where it is hard to hide from the public once posted. I don’t see any more need to justify the costs of implementing and running mandatory data retention.
Abbott doesn’t do nuance.
This Newsweek article makes it crystal clear that Malaysia’s PM Najib Razak brokered the deal for the repatriation of bodies & hand-over of the black boxes …BEFORE the UN Security Council resolution was finalised…
Australia played no part in the negotiations..
Won’t stop the Murdoch press.
[Abbott’s plan to not have climate change discussed at G20, despite Obama’s determination otherwise, is also likely to be thwarted. Even if it is not included on the formal agenda, it will be discussed in the corridors.]
If I was Putin or Obama I’d have it front and centre and the key element of the outcome. Humiliate the little upstart by springing it on him with majority prearranged support based on diplomacy not shouting in the local media.
[ poroti
Posted Tuesday, July 22, 2014 at 10:29 am | Permalink
Who needs a war for senseless violence ? Just spend a weekend in Chicago.
Residents of Chicago were agonising again on Monday on what ails their city after another weekend of chaotic gun violence that saw at least 40 people shot ……………… the 4 July weekend which saw a shocking spike in shootings. In a four-day period, 82 people were shot across the Windy City, with 17 killed.
U.S. Has More Guns – And Gun Deaths – Than Any Other Country, Study Finds
The United States has more guns and gun deaths than any other developed country in the world, researchers found.
A study by two New York City cardiologists found that the U.S. has 88 guns per 100 people and 10 gun-related deaths per 100,000 people — more than any of the other 27 developed countries they studied.
MORE : http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/health/2013/09/19/u-s-has-more-guns-and-gun-deaths-than-any-other-country-study-finds/
“@Rob_Stott: Do the ACL have nude photos of the entire Labor frontbench or something?”
“@Rob_Stott: Even Julia, who was completely willing to sell out her principles for the ACL’s support thought better of attending their conference”
“@Rob_Stott: But Billy ‘finger on the pulse’ Shorten is diving in headfirst. We salute you, Bill.”
Well said Rob Stott. You’d have to wonder the way Rudd and even Gillard pandered to them.
I agree, he should be shot for that.
You’re not alone in cringing at having Shorten at the ACL. These people do not represent a Labor constituency and I don’t know what he’s doing there. He’s never struck me as a particularly religious person.
[There is no suggestion that the government would pay these costs, so our customers will be expected to pick up these costs in the form of a new surveillance tax.””]
I hope the ISPs list it as a separate item on all accounts – ‘Abbott surveillance tax’.
Not that I personally care about all the extra powers being given the ASIO, etc. While I’m sure they have a file on me I’m also sure most of it will be bull manure. They often get it wrong as has been shown whenever files on individuals surface.
There are two ways of looking at Shortie:
1. He’s someone who talks to everyone despite his ideological positions; or
2. He’s someone who talks to everyone because he has no ideological positions.
The first is good. It would even justify going to the Australian’s 50th birthday (where, I note, he gave no speech and wasn’t photographed with Beezelbub – were those conditions?)
The second is not good.
I suspect that Shorties is the first type of person. Like a good union official, he tries to bring people together. We’re going to need that after the Abbott interregnum.
“@drewsheldrick: Mon: ACL MD says there’d be no AIDS crisis if gays just married women.
Tues: @billshortenmp announced as ACL keynote speaker. Slow clap ALP”
Got to say there are two things re ACL – I am sure there are many many Christians who consider ACL does not represent them in any way. But equally there are lots of Christians in Labor and many of them would be pleased Labor has a leader that is willing and able to meet with Christians.
I assume intelligent left wing Christians would largely avoid the greens – if the greens show the levels of hate intolerance and ignorance displayed here.
The problem with your arguement WWP, is that ACL hates the internet.
They want to impose their views on others, such as implementation of ISP Filtering.
What possibly is to be gained by Shorten speaking at the ACL conference?
Less than that which could be lost perhaps.
Intelligent left wing christians would also avoid the ACL.
Just sayin’.
[A study by two New York City cardiologists found that the U.S. has 88 guns per 100 people and 10 gun-related deaths per 100,000 people — more than any of the other 27 developed countries they studied.]
The gun death toll for American children and teens exceeds that of 9/11 year after year. The U.S. government has spent at least a trillion dollars in response to that one-off terrorist attack, but done SFA to protect the children. Telling.
I think Howard was a disaster, but he did get the gun issue right.
K07 @ 763
Shorten is not just meeting everyone. It says he is the keynote speaker!
Sounds like he is “on board”.
Is Shorten religious?
In fact, let’s not mince words, the ACL is the Christian equivalent of the Taliban.
Maybe someone has already spotted this. The Guardian (UK edition) has a live blog on MH17 developments.
Posted Tuesday, July 22, 2014 at 11:20 am | Permalink
What possibly is to be gained by Shorten speaking at the ACL conference?
Less than that which could be lost perhaps.]
Perhaps I should wait to hear the content of his speech but I can’t see any good to come from this. If the ACL ever supports anything from Labor then I’ll know we have lost the plot.
Anyone read Keanes article in praise of Abbott’s tough talking Putin. Seems completely at odds with his tweets posted up here.
Shorten is a Catholic and attended a Private Catholic School in Victoria from memory.
Intelligent left wing christians would also avoid the ACL.
Just sayin’.]
I agree completely but I still don’t think a potential PM of the Country should avoid them like they are diseased or say really really stupid things comparing law abiding Australians to groups associated with terrorists.
I see Shorten’s trying to widen the base by further distilling whatever Labor stands for.
Whilst ours was indulging in Tarzan diplomacy the Malay PM was getting things done.
[One man’s phone calls led to the transfer of the MH17 victims and black boxes
“In recent days there were times I wanted to give greater voice to the anger and grief that the Malaysian people feel,” Mr Najib said on Tuesday. “But sometimes we must work quietly in the service of a better outcome,” he said.]
All societies have their “Taliban”, some more hidden than other.
So when they are hidden where are you likely to find them?
So when is Shorten giving his keynote speech at a Muslim conference?
On Shorten and the ACL I think all that matters is what he says to them. He should be judged by that. If he panders to them, he deserves everything he gets but I can’t recall him being on the far Right side on any issue so far.
Of course Shorten should go and speak at the ACL conference. How can one influence unless one is in conversation.
“But sometimes we must work quietly in the service of a better outcome,”
The complete antithesis of Abbott.
[ mikehilliard
Posted Tuesday, July 22, 2014 at 11:44 am | Permalink
“But sometimes we must work quietly in the service of a better outcome,”
The complete antithesis of Abbott.
A strong nation, like a strong person, can afford to be gentle, firm, thoughtful, and restrained. It can afford to extend a helping hand to others. It’s a weak nation, like a weak person, that must behave with bluster and boasting and rashness and other signs of insecurity.
Jimmy Carter
[On Shorten and the ACL I think all that matters is what he says to them. He should be judged by that. If he panders to them, he deserves everything he gets but I can’t recall him being on the far Right side on any issue so far.]
I agree completely and would hope Shorten would accept similar invitations to Islamic, Buddhist and secular events. ideally he would share with all a similar message of valuing diversity, tolerance of difference and rejoicing in shared Australian freedoms, opportunities and values.
People are being sacked for saying the word “poofter”.
The ACL preaches hate as a value as you can see from tweet above about Aids.
This the value Labor wants to associate with in the week the World Aids Conderence is on? Really?
Shorten is pilloried on here for his pending speech to the ACL.
Imagine the torching he would get from the Tory cheer squad if he turned down the invitation.
Opposition leaders walk a fine line, well Labor ones anyway. Abbott could do no wrong.
Would Shorten decline an invitation to speak at, say, the Business Council of Australian just because no one there was likely to be a Labor voter? I don’t think so.
It is more about the message than the audience. A good speech could even have some of the moderate ACL types, and there may be some, giving him a tick.
Speaking of Bill Shorten, he is currently in Washington and has commented on the latest developments with MH17
People are being sacked for saying the word “poofter”.
The ACL preaches hate as a value as you can see from tweet above about Aids.
This the value Labor wants to associate with in the week the World Aids Conderence is on? Really?]
Only and intolerant fool would like a politicians beliefs to the beliefs of an organization she, or he, visited on invitation.
Your outrage and intolerance might be sensible if Shorten had just accepted a seat on the board.
I think your hate clouds your judgement.
Secret calls led to agreement on black boxes etc
A rescue worker carries what is believed to be a flight data recorder at the crash site. Photo: Reuters
But he instead held a series of secret telephone calls with Mr Borodai who is believed to have said he would only hand over the bodies and black boxes to Malaysia.
“In recent days there were times I wanted to give greater voice to the anger and grief that the
As per above report
[Malaysian people feel,” Mr Najib said on Tuesday. “But sometimes we must work quietly in the service of a better outcome,” he said.
Mr Najib stressed the agreement would depend on work and good faith by the separatists but added they have “so far given their co-operation”.]
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/world/mh17-secret-calls-led-to-breakthrough-agreement-on-bodies-blackboxes-20140722-zvikv.html#ixzz389v8f8Ll
Remember Richard Alston? He’s a big fan of ACL.
I mangled the quotes above. Sorry
By your argument where do you draw the line? You would be happy for Shorten to speak at a neo nazi conference?
I suspect not. So why accept speaking with this hateful mob just because they profess to be christian?
THINK I just heard Barnaby saying on ABC Country Hour that if your area is drought declared but the Commonwealth budget for assistance has been spent, you’re on your own…
Government defence papers lodged in Tamil on-water incarceration case:
Not surprising, the goverment is also late on a few things.
Yes. It was in relation to the Western NSW areas which are still suffering the worst drought in living memory, a/c some of the locals. These would be the same locals who, in generaly, treat climate science with as much respect as I treat astrologists, and who are increasingly ‘farming’ goats.
It is not difficult to imagine their descendants, in a generation or two, telling the rest of Australia that the desertification of the rangelands was not their fault because they did not know about the consequences of their actions.
Sorry about the last post should clean my iPhone more often – or my glasses – or both