BludgerTrack: 50.0-50.0

The Coalition lead in Newspoll causes the two parties to reach parity on the BludgerTrack poll aggregate, while Tony Abbott pulls ahead of Bill Shorten on net approval.

New results from Newspoll, Essential Research and Morgan has put BludgerTrack back to the position of two-party parity it was at three weeks ago, after which Labor was up to 51.8% and then 50.9%. They have also ironed out the brief slump recorded by the Greens last week, who have progressed from 11.3% to 8.9% to 10.4%. This week’s gain has come entirely at the expense of Labor, with the Coalition vote unchanged. On the seat projection, the Coalition is back in majority government territory, the meter having ticked in their favour by two seats in New South Wales and one each in Queensland and Western Australia. After a quiet spot last week, new leadership figures have emerged from Newspoll and Essential Research, and they find Tony Abbott with a rare lead over Bill Shorten on net approval, although preferred prime minister remains in the stasis it assumed in early December.

Also note that coverage of the Western Australian Senate count is ongoing on the dedicated thread, with a Liberal victory in the final seat looking increasingly likely.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,173 comments on “BludgerTrack: 50.0-50.0”

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  1. After seeing how WA has been treated in the GST amount of share it gets being constantly downwards, it will be a hard sell to convince the state that it should also share the revenue from mining etc

  2. [
    Posted Sunday, April 13, 2014 at 8:50 pm | Permalink

    After seeing how WA has been treated in the GST amount of share it gets being constantly downwards, it will be a hard sell to convince the state that it should also share the revenue from mining etc
    WA; the eastern states prop them up for decades; they have a mining boom and they start whinging because they have to pay a bit back.

  3. I like this quote from Hansard. Misleading the Parliament is grounds for censure, and if proven for a minister, standing down.

    Wouldn’t it be good if we had an ethical and moral media that would use the same language about Abbott as they did with Gillard.

  4. [As William Blum said, trickle down economics is:

    the principle that the poor, who must subsist on table scraps dropped by the rich, can best be served by giving the rich bigger meals.]

    AKA, the ‘golden shower’ theory of economics.

  5. I am in the highly regrettable position of having almost no super and only the most modest of incomes. As a consequence of various crimes and acts of greed committed against me and my then-family, I lost nearly all my assets, including my share of my house and savings and nearly all my possessions.

    This coincided with a quite protracted period of illness from which I’ve only recently recovered. This illness really affected my ability to bring in much of an income, so now I have to face the prospect of working for as long as I possibly can – 70 will not be long enough – knowing my chances of accumulating any significant savings are, realistically, really very poor.

    So for me, the question of when I might retire is almost ridiculous. I will have to work until I am no longer fit to do so.

  6. Does the Professor have some inside info?

    [Clive Palmer ‏@CliveFPalmer 12s
    @theqldpremier planning early election. Spending plenty of taxpayer money on advertising. #qldpol]

  7. Brace Yourself
    Dr Marc Faber,”Dr Doom” to US investors…who predicted some earlier crashes.. says we are on the verge of a bigger US crash than that of 2008,ehich will trigger an even bigger Recession next year

  8. Clive Palmer is in fine form tonight – giving Newman some LNP love

    [Clive Palmer ‏@CliveFPalmer 2m
    @theqldpremier is lying about the state’s debt. He wants to sell schools and hospitals to his mates. #qldpol]

  9. [2097
    Bushfire Bill
    Posted Sunday, April 13, 2014 at 7:24 pm | PERMALINK
    Talk about chutzpah!

    Joe Hockey hasn’t even gone through his first Budget yet and he’s already lecturing the G20 on their allegedly shabby economic performance.

    It is “unacceptable” says Joe.

    Who the f*ck does this bloke think he is?

    He thinks he is the next PM of Australia. When Abbott implodes within he next 18 months, sloppy will be there. He’ll look competent in comparison.

  10. [GhostWhoVotes ‏@GhostWhoVotes 3m
    #Nielsen Poll 2 Party Preferred: L/NP 48 (-3) ALP 52 (+3) #auspol]

    Last Neilsen was a rogue

  11. briefly@2157

    I am in the highly regrettable position of having almost no super and only the most modest of incomes. As a consequence of various crimes and acts of greed committed against me and my then-family, I lost nearly all my assets, including my share of my house and savings and nearly all my possessions.

    This coincided with a quite protracted period of illness from which I’ve only recently recovered. This illness really affected my ability to bring in much of an income, so now I have to face the prospect of working for as long as I possibly can – 70 will not be long enough – knowing my chances of accumulating any significant savings are, realistically, really very poor.

    So for me, the question of when I might retire is almost ridiculous. I will have to work until I am no longer fit to do so.

    Such things happen in the real world, but not in the world of Mad Lib and her ilk.

    Sorry to hear of all your misfortune and hope good things start to happen for you.

  12. briefly,
    I am in a similar position to you, due to not being able to access the workforce while caring for a large family while trying to access the university education denied me when I was younger and living in a remote rural location. Then as a mother of five kids, I could not apply more lucrative positions interstate. Then I had to take part time work as I became a carer, at well below my previous salary. I ended up with little super, a medical condition, a house and scratching for funds to maintain it. Over fifty I don’t even bother applying for jobs anymore. I just keep doing the carer respite job a few hours a week.
    I have to retrain myself (I am at uni) so I can self-employ.
    I need to keep working, like you. Some days I just want to lay down and not get up again.

    Then I read sanctimonious libral b’tards pontificating about the social wage as if it is some disease they want to eradicate. To them people like me are just failures who should line up to be turned into fertilizer for their golf-courses.

  13. Can LNP get lower than 40 primary?

    GhostWhoVotes ‏@GhostWhoVotes 27m

    #Nielsen Poll Primary Votes: L/NP 40 (-4) ALP 34 (-1) GRN 17 (+5) #auspol

  14. AussieAchmed@2151

    After seeing how WA has been treated in the GST amount of share it gets being constantly downwards, it will be a hard sell to convince the state that it should also share the revenue from mining etc

    On that basis – there would also be little point of increasing the GST – as it would go elsewhere?

    Sandgropers decide ? But they already did again, recently.

  15. [ where the individual determines whether or not the statement was offensive ]

    Very stupid even for you Mod, and its not even a comment related to the NBN where you have form for plumbing the depths of kool aid sucking idiocy.

    At the moment its the court who determines if the statement was offensive, not the individual who claims of be offended. Unless you’d like to have a situation where individuals make a determination at law that we all should abide by? Jeez, we’d all have to be named Brandis for that wouldn’t we?? 🙂

  16. [ This applies at 65, 60 and even 55years as well. ]

    Luverly. So they can go on the DSP rather than the pension then.

    Of course when they get booted off that (Libs hate bludgers after all) they can divest themselves of any assets accumulated (savings, house, car. belongings……) while they were working in order to support themselves at poverty level until they qualify for a pension at 70. Good time to be a cashed up spiv who can buy up distressed assets for a song wot??

    And why not raise the GST as well so they can get a greater proportion of what these people have to spend to survive into the tax take where it is available for corporate welfare??

    I think that people are going to start to twig that the Fibs are REALLY into wealth redistribution.

    Hockey really has not thought this through, and is setting himself up to be looking even more clownish than normal. But in a Chucky kind of way….

  17. silmaj@2161

    He predicts doom every year. I guess one year he will get it right.

    Yes Indeed.

    The only thing is the “Sell in May and go away” thing is strongest in the second year of the US Presidential Cycle – ie this year.

    Doesn’t mean it will necessarily crash or go down etc – we will have to see – but the US markets have had a good run since 2009, due largely to QE and ultra low interest rates.

    US tech stocks are currently down 8% from early March highs and may well bounce in the coming week – but by how much and for how long?

    Mainly it means, set sensible stop losses and exit at that level if hit.

    If the US tech stocks continue their decline it needs to be watched carefully as it is the speculative end of the market which rolls over first – some of the big tech name have been declining for months.

    Locally, market leadership has been narrowing for many months and is centered on high yielding, large cap stocks – particularly the Banks – they are the ones to watch for a local local decline. Local small cap stock are already broadly in decline.

    Set stops and act on them if needed.

  18. On the PPL for all the talk that its needed around here in the land of BMW’s and Mercs the past few years have seen something of a baby boom, thus i question if its even needed to encourage women to have a bubs.

    Access to child care and return to employment opportunities appear to be the big talking point around here.

    Not the need for a hand-out from Tone & co

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