UPDATE 2 (Essential Research poll): The latest Essential Research fortnightly rolling average is unchanged on last week with the Coalition on 44%, Labor on 35% and the Greens on 9%, with the Coalition leading 53-47 on two-party preferred. The poll finds only 28% rating the new government’s handling of asylum seekers as good versus 40% for poor; 65% considering a budget surplus important for the country versus 27% for not important, which becomes 52% and 38% when framed as important to the respondent personally; 12% thinking the government will probably deliver a surplus in its first year versus 68% who think it probably won’t; and 37% thinking it will do so within three years, in line with its promise, against 40% who think it won’t. Also featured are questions on issues of concern and the best party to handle them, which show across-the-board improvement for the Coalition since immediately before the election, reduced concern about the budget surplus (presumably because Coalition supporters have become less inclined to nominate it as a problem) and increased concern about interest rates.
UPDATE (Morgan poll): The fortnightly Morgan multi-mode poll has the Coalition up a point to 42.5%, Labor down 2.5% to 32.5%, the Greens up half a point to 11% and the Palmer United Party down half a point to 5%. The respondent-allocated two-party preferred moves from 50-50 to 51-49 in favour of the Coalition.
The Courier-Mail has today reported findings on federal voting intention from the Queensland poll for which state voting intention results appeared yesterday. The Coalition holds a two-party preferred lead of 56-44, which compares with what will probably be about 57-43 once two-party figures from Kennedy and Fairfax are finally included in the Australian Electoral Commission’s statewide election result. Primary votes from the poll are 46% for the Liberal National Party (45.7% at the election), 30% for Labor (29.8%), 8% for the Palmer United Party (11.0%), 7% for the Greens (6.2%), 3% for Katter’s Australian Party (3.7%) and 6% for others (3.6%). Dennis Atkins of the Courier-Mail wisely notes that the missing Palmer United Party support might not have disappeared altogether, as it appears to have gone to the others, which is up from 3.6% to 6%. The poll was conducted last Tuesday and Wednesday from a sample of 800. Also featured:
Sixty-three per cent of respondents, including 32% of Labor and 89% of LNP supporters, oppose Labor holding up the carbon tax abolition bills in the Senate. Twenty-nine per cent are in favour, including 59% of Labor and 6% of LNP supporters.
Fifty-nine per cent think the government too secretive on boat arrivals, compared with 36% who disagree. The splits are 86-10 among Labor and 31-63 among LNP supporters.
Forty-two per cent still feel the government has not done enough to stop asylum seekers, compared with 43% who say it has done enough. The high not enough rating seems in large part down to reflexively negative responses from Labor supporters, who split 55% to 28%, while LNP supporters split 33% to 58%.
Fifty-two per cent say the new government has met expectations, 6% say it has been better, and 36% say it hasn’t been as good (74-9-14 among LNP supporters, 34-3-56 for Labor supporters).
[Abbott doesnt know it, but he is a wrecking ball to all our Asian ties at the moment. No Asian leader will want to be seen associating with him. Big business will not be happy.]
He does know it and doesn’t care, even exhults in it as he did in his uni days, hasn’t changed one bit.
Business had to send a high powered delegation to China straight after his last trip to smooth things over. They probably have a Ä list team of business leaders and conciliators and facilitators on standby ready to fly at a moments notice to clean up after tones visits.
Getting JBishop in touch with her human side? Better to shift her to Health where she can deal with asbestos victims. 🙂
sustainable future
I think Labor should state that they believe this to be a bad move, but then let this through
No. If they are against it fight it. The Libs will no doubt get it through eventually but when shite hits fan Labor will be able to go the “We told you so !!”
Night Boerwar
[then I’d say the next item would be our PBS. The US hates it, and it is one of the things that the so-called “trans pacific partnership” is specifically designed to torpedo. Another is our “plain packaging” tobacco legislation.]
The yanks view the PBS as government interference in a market economy, it has to go.
Prof Cole US M East expert …looks at the chaos and collapse in Libya_________________
Oddly Gadaffi warned that the opponents of his regime were linkef to El Queida and that chaos would follow and he seems to have been proven to be correct
If Hockey says that there is some sort of “debt crisis” where we need to borrow 500 billion to fix, why on earth would he want to abolish the mining tax ?
Night Boerwar.
[ He will take whatever is coming and do whatever is needed to stitch up what he can to save his precious boat policy. ]
I think “Stop The Boats!” looks just a little puerile as a statement of foreign policy right about now, don’t you?
The adults have finally entered the arena and made our PM look like the childish fruitloop some of us always maintained that he was.
Surely there is no coming back from such a disaster to such simplistic and jingoistic three-word slogans in place of real foreign policy?
I think that in the long run, Australia may have a lot to thank SBY for.
Nampsey is right, there are some here that will bend over to defend something the ALP said or did, a perfect example was Swannie and his budget surplus promise despite everyone screaming it wont happen.
[Abbott will have delivered a significant blow to the national interest.]
It seems beyond doubt now that the damage done to our national interest with regards to Indonesia during the Abbott Era far, FAR outweighs any minor embarrassment occasioned by withholding the supply of a few cows.
Yesiree Bob@3195
I would be interested in what Socrates would say on this topic.
Since working for a railway organisation, I have been a keen observer of other systems overseas and within Australia.
It is interesting that in places like Singapore and even Manila, there are no railway tracks at ground level. They are either elevated or underground. So no level crossings.
Melbourne has managed to build many Km of freeways with zero road equivalents of level crossings (intersections) and yet level crossings are tolerated with all the disruption they cause.
I think that, rather than simply looking at level crossings in isolation, we should be looking at complete grade separation by either undergrounding the railway lines or elevating them depending on the topography.
Yes indeed
On top of all that, today we’ve seen certain reactionary commentators tsk-tsking at ABC journo salaries, wondering if they are realistic.]
I noticed that too, thinking at the time that publishing this information is tantamount to intimidation.
nitey nite, boerwar
There may be some withholding of cows to come, from the receiving party.
This place has gone seriously crazy. If I didn’t know better I may have thought I had stumbled into an Indonesian blog.
Posted Wednesday, November 20, 2013 at 10:21 pm | Permalink
So far every minister just about has been gagged.
I saw on twitter earlier that JBishop has cancelled a longstanding agreement to appear on 730 tomorrow night?
With any luck she’s winging her way to Jakarta in a belated attempt at healing relations.
Hope that someone who packed Shapell’s boogie board packs her boogie board
[It seems beyond doubt now that the damage done to our national interest with regards to Indonesia during the Abbott Era far, FAR outweighs any minor embarrassment occasioned by withholding the supply of a few cows.]
They aren’t even comparable. I’m not sure the cows was offensive at all, annoying perhaps, but it was essentially badly managed private business in Australia not protecting its trade with badly managed business in Indonesia.
Abbott insulted the nation and its leadership before he was even elected. He continued to insult them after he was elected. The Snowden leaks fell in their hands like a karmic gift and rather than try and manage it, Abbott continued to be patronising and unconcerned with their national pride. The actual spying is almost irrelevant as so many of the Indonesian statements about Abbott evidence time after time after time.
The idiots and news corp and the Sean’s of the world will never understand and Abbott relies on their utter stupidity.
[I think that in the long run, Australia may have a lot to thank SBY for.]
Except we don’t know where this ends yet. What does today’s episode mean for a future relationship with Indonesia, and indeed other nations?
[ a perfect example was Swannie and his budget surplus promise despite everyone screaming it wont happen. ]
Another perfect example is “we’ll all be roooned” Hockey claiming we need to borrow 500 billion, when the RBS seems quite comfortable that we will never even need 400 billion.
I wonder why the LNP thinks they will need an extra 100 billion? Is Abbott due to embark on another Pollie Pedal or something?
Yesiree Bob@3207
Gina told him to. Simple as that.
[ Except we don’t know where this ends yet. ]
Yes we do. It ends with Abbott backing down.
Any other outcome is unthinkable.
Posted Wednesday, November 20, 2013 at 10:38 pm | PERMALINK
This place has gone seriously crazy. If I didn’t know better I may have thought I had stumbled into an Indonesian blog.]
The enemy of my enemy is my friend?
Shanahan in this morning Oz paper. You gotta laugh
The Indonesian element is entirely within our host’s stated remit. It has, potentially, so many political, not to mention economic, ramifications for Australia.
I see Tone has given the job of reviewing the finance sector to David Murray.
Okay i get it that he worked for a Bank but i can think of several finance sector types that would be better suited to reviewing the finance sector.
[I think that, rather than simply looking at level crossings in isolation, we should be looking at complete grade separation by either undergrounding the railway lines or elevating them depending on the topography.]
I agree but the hurdles are simple states rarely have the money grade separation is expensive and liberals basically hate public transport and all who ride on her.
Hey, Dave didn’t just work at a bank… he got to be Head Teller. 😛
Can anyone doubt that, under Abbott, and through his club-footed, boorish responses to Indonesia’s concerns, Australia’s relationship has reached a new low?
Listening to 2GB – Abbott Redneck Radio – this afternoon, the cultural slagging-off of SBY (including childish misconstructions of his name that would have warmed Baby Sean’s heart) was constant, nasty and stupid.
Now that we know what one of Abbott’s most senior leuitenants, Mark Textor, thinks, is there any risk that the Singos, the Hadleys, the Joneses and the Bolts think along the same lines.
The slagging and heckling goes all the way to the top.
Pity the Sydney Daily Telegraph isn’t published in Jakarta, and has no influence there.
Pity also that the Indonesian embassy most probably reads it cover to cover, looking for more insults to squirrel away for a rainy day.
Abbott has made his decision, “More Rooty Hill and less Jakarta.”
Let him live (or die, in a political sense) by it.
Bemused Re #3212
Grade separation would be the most logical thing to do.
If you were able to run more trains, then traffic congestion would be decreased dramatically
Great news
All the best for your success
[Shanahan in this morning Oz paper. You gotta laugh]
Yes! The “diplomatic crisis” he refers to is all about the LOTO.
You certainly do have to laugh. 😆
Good luck Zoomster
Vote 1 Zoomster ALP Northern Victoria
Fishnets Downer is now on Lateline putting his foot in it again.
Now casting doubt on the veracity of the spying claims.
When compared to the real cost of driving and parking, public transport in Melbourne is cheap and fares could be increased to help cover the cost.
Then there is the real estate that could be freed up and sold.
Plus there is a need to capture some of the increased property values due to improved public transport to help fund public transport.
Finally, borrowing for capital works is quite reasonable.
[This place has gone seriously crazy. If I didn’t know better I may have thought I had stumbled into an Indonesian blog.]
tone destroys relationships with our closest neighbors, people have a right to be concerned. It affects trade and tourism which affects jobs.
This is a bigger issue than news beating up about labor shunning Japan or halting exports of cattle.
Now the lib pollster textor has got into the insult act, what is wrong with these people.
Mr Textor attacked the Indonesian Foreign Minister.
”Apology demanded from Australia by a bloke who looks like a 1970s Pilipino [sic] porn star and has ethics to match,” he tweeted
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/abusive-tweets-from-top-liberal-party-pollster-20131120-2xvwb.html#ixzz2lBZTfwp6
Player One
I think “Stop The Boats!” looks just a little puerile as a statement of foreign policy right about now….]
Too right. From the look of Twitter, the prayer from Abbott should be “Stop the Tweets”. He is in the shit. It sounds like SBY is actively demonizing Abbott in the public consciousness in Indonesia. Abbott has used Parliament to speak in the third person about SBY, while SBY is speaking about Australia to millions of Indonesians on social media.
It will become a political impossibility for any Indonesian official or politician to give any ground to Abbott at all.
He’s now a liability.
[Pity the Sydney Daily Telegraph isn’t published in Jakarta]
Gawd perish the thought! Can you imagine what our relationships with non-Western nations would be if it were!
Apparently in Victoria PT fares only cover about 13% of the cost.
I fully support any government that got serious about removing level crossings. Level crossings across Melbourne are having an adverse impact on congestion and productivity and should where possible be buried.
Oh, one more point.
[…liberals basically hate public transport and all who ride on her.]
Kelly O’Dwyer got on a train I was travelling on a few months ago. 😮
I think they don’t mind it so long as their mates can make a quid out of it. 😉
[This place has gone seriously crazy. If I didn’t know better I may have thought I had stumbled into an Indonesian blog.]
What a seriously ignorant statement to make.
[He’s now a liability.]
with insufficient assets = bankrupt.
[Downer is now on Lateline putting his foot in it again.
Now casting doubt on the veracity of the spying claims.]
downer is famous for uttering I don’t recall, I don’t remember and such like 272 times in his answers to the inquiry into the $300 million gifted to Saddam. He may well know about the spying just can’t recall it.
downer is also famous for his loathing of as he called them busted arse countries in the region, him and textor have real diplomatic skills.
[This place has gone seriously crazy. If I didn’t know better I may have thought I had stumbled into an Indonesian blog.]
A spat with Indonesia would usually be largely irrelevant in Australia, but Abbott, is he the stupidest PM the world has ever seen, raised to issues, that if looked at in a reasonable way are both almost irrelevant to super important.
Firstly the naughty cow slaughter and suspension of trade, was made a failure of the labor government of monumental proportions. And the Indonesian relationship given more importance than it really does have on an objective basis.
Then you take Abbott’s stupidity with unauthorised boat arrivals many of whom are going to claim to be refugees and most of whom are actually refugees under current rules. He made this a really really big deal for personal gain. He insulted the Indonesians for the same personal gain. He made the boat people the ‘greatest humanitarian’ crisis in the history of universe and then mishandled the Snowden leak crisis in a way so bad most primary school kids could have done better.
He also broke all the conventions an talking down the national interest in economics and foreign affairs for personal political gain. And now he isn’t even being paid the same back by Labor. Shorten is obeying the very conventions in the national interest that Abbott and Bishop deliberately ignored for partisan political gain. He is reaping Karma. It is very very well deserved, and more.
It is a shame the Country has to pay for his traitorous disgusting immoral and stupid behaviour. But then a lot of people in our country were stupid enough to vote for him, and they deserve any pain headed their way.
[Possum Comitatus @Pollytics 2m
Would it be fair to say that today’s conservative outrage was best represented by this moderately famous goat? pic.twitter.com/iyr4Mnd4c7 ]
Yes, I think it probably would. 😆
Re the publishing of ABC journalists salaries in “The Australian”.
Since the election, it has been noticeable that the Murdoch Press have been running a sustained campaign against the ABC. So called “Journalists”, such as the Dolt, have been spewing out invective against the ABC in every article they publish.
It makes you wonder whether this latest “leak” is more than just immature “pay-back” for the ABC (and Guardian) breaking the story about SBY and therefore “embarrassing” Abbott ?
Just how beholden to Murdoch is Abbott ?
Roll up, roll up, a Poll Bludger challenge….. Complete the following….
Abbott is to international diplomacy as X is to X……
When will we see news or the shock jocks say it is un-Australian not to be supporting the pm in his standoff with Indonesia
In case you were wonderig whether LNP Pollster Marx Textor was a tool.
The answer is an emphatic yes.