Galaxy: 59-41 to federal Coalition in Queensland

Galaxy follows up Saturday’s state poll with federal voting intention results for Queensland, painting the usual grim picture for Labor.

GhostWhoVotes reports the Galaxy poll of 800 Queensland respondents which gave us state results on Saturday now brings us federal results, indicating a 59-41 Coalition lead in the state from a swing of about 4%. This compares with a 55-45 result in the last such poll in February, which seemed a little favourable to Labor at the time. On the primary vote, Labor is down five to 28% and the Coalition is steady on 46%.

There has also been Queensland state polling over the weekend from Galaxy and ReachTEL, which you can read all about here.

UPDATE: Essential Research has Labor down a point on the primary vote to 34%, with the Coalition and the Greens steady on 48% and 8%. Two-party preferred is unchanged at 55-45. Other questions find Joe Hockey leading Wayne Swan as more trusted to handle the economy 37-28, out from 35-32 before the budget; 43% believing Tony Abbott should accept the Gonski reforms against 34% who favour the existing model; 51% saying climate change is caused by humans against 35% opting for normal fluctuation; support on opposition for carbon pricing tied at 43% all, the most favourable result yet recorded; 39% favouring it against 29% for the Liberals’ “direct action” policy (at least with respect to the policies as described in the question); and only 26% believing Tony Abbott will fulfill his promise to remove both the mining and carbon taxes while keeping the carbon tax compensation measures.

The weekly Morgan multi-mode poll has Labor up 1.5% to 33.5%, the Coalition steady on 45.5% and the Greens down half a point to 9.5%. Both respondent allocated and previous election two-party preferred measures have shifted from 55-45 to 54.5-45.5, providing further evidence that Morgan’s new methodology has resolved the inexplicable discrepancy between these measures which bedevilled the old face-to-face series (as well as its Labor bias).

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,883 comments on “Galaxy: 59-41 to federal Coalition in Queensland”

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  1. [1728
    Fran Barlow


    You are seriously over-estimating the respective market shares of the Greens and Labor. In WA at the recent election, the Green vote was 8.3% and the ALP vote was 33.1%. This may not turn out to be very different from the result in September. We are very far from appealing to 20% and 55/65% respectively. Very far indeed.

    I’m not suggesting that the ALP will get 55-65% or that we Greens will approach 20%. I’m suggesting that this is the size of the pool of people with whom we could hope to have a plausible conversation in the here and now. About 65% of the population would probably consider voting ALP in some circumstances and about 20% might vote Green in other circumstances. In practice there are no circumstances when all of those people would vote ALP/Green at the one election.]

    I wonder how many of these 65% qualify as “people who are foolish, bigoted, ignorant, indolent or incorrigibly fearful or irrational?”

    Presumably Labor is welcome to make its way among them, saving the Greens all the trouble… 🙂

  2. [So you agree there is no reason to vote for the coalition then?

    Im glad we are in agreement that Australia should never have voted in Labor in the first place. What a disaster Labor has been.

  3. [people who are foolish, bigoted, ignorant, indolent or incorrigibly fearful or irrational]

    I have found Fran Barlow to be beyond parody, and I enjoy doing parody. She honestly just frightens me.

    I predict it won’t be long until the progressives like Fran start to medicalise the above-quoted list of faults, and start sending people with the wrong opinions to the re-education couch in the psychologist’s office.

  4. rummel@1753

    So you agree there is no reason to vote for the coalition then?

    Im glad we are in agreement that Australia should never have voted in Labor in the first place. What a disaster Labor has been.

    Perhaps you are struggling with comprehension rummel. I pointed out a number of key differences between the ALP and the tories in 2007.

    Mini me Abbott in copying the ALP has left us with the following policy differences;

    – ALP has a far superior broadband plan.
    – ALP has a fairer PPL plan.
    – ALP will retain the twice yearly pension supplement.
    – ALP will give us Gonski and NDIS.

    The libs have nothing and are simply useless.

    Disaster you say?
    What part of low inflation, low rates and low unemployment do you not understand? And they are a disaster how exactly?

  5. Rummel sighs!..” What a disaster Labor has been.”
    “Abbott soon to be PM.”
    “What a disaster Labor has been”.
    “Abbott soon to be PM.”
    “What a disaster Labor has been”.
    “Abbott soon to be PM.”
    “What a disaster Labor has been”.

    If you say it enough times a contradiction begins to appear!

  6. Battle Turkeys

    I predict it won’t be long until the progressives like Fran start to medicalise the above-quoted list of faults, and start sending people with the wrong opinions to the re-education couch in the psychologist’s office.

    Psychologist? That’s a rather tame imagination you have there.

  7. [1755
    Battle Turkeys

    people who are foolish, bigoted, ignorant, indolent or incorrigibly fearful or irrational

    I have found Fran Barlow to be beyond parody, and I enjoy doing parody. She honestly just frightens me.]

    Yeah, you are a natural wit…you do a great version of the self-satisfied, supercilious, reactionary git….really, such talent, you could easily be mistaken for the real thing.

  8. rummel@1761


    If you vote lib, you are going to get most of Labor’s good policys without Gillard and the soap opera.

    Instead you will get a semi simian bonehead, complete with blank stares when the going gets tough.
    Not to mention flat out stupid policies on PPL and fraudband.
    Yep, it’s an easy choice isn’t it.

  9. mikehilliard:

    [Fran@1739n- I thought that comment was unnecessary.]

    Mine? or that of Player One?


    [None of us are typical. You’ve therefore just declared yourself one of the crowd.]

    By definition, some amongst us must be typical if Player One’s observation has meaning. One can’t be weird if everyone is. It would be an existential paradox — as even your last words seem to acknowledge.

    Personally, as a humanist, I believe people share enough experience to speak of ‘typical’ humans without implying derogation. It is quite another thing to want not to be typical. It’s merely a plea to be distinctive — someone who is not the prisoner of the elites and their interests; someone who self-examines and struggles to grasp the scope of their journey and the people who can share it.

  10. “If you vote lib, you are going to get most of Labor’s good policys without Gillard and the soap opera.”…….sez Rummel!

  11. Rummel @1769 – with Abbott PM we will get some of Labor’s good policies plus the few crappy policies that Abbott has announced (if he is to be believed) plus the policies he hasn’t told us about. A bad deal.

  12. Rummel serious question. Do you think Abbott can make a better PM than Gillard or do you think the overall team will be superior?

  13. [Fran,


    No one would dare accuse you of being typical!]

    The “Fran Barlow” character is actually very typical. Stalin used to refer to them as “useful idiots”. Sadly they are often attracted to the teaching profession, getting their ideological claws on the minds of our youth.

  14. [1763
    Greensborough Growler



    No one would dare accuse you of being typical!]

    Oh, not at all. Fran is just like the rest of us in her own way…focused on her family, making a living in a proper job, trying to live up to an ethical standard that she has at least thought about, following her conscience, trying to form her thoughts and express them….she is not atypical at all, really. She just has some unusual opinions and a taste for argument.

    Among those who post here, the most unusual are the reactionary Lib-trolls, because they are transparently dishonest, provocatively racist and intentionally anti-social. The red-baiting, race-baiting, green-baiting incitement is really weird.

  15. Seriously, Rummel…all you do is gripe and mumble..a bit like a “caught-in-the-act” olde-world culprit wringing his cloth cap in his rough hands and pleading ; “I don’t know what made me do it Guv’ner”.

  16. “@breko: Ashfield Council tonight has voted in favour to establish a permanent #DIYrainbow at Summer Hill. 4 Liberals walked out to avoid the vote.”

  17. briefly:

    [I wonder how many of these 65% qualify as “people who are foolish, bigoted, ignorant, indolent or incorrigibly fearful or irrational?”]

    [Presumably Labor is welcome to make its way among them, saving the Greens all the trouble…]

    I certainly hope the ALP gives it a try, because as things stand, they are better resourced to do this work, and for us to take on this entire burden would be unrealistic. They have to want to do it of course, but just now, they are in a futile pursuit of the truly incorrigible in the hope of ‘saving the furniture’ and as long as they persist, their position will stay fragile and their morale disastrous.

    I’d say none of them is incorrigible, but many would be some of these things, some of the time.

  18. [By definition, some amongst us must be typical if Player One’s observation has meaning.]

    Unless Player One’s observation has no meaning.

    Or the ‘some’ are in the minority.

    Personally I give no attention to such things, and I’m surprised to learn that you do.

    I am who I am and people can take me as they find me.

  19. rummel

    [If you vote lib, you are going to get most of Labor’s good policys without Gillard and the soap opera.]

    And people here say Labor supporters are in denial!!

    What part of ‘no’ didn’t you understand?

  20. rummel@1775


    Yep, it’s an easy choice isn’t it.

    Yes it is when you are voting Gillard out….

    You’re not the sharpest tool in the shed are you rummel.
    You’re like a turkey (battle?) voting for Christmas.

  21. [1778
    Battle Turkeys

    The “Fran Barlow” character is actually very typical. Stalin used to refer to them as “useful idiots”. Sadly they are often attracted to the teaching profession, getting their ideological claws on the minds of our youth.]

    You are so ready with the cliches, you have become one, BT.

  22. [davidwh
    Posted Tuesday, May 28, 2013 at 9:28 pm | PERMALINK
    Rummel serious question. Do you think Abbott can make a better PM than Gillard or do you think the overall team will be superior?]

    I think Abbott COULD be a better PM than Gillard but not Rudd. Rudd pulled support from the left and right side of politics and brought them together. Gillard on the other hand managed to divid Labor party, marry the Greens and is still riding the coat tails of Kevin Rudd.

  23. [If you vote lib, you are going to get most of Labor’s good policys without Gillard and the soap opera.]

    But you also get the Coalitions bad ones, AND the likes of Beasty Bernardi, Gina, and their ilk in charge.

  24. briefly,

    Fran’s much more tolerable since she toned down the superiority complex. However, I’m never going to agree with her outlook on life.

    Strangely, I believe she is probably a superb Lit/English teacher. That probably forgives everything imho.

  25. Battle Turkeys:

    [Stalin used to refer to them as “useful idiots”. ]

    Stalin said a great many unworthy and deceptive things and was a brutal autocrat, but as far as I can tell, he never said this. The quote is often attributed to Lenin, but I’ve never been able to find a cite — and I have been through all 45 volumes of the Collected Works.

    It’s one thing to take a swing, but you should have a care to ensure your details are accurate.

  26. [Personally I think the election choice has become progressively more difficult since 2004.]

    Good heavens. Why?

  27. mikeh 1790
    [Fran – just checking that you know I was not being critical.]
    Why don’t you two have a snog in the corner. Everyone but you mike was being critical of her and as someone pointed out, Fran is actually legally allowed to poison our kids’ minds with her Trotskyite rubbish or wtte. She is absolutely typical of the very loonie left.

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