The latest Roy Morgan face-to-face poll shows little change on the previous result from a fortnight ago. It again presents the poll blog headline writer with a difficulty in showing a huge disparity between the two-party results according to respondent allocation (54-46 in the Coalition’s favour) and by the generally favoured method of allocation according to the previous election result (51.5-48.5). On the primary vote, Labor is steady on 36 per cent, the Coalition is up a point to 45.5 per cent and the Greens are down one to 12 per cent. The poll combines results from the previous two weekends of polling, covering a sample of 1746.
The first rumblings of preselection action for the current federal electoral cycle:
Michael McKenna of The Australian noted last month that Mal Brough has been working the party hierarchy and branches with an eye to succeeding Peter Slipper as member for Fisher. Slipper’s chances of hanging on to LNP preselection, which were presumably already slim after his acceptance of the government’s offer of the Deputy Speaker position after the election, are said to have vanished altogether after he conducted a six-week tour of Europe and Morocco in the lead-up to the budget. This is said to have given powerful impetus to a party recruitment drive by Mal Brough, who hopes to triple membership numbers and overwhelm Slipper’s local supporters.
The other development in Queensland LNP preselection jockeying is a push for Nationals veteran Bruce Scott, who has held the seat of Maranoa since 1990, to make way for Barnaby Joyce. Weighing in to support the idea was Niki Savva of The Australian, who said the existing plan for Joyce to cross the border and take on Tony Windsor in New England was looking an increasingly bad idea. By way of explanation, Savva offered that Windsor has been sandbagging his seat with large dollops of lard from the Labor government, a mixed metaphor crying out for a response from Bernard Woolley. The Sydney Morning Herald reports that Richard Torbay, popular state independent member for Northern Tablelands and former Legislative Assembly Speaker, was likely to contest the federal seat as an independent should Mr Windsor not stand.
Christian Kerr of The Australian reports a flood of membership applications has been received in Phillip Ruddock’s electorate of Berowra, as part of a move by factional forces linked to the conservative Catholic group Opus Dei who hope to control the preselection upon Ruddock’s retirement. Liberal sources speak of 88 applications in three weeks, of which many have direct links with Opus Dei through the Tangara School for Girls and Redfield College and their parent organisation, PARED, or Parents for Education. Ruddock himself however reportedly hopes to be succeeded by the factionally unaligned Julian Lesser, Menzies Research Centre director and 2008 preselection candidate for Bradfield. To this end he is resisting the recent membership encroachment, seeking to block the applications of brother and sister Christian and Sam Ellis, who respectively ran against Ruddock as Family First candidates in 2010 and 2007. The first hints of rising Right power in the electorate came in 2009, when there was talk of either Hunters Hill councillor Richard Quinn or former Young Liberals president Noel McCoy assuming the seat with backing from Right potentate David Clarke.
John Ferguson of The Australian reports a preselection battle looms between Victorian Liberal Senators Helen Kroger and Scott Ryan for the second position on the ticket at the next election. In 2007, Kroger was elected from the second position and Ryan from the third, but Ryan has since risen above Kroger on the pecking order by virtue of attaining a shadow parliamentary secretary position. Both have traditionally been associated with the Kroger-Costello faction (Helen Kroger being the ex-wife of powerbroker Michael Kroger), but both of its principals are now said to exist above the fray of factional politics.
Jessica Wright of the Sunday Age reported last week that Attorney-General and Barton MP Robert McClelland had been told by factional organisers he should step aside to avoid a messy preselection brawl. An improbable sounding line-up of possible successors has been mentioned around the place, including Paul Howes, Morris Iemma and Mark Arbib (the latter two named by the St George and Sutherland Shire Leader). Howes at least has since taken a step back, which sources say resulted from a widely held view in the national executive that he had been tainted in the eyes of voters over the Rudd coup.
The Sunshine Coast Daily reports on a conga line of 11 candidates hoping for Liberal National Party preselection in Fairfax, current member Alex Somlyay having long ago made it clear the present term would be his last. The only one covered in the article was Peter Yeo, a former AFL and SANFL who became a quadriplegic after a fall in 2002.
Post-NSW election detritus:
Labor vacancies in the NSW Legislative Council, created by the retirements of Eddie Obeid and John Hatzistergos, have been filled by Walt Secord, a former staffer to Kevin Rudd and Bob Carr, and Adam Searle, former mayor of Blue Mountains. Searle in particular has had a complicated journey to parliament: originally associated with the soft Left, he won the backing of the Right for the Blue Mountains preselection before the 2007 state election against hard Left rival Naomi Perry, but the situation was defused after the party drafted Rural Fire Service chief Phil Koperberg. He subsequently joined the Right during his bid to succeed Bob Debus as member for Macquarie, but he withdrew from the contest as it became clear the Left’s Susan Templeman would prevail (though in the event she was defeated by Liberal member Louise Markus). The anointment of Secord and Searle by the Right has caused outgoing Senator Steve Hutchins to quit the faction, apparently complaining it had become little more than a job agency for party hacks though it may not be immediately clear why this appellation applies to them more than him.
Pauline Hanson continues to pursue an appeal against her narrow defeat in the Legislative Council election. Her case rests on an allegation that dodgy staff deliberately misplaced 1200 votes, which was allegedly the subject of an email exchange between two officials at the NSW Electoral Commission. As AAP reports, these emails have been made available to Hanson via a Queensland construction worker who says they were forwarded to him by a girlfriend who works at the NSWEC, whom the mysterious construction worker is unwilling to identify. According to the ABC, Electoral Commissioner Colin Barry says nothing has been shown to him suggesting the allegation has any substance.
The Australian Electoral Commission has released a report into informal voting at last year’s federal election, at which the rate shot up to 5.5 per cent 1.6 per cent higher than in 2007, and the worst result since voters were befuddled by the introduction of above-the-line voting in the Senate in 1984. Exactly half of the increase was accounted for by a doubling of ballot papers left entirely blank, from 0.8 per cent to 1.6 per cent. Many have blamed/thanked Mark Latham, who in his late-campaign report on 60 Minutes recommended voters do just that.
Antony Green has published estimated margins for the Victorian federal redistribution, which he was unable to attend to at the time the boundaries were first published as they appeared in the middle of the election campaign.
Draft boundaries for a Western Australian state redistribution will be announced next week. I’ll be having quite a lot to say about this soon, and hope to have estimated margins of my own published in fairly short order after the announcement.
Former ACT Chief Minister Jon Stahope’s parliamentary vacancy in his seat of Ginninderra has been filled by Chris Bourke following a recount of the votes which got Stanhope elected in 2008. Bourke scored 323 votes to 247 for Labor colleague Adina Cirson. The other Labor candidate from the election, David Peebles, did not nominate as he has taken up a job as Deputy High Commissioner to the Solomon Islands.
Canada’s Conservative government, which moved from minority to majority at last month’s election, is moving to reform the country’s Senate, a weakly empowered chamber which has hitherto been chosen by appointment. The plan is to choose by popular election members serving very long terms, of perhaps as much as 12 years, by a method to be determined at provincial level. Among the hurdles it faces are opposition from the government of Quebec, which is concerned that elected senators would usurp provincial governments as the foremost representatives of their citizens; opposition from those who believe the chamber should be abolished, which is apparently a constitutional impossibility; and legal issues resulting from variability in provincial rules for election.
Malcolm Mackerras wrote last week that he was quite confident in predicting there will be no by-elections during the current term, since Members of Parliament do not die these days. I thought this rather a big call. The Sydney Morning Herald had this last year:
But what can be run through the abacus is the likelihood of one of the 150 MPs elected last month to the House of Representatives keeling over. And without sticking pins in any particular voodoo doll, the risk is high.
Story continues below According to Michael Sherris, professor of actuarial studies at the University of NSW, there is every chance Ms Gillard’s wafer-thin majority will be threatened with a byelection that would become an unwanted referendum on her government.
”I would be pretty confident there’s likely to be someone die in the next three years – what we don’t know is who it will be,” he said.
The average age of our new crop of MPs – both men and women – is a smidgin under 50, suggesting, said Professor Sherris, a 75 per cent chance one of the 150 will die in office, with cancer and heart disease the most likely killers. Body surfers among them will doubtless be directed to swim between the flags.
History tips the balance even more in favour of a state funeral. Professor Sherris points out that in Australia’s federal history there have been on average 1.5 deaths causing byelections in each Parliament.
Highlights from the latest Democratic Audit Update:
Melbourne University Press will this month publish a book entitled Electoral Democracy: Australian Prospects, edited by Joo-Cheong Tham, Brian Costar and Graeme Orr, which will examine pressing debates about the regulation of political finance, parties and representation in Australia.
Submissions are invited for the Victorian parliamentary Electoral Matters Committee’s inquiry into the November state election.
The Queensland Parliament last month passed legislation imposing caps on political donations and electoral expenditure, and raising public funding of parties and candidates.
SCOTTMORRISONMP | 3 minutes ago
[Talking to ABC newsradio about Malaysia deal #fb #]
[Unlike Ms Gillard, who addressed the New Zealand parliament outside regular sitting hours after Greens politicians raised concerns that this would set a precedent, Mr Key will speak in normal hours during the sitting on Monday, June 20.]
If it isn’t during our QT, the NZ will speaking to an almost empty chamber.
[Only I% of those polled listed the war as their most important item in the poll]
but but,,if the above is the case
do they really care
Not sure about that. Key is a conservative so some Coal pollies may wish to attend in adoration.
Has anyone from the Opposition made a comment on Fair Work Australia’s pay decision?
Or are they deciding who to back, struggling families with cost of living pressures or small business with excessive wage bills?
What a dilemma for Tony. 😆
POLLYTICS | 2 minutes ago
[Talented ALP front bench!?! 😛 RT @jessvanvonderen: Tonight on @abc730 qld: ….cyclone yasi uncovers a hidden treasure]
I think might have already started on Friday arvo drinks!
[Pollytics Possum Comitatus
Talented ALP front bench!?! 😛 RT @jessvanvonderen: Tonight on @abc730 qld: ….cyclone yasi uncovers a hidden treasure
1 minute ago Favorite Retweet Reply
I am sure you must be my doppleganger! 😆
They have been too busy being humanitarians with the deep concern of asylum seekers!
Ok, off to pick up the cherubs! Be back soon.
good grief. Hanson claims credit for Palin bus tour!
[They have been too busy being humanitarians with the deep concern of asylum seekers!]
True. 🙂
But they have to p, off one side if they comment, so I guess they will say nothing.
In stark truth, as things stand the Libs’ (and now Labor’s as well) Pacific solution is more humanitarian than the Malaysian live trade. What a great race to the bottom – terrific driving finish to the line and … Labor wins!
I see the Retail Associations are peeved that people will have more money to spend in retail outlets.
Mail sent to Minister Combet (thanks to suggestions I picked up from Bludgers)
Dear Mr Combet
May I congratulate you on your personal contribution to the climate change debate, your understanding of the overall science and your excellent efforts during Question Time, particularly your handling of the Leader of the Opposition
I did wish to raise a point regarding the overall Governments immediate public reaction to the Garnaut Report this week.
I and many of my collegues and friends are somewhat perturbed as to why many in the Government rushed to diffuse Garnaut’s message
Hasn’t anyone in the Govt or their advisors passed Communication 101? Or perhaps Getting the Message Out chapter 1?
Indeed, even when Garnaut attempted to put some substance to the issue of compensation, demonstrating the adequacy of the available funds to do so, several ministers were sent out to dump on him, saying “he was just one input to the Government’s decision making process”, and “he doesn’t speak for the Government”.
A continued vacuum was preferred. “Tony please hit us one more time!”
My listening to the Oppositions reaction to the report, indicated they were at a loss as to how to respond and resorted to misrepresenting the content of it. Surely the Govt should have been out in the public arena flaying them with it.
Unfortunately the impression out here in the electorate is, the Government is still trying to be too nice, there is not enough mongrel in many of the front bench and some of the usually better performing labor members, particularly during media interviews and press conferences. Although to be fair it is getting better.
Hopefully the worm is turning and despite the efforts of “their ABC” and Murdoch’s mob, to prop the no hoper Abbott up, Ms Gillard and the team will see better days soon. There is a very loyal hard core of Labor supporters out here, with many others who may have left in 2010 but are on the fringe, they I am convinced do not want a bar of this hopelessly inadequate Opposition.
Thanks again Mr Combet for your efforts, as a fellow Union person of many years, I had no doubt you would be more than a match for the stupidity and complete inadequacy of Tony Abbott. The man is a joke, sadly a very bad one. Your response yesterday in the House that Abbott was gallivanting around the country in a shrill and hysterical fashion making out he was the worker’s friend when in fact he was one of the principal advocates of Work Choices, was timely. Also your response, ” I’m not frightened of you, mate.You have got to be kidding. You’ll have no clothes.”.. to what must have been an attempted macho smart verbal at you, hit the mark, good on you.
Looking forward to the complete package and success of Carbon Pricing, be assured the majority of the country does agree with it, despite the negativity from the Opposition.
Very Best Wishes
Yours Sincerely
David etc
JV and Diogenes,
Article by Ben Eltham on the fight over irrigation entitlements in the Murray-Darling Basin:
[This is why the Gillard Government is so determined to ram a scientifically unacceptable figure for water buy-backs through a now-compliant Authority. It’s also why the science will be ignored. It’s not a failure of political will. It’s a triumph of sectional interest.]
No surprise really, is it?
Abbott and his merry men have been walking and talking out of both sides of their mouths. They should join the circus. They make excellent clowns!
ACTU response:
[Today’s decision by Fair Work Australia to grant a 3.4% increase to the one in six workers who are dependent on awards will allow Australia’s lowest paid workers to keep pace with the cost of living, but not with the rest of the workforce.]
I wonder if any journalist will ask Mr Abbott if he supports the wage rise? Somehow I doubt it.
Journalist? What is that? 🙂
The ACTU, The Govt, The Retail Associations in there various guises, the ACCI have all had something to say.
So far nothing from the Coalition, maybe they all moved to Caloundra for Show Day?
[Pollytics Possum Comitatus
RT @anthonybaxter: My money on german e. coli source is brussel sprouts. They taste like shit normally, so no one could tell.
[Opposition spokesman Eric Abetz says he respects the independent umpire’s decision.
“We can try and talk around the margins as to whether the increase was enough or too much, but in general terms there is no doubt an increase was needed, because many Australians are suffering cost-of-living pressures,” he said.]
Aha. A side saddle from Abetz.
[Puff, the Magic Dragon.
Posted Friday, June 3, 2011 at 3:04 pm | Permalink
Unlike Ms Gillard, who addressed the New Zealand parliament outside regular sitting hours after Greens politicians raised concerns that this would set a precedent, Mr Key will speak in normal hours during the sitting on Monday, June 20.
If it isn’t during our QT, the NZ will speaking to an almost empty chamber.]
Puff QT will be suspended until after a banquet in the great hall. Mr Keys will then speak to the combined House and Senate. All members will attend. That according to Albo yesterday
Space Kidette,
Now that tweet is hilarious 😀
[What a dilemma for Tony. 😆 ]
It is another delicious irony for the coalition, and one made entirely of Tone’s own populism. In choosing to identify with News ltd’s hysterical $150K battlers campaign, he’s now found himself in this position where he is unable to back business.
Abbott needs to stop being led around by the nose by the OO and DT and start thinking for himself.
I am sure that if Possum decided to give up his day job, he’d make a handsome living out of being a political satirist.
[choosing to identify with News ltd’s hysterical $150K battlers campaign]
Did he choose to identify with the campaign, or did News Ltd run it for the Liberals’ benefit? Hard to say; which comes first – the chicken or the egg?
Like most things Coalition, they are both so closely associated that scrambled is probably the most appropriate answer.
One has only to look at the graphs of wages share and profits share of total factor income in ABS Cat. # 5204.0 – Australian System of National Accounts, 2009-10 – to see who is benefiting from Australia’s economic wealth and the resources boom.
The graphs show a long-running trend of wages falling as a share of national income, while profits are rising.
From my (sometimes flawed) memory. This is the first time the Liberal Party has approved of a wage increase for the minimum rate of pay.
Eggsactly, SK!
[Opposition spokesman Eric Abetz says he respects the independent umpire’s decision.
“We can try and talk around the margins as to whether the increase was enough or too much, but in general terms there is no doubt an increase was needed, because many Australians are suffering cost-of-living pressures,” he said.]
When was the last time the Liberals supported a minimum wage increase?
[This is why the Gillard Government is so determined to ram a scientifically unacceptable figure for water buy-backs through a now-compliant Authority. It’s also why the science will be ignored. It’s not a failure of political will. It’s a triumph of sectional interest.]
Thanks for that New Matilda link. That’s right, the Authority has become instantly compliant with the right-wing political henchman Craig Knowles specially selected by Gillard & Co to run around kicking heads and dismissing science, as his training tells him.
[From my (sometimes flawed) memory. This is the first time the Liberal Party has approved of a wage increase for the minimum rate of pay.]
I think they also did on one previous occasion – during the SerfChoices days. Though of course, like now, they did it for political reasons, without a grain of sincerity.
what a great letter.
jv your negativity today is worse than it usually is, if that is possible. Do you agree that night follows day?
I think that was the first ruling of the Serf Choices mob. They (the lib Govt) put in a submission for a much lower increase. But when it was handed down they used it to show Labor’s scare campaign was wrong. But they did oppose the increase.
Why is Matthew Franklyn defending journalism ? Surely no one is accusing him of that ! In the interests of accuracy, he should focus on defending Yellow Journalism, which is the substance of many peoples critiques.
[The federal Treasurer Peter Costello has welcomed today’s Fair Pay Commission ruling, saying the modest pay rise for low-paid workers will not have any job destroying consequences.
The Commission granted Australia’s lowest paid award employees an increase of a little over $10 a week, while those earning an annual salary of $36,000 will get $5.30.
Mr Costello says it is responsible.]
Seems 2007 was the last time.
Yes, the Libs hypocrisy on wage rises is palpable. The Govt should kick Abbott around with this in the same vein as Combet so successfully did in parliament yesterday.
And in 2010.
[Her opposition counterpart, Eric Abetz, also welcomed the pay rise, albeit cautiously.
“We note that the increase is at the higher end of expectations and trust that this won’t have a negative effect on jobs,” Senator Abetz said.]
[Seems 2007 was the last time]
With an election only a few months away and the Libs getting smashed in the polls that was hardly surprising
And in 2006:
[THE Prime Minister, John Howard, wants the Fair Pay Commission’s inaugural adjudication to include a pay rise for the lowest-paid.
But the Federal Government will not say how much the rise should be, prompting the ACTU to claim the Government wanted a post-inflation fall in the minimum wage.
“John Howard won’t nominate a number, so they’re giving the pay commission a wink and a nod to go as low as they like,” an ACTU spokesman, George Wright, said.]
[“We note that the increase is at the higher end of expectations and trust that this won’t have a negative effect on jobs,” Senator Abetz said.]
No, that’s not support. That’s called talking out both sides of your mouth.
The Liberals feigning concern for the low-paid is as patently phony as Tony pretending to care about the plight of “illegals”. These frauds make me sick.
Workers were denied a minimum pay rise in 2009 (under which government?). In 2010, after what was effectively an 18 month freeze, workers received a $26 pay rise.
[Workers were denied a minimum pay rise in 2009 (under which government?). ]
The one that had posted them cheques for $900?